Partner Spotlight: BSP Software Visits Israel
On Tuesday, March 5 Libi Software Technology hosted an IBM Business Analytics technology conference for managers and executives in many of the largest organizations within Israel. BSP Software was invited to present our product portfolio, as well as visit many of our customers in Israel!
For over a decade, Libi has implemented, resold and served as Israel's only IBM Cognos BI support center, providing ongoing support to hundreds of clients. Libi joined the BSP Software reseller list in 2007, making them one of our longest running partners! |
Full Service IBM Technology Offerings
In November 2012, BSP joined Avnet Technology Solutions to further strengthen the depth and breadth of IBM Software services offerings for our customers and our extensive network of valued partners. Together with previously Avnet-acquired Ascendant Technology, Avnet Services is now IBM's most expansive systems integrator with more than 500 certifications across all 8 IBM Software pillars.
Complementing our IBM Business Analytics offerings, Ascendant brings to market expertise in mobility, enterprise portals and collaboration, eCommerce, digital strategy, user experience and design, Agile software development, security and business process management to help organizations make scalable and enduring technology investments that will stand up to their business needs.
Together with our Partners, Avnet Services has you covered!
Effective Dashboard Design
By Tom Curtiss, Senior Consultant
Communicating data visually.It sounds pretty easy doesn't it? Throw a pie, bar, or line chart on a page and attach the data and you have communicated the data visually. Put a bunch of these on the same page and you have a dashboard.
That is the way it has been done in the past and that is the way it is still done today. But is it effective? Do you know the BEST way to communicate that data in a manner that leads to actionable decisions? Let's find out.
Creating Interactive Maps Using Active Reports
By Josh Mnookin, Consultant
 Have you ever considered the advantages of creating an interactive map using Active Reports over Report Studio? While doing this in Report Studio results in a nice visual using a map, it tends to lack the details necessary to draw conclusions.
Using Active Reports in conjunction with the built-in map functionality allows the user to drill down through the map and gather even details. This additional data can be the key to making decisions for end users.
This short summary will take you step-by-step through a simple demonstration into utilizing this feature in IBM Cognos 10.
Did You Know...
Fun facts about Spring
- The first day of Spring is also called the vernal equinox. "Vernal" and "equinox" are Latin terms meaning "spring" and "equal night" respectively.
- If you were standing on the equator during either the vernal or autumnal equinox, you would see the sun pass directly overhead, the only two times in the year when that is true.
- The two equinoxes are also the only times during the year when the sun rises due east and sets due west.
- In spring, the Earth's axis is tilted toward the sun, increasing the number of daylight hours and bringing warmer weather that causes plants to bring forth new growth.