Girl Scouts of Orange County

Sept 29, 2014



Fall Product Program Begins Sunday, October 5

Girls will take orders and send emails this weekend! Support a Girl Scout's learning & earning while helping GSOC to provide programs, financial, training and Camp Scherman experiences. Check out all our fall products including our new photo keepsakes for that perfect holiday gift! Click here for information about buying Girl Scout fall products.


Help a Girl Scout - Renew Your Magazines

Did you know that the average family orders 6 magazine subscriptions each year? Girl Scouts earn a portion of the proceeds if you order or renew your favorite magazines from your favorite Girl Scout. To get connected to a Girl Scout in your area, email


Free Digital Book Certificate

Watch your mailbox for a special certificate worth $10! One 01-Leader in each troop will be receiving a special certificate to redeem for a free digital photobook. Certificates cannot be replaced if lost. 


Help Make the GSOC Dream Come True! 

Girl Scouts of Orange County invites you to help us make one of our dreams come true on the Carousel of Possible Dreams at the Disneyland Resort on November 5, 2014. What are we dreaming of? Twenty new kayaks and all the required equipment for the Girl Scout Leadership Center to be built in Newport Beach! We hope you will help us raise $30,000 to make this dream come true. Make a donation or join our team today!


Help our Girl Patrol Get to National Convention!

The Girl Patrol representing GSOC at Convention 2014 has designed an Orange County Girl Scouts t-shirt, perfect for whenever you need to get your ORANGE on! Your $20 purchase, and your help to spread the word, will help them get to the Convention in Salt Lake City!  Order online or use this order formThis EXCLUSIVE offer has been extended through Wednesday, October 1st!


Join the CEO in Salt Lake City for a GSOC Pizza Party!

All OC members visiting the national convention in Salt Lake City are invited to join GSOC CEO Nancy Nygren and our national delegates for a Pizza Party on Friday, Oct 17, from 7-9pm! RSVP:


Girl Scouts Celebrate Public Lands Day with AECOM
AECOM and Girl Scouts celebrated Public Lands Day on Saturday by learning about water conservation from AECOM environmental scientists and planting drought -resistant and native plants at Hart Park in Orange! Check out the photos 

  Troop and Girl Activities

View all events and subscribe to a weekly level-specific events update email on our online calendar

Destinations Scoop Night - Sept 30   Cadette Senior Ambassador

Last chance! This info night is for Girl Scouts and their parents/guardians to find out about Girl Scout Destinations travel opportunities. The application process begins this fall. Come find out how your daughter can participate in life changing Girl Scout travel opportunities!


National Chemistry Week - Oct. 12   Everyone

Head over to the Santa Ana Zoo for a special science event to celebrate National Chemistry week! The theme is The Sweet Side of Chemistry - Candy! Santa Ana residents get in free!


Red Ribbon - Oct. 13   Everyone

Does your group have what it takes to create the next Orange County Red Ribbon Week Theme? Join the Battle of the Banners Red Ribbon Theme Contest. Follow the contest guidelines and design a banner with a creative, colorful and eye-catching theme. Deadline to submit banner is Oct 13!


All Aboard! Polar Express - Dec 6 & 7   Everyone

The Art of Dance and Ballet Academy proudly presents The Polar Express this holiday season. Special discounted price for Girl Scouts! This popular event sells out quickly, so buy your tickets soon! Patches will also be available to purchase for $1. 


Wilderness Hiking Class - Dec. 14  Cadette Senior Ambassador Volunteer

Girls and volunteers! Spend your morning in the classroom and your afternoon on the trail for a beginner hike. Learn about safety, proper gear and equipment, and the Leave No Trace ethic. This class lays a strong foundation for more extraordinary adventures, such as backpacking.

  Camp Scherman

Camp Scherman Named Best Overnight Camp
Camp Scherman was just named Best Overnight Camp by Parenting OC Magazine for the fourth time! Don't miss your chance to get away from it all at a weekend camp this fall!


Click here for a complete listing and more information on all weekend camps Don't forget that you can use your cookie dough to pay for camp. Come up and experience camp as a troop during a weekend camp or for your own adventure during a weekend camp with you and your parent. During all weekend camps all campers must be accompanied by troop leaders and or parents for the duration of the weekend.




Mom and Me Weekend Camp- Dec 5-7   Everyone

Camp Scherman is the perfect place to have fun and strengthen the bond with the special girl in your life. Together you can enjoy a variety of fun and interactive activities. Cost: $135 per person  All weekend camps must have proper girl: adult ratios. Register Now!


Create Your Weekend Camp-  Oct 3-5, Nov 14-16, Dec 5-7  Everyone
Whether you are new to camp, or you are a weekend camp warrior, unplug from your busy life and recharge at Camp Scherman. Hang out on the lake or at the museum. You get to create your schedule of activities, be as busy or relaxed as you like. This is your weekend- choose your own adventure and have a weekend to remember!  Cost: $104 per person. All weekend camps must have proper girl: adult ratios.  Register Now!  



Check our our new hoodies, cardigans & fleeces for girls and adults to keep you warm on cool fall nights! Shop online or stop by the shop today!


Did you see the Girl Scouts team at the Race for the Cure yesterday on ABC7 news? Way to go Girl Scouts!
Share your photos on our facebook page!

Icon Guide 

Check the icon to determine which Girl Scout level an announcement applies. 

GS Levels

Girl Scouts Goes Social

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