Optimal Health Network

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Baja beach
Introducing Two New
Essential Oil Blends!

OHN Colon Cleanse Essential Oil Blend

Based on years of clinical success using Young Living's Purification Essential Oil Blend as part of a healthy lifestyle approach, we now offer a new oil blend for our signature colon cleanse program: The Enema Series.

This blend regenerates tissue and restores the integrity of the mucosal barrier. It is also the oil of choice to use for removal of mucoid plaque if you have a tendency toward chronic inflammation, viruses, or have had Lyme disease. This is the best oil blend to restore the immunity (IgA) of the gut.

Client Testimonials

"I just love your Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend! I had instant relief when I applied it directly on my anal fissure! It took away the pain totally and has given me my life back. Along with taking my daily goat milk soap enemas and the blended oil, I can get back to work and spend quality time with my family again. I have prepared suppositories and have yet to use them, but plan on starting tonight. I have just placed my second order for your organic enema coffee and more of your Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend. I believe this will finally help me heal completely from my embarrassing problem once and for all!"
- LISA -

Flaming Gorge

"I just wanted to say thank you for your help and guidance during last night's appointment. You asked me how long I was keeping my type of diet (for almost 3 years), but not knowing about Candida, I was eating homemade sweets, basmati rice, quinoa, Ezekiel bread, sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets. Four months ago, when finally I discovered the Candida, I stopped all sweets. Last week, when starting your 10-day detox protocol, I also stopped high carbohydrates. I am looking forward to starting the essential oil suppositories, being confident that they will help me in concert with your guidance. Thank you, Kristina."

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Kristina Amelong

Help Kristina name her upcoming YouTube channel inspired by her trip to Ecuador!

Kristina Amelong is in the process of launching a new YouTube Channel featuring interviews about extinction, whole self healing, her day-to-day life with her dogs and her daughter, and her daughter's healing journey from her traumatic brain injuries. We need a title for the show! Any thoughts?

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AUGUST 27-31


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* Does not apply to Ortho Molecular products

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This coupon is good 8/27/15 through 8/31/15
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