Optimal Health Network Newsletter with Kristina Amelong
February 23, 2014
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alternative health testimonials  
Our February Sale is a 5-day coupon sale running Monday, February 24th through Friday, February 28th. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order.

This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online.
Schedule a Phone Consultation

Interested in scheduling a phone consultation with Kristina? It's easy! Once you have submitted your client intake form online, just click on the button below to view Kristina's calendar and book your appointment.

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Hyssop Essential Oil

Extracts from Hyssop Plant Have Been Found to Be Potent Anti-HIV Agents

The medicinal herb hyssop (Hyssop officinalis) has been used therapeutically for thousands of years. Hyssop is a blood nourisher, strengthens the immune system, and has potent antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

Today, some researchers think that hyssop may be useful in the treatment of patients with AIDS.

Hyssop can be absorbed into the colon via enema or suppository as a single essential oil. Hyssop is also found in the essential oil blend ImmuPower, which gives the body the added healing benefits of mountain savory, cistus, ravensara, frankincense, oregano, clove, cumin and Idaho tansy.

In one study, extracts of dried leaves of Hyssop officinalis showed strong anti-HIV properties...

Read full blog post

New 2 Liter Chrome Oxide Coated Enema Buckets and Enema Bucket Kits
enema bucket
One-of-a-kind, high-quality, 2-liter, 300-series stainless steel enema can with a thin, invisible layer of chrome oxide to protect the steel from scratching or rusting and to protect the user from contact with the steel (nickel). Excellent for implants or for coffee enemas, and extremely easy to clean.


enema bucket kit


alternative health testimonials

Thank You for Making Your Schedule So Available to See

"It's around 5 am here, and it was so nice to check your schedule and make an appointment at any time. This illness is extremely painful, and I can't plan when I will need help. Thank you so much for being there last Sunday to contact..."


Using Enemas and Essential Oils, I Feel Better Than I Have in 3 Years

"I started to do the enema series with Purification, ImmuPower, and coffee enemas as the last in series. In the past week, I have felt better than I have in 3 years! I can finally heal, without taking tons of supplements, and trying to get it all down orally..."


Have you benefited from the healing resources available at OHN? If so, please take a few moments to rate some of the products that you have used in order that others may more easily find these healing tools!

After logging in to your account, simply visit any individual product and look for the "Write a review" link for that product.
A Daily Bowel Movement Is Key to Excellent Health!

TESTIMONIAL: "Kristina, I had a consultation with you recently. You did a lovely job listening to all my struggles and responding with genuine caring and compassion. The best thing is that you heard that I really didn't want to take enemas, because I hate them. Instead, you set me up with a daily suppository with coconut oil and ImmuPower. I have been constipated off and on for years. After just 7 consecutive days of suppositories, I am relieved of my constipation. Now I just use the suppository once or twice a week to support my colon to do its job on a daily basis. This has now worked for me for a few months. I have never had this much relief for this long -- and with such a healthy and simple tool. Thank you so much, Kristina. I can't recommend these ImmuPower suppositories enough. They are easy to use and don't take any time at all." ~ Rupert

  1. Use a rounded ice cube tray and place a 1/2 tablespoon of melted organic coconut oil into each cube space.
  2. Cool in refrigerator or freezer for about 2 hours.
  3. Put 3-8 essential oil drops on top of the hardened coconut oil.
  4. Put about another 1/2 tablespoon of melted coconut oil on the top of the drops. This will encase the essential oil between the coconut oil.
  5. Put back into the refrigerator or freezer for about 2 hours.
  6. When it has hardened, pop the suppository out and insert, rounded side first, about a finger's length into the rectum. It will melt there and your colon will absorb the healing oils.

Need help determining whether your stool type is ideal?

Read our article, Poop Every Day.

Struggling with frequent urination?

Use our Young Living Essential Oil Blend for BPH in suppositories.

Struggling with chronic inflammation?

Examples of diseases and conditions associated with chronic inflammation include: asthma, peptic ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis, fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, IBS, Crohn's disease, sinusitis, and chronic active hepatitis. (There are many more.)

Use our Young Living Anti-Inflammatory and Flora Booster Oil Blend in suppositories.

Want the benefit of the coffee enema without the effects of caffeine?

Use Young Living Geranium Essential Oil in suppositories.

How Do I Optimize Levels of Healthy Bacteria in My Colon?

Frequently people express concern about "washing" healthy bacteria from the colon when using the enema.

Frequent enemas should not be a concern for "washing" healthy bacteria out of the colon. It is actually a healthy process to "wash" healthy bacteria out of the colon. In fact, up to 60% of the dry mass of feces is healthy bacteria. And, the less constipated the person, the more healthy bacteria is removed in the feces.

Worrying about "washing" healthy bacteria from the colon with therapeutic enemas is the same as worrying about "washing" healthy bacteria from the mouth when brushing your teeth.

However, optimizing the flora in the colon is important. And, like a garden, the colon must be cultivated year after year. Most people think that probiotics is the way to do this. It turns out that taking probiotics is not the only way, or even an optimal way, to optimize the flora in the colon. Why? Because there are 300 to 1000 different species of bacteria that live in the gut, and each of us has a unique gut bacteria population.

Ideally, then, a program to optimize for healthy bacteria consists of creating the right conditions in your colon for your own particular microbe population to thrive. How do you do this? One excellent way is to deliver prebiotics (substances that enhance the function of your individual beneficial bacteria) directly into the colon via implants.

A colon implant is a therapeutic enema delivery process that can introduce prebiotics throughout the entire colon, not just the rectal area. The colon implant is held for a minimum of 15 minutes, or as long as the colon will allow.

The Optimal Health Network, through extensive research and creative collaboration, has created a colon implant recipe for optimizing for your individual gut flora.

First blend the essential oil formula and salt together. Then mix this with aloe vera juice in your enema bag or bowl. After your colon is cleared of stool through a bowel movement or enema series, deliver this prebiotic solution into your colon and hold for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Learn more about colon implants

Slowing Hair Loss and Regenerating
New Hair Using Essential Oils

Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from imbalanced hormones and stress to chemical damage to seemingly genetic factors. Fortunately, there is a chance you can stop hair loss and potentially regenerate new hair with Young Living essential oils and scalp massage.

TESTIMONIAL: "My hair loss has just really, really slowed! I went from losing about 100 hairs a day to 15 or 20... I am amazed because I am rubbing over a white comforter cover, and I have maybe six hairs fall out. If I did that 3 months ago, I would probably have 20 hairs fall out, so it's really slowed down!... My hair's growing a lot faster than it used to and I am slowly starting to get more hair, especially around my hairline. It's really exciting!" ~ Greta

Optimal Health Network's
Hair Regeneration Oil Blend Recipe:

  • cedarwood essential oil
  • thyme essential oil
  • rosemary essential oil
  • lavender essential oil
  • carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed, coconut

Read full blog post

Buy OHN Hair Regeneration Essential Oil Blend

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Educational Colon Cleanse Videos
View our videos on YouTube
More new Optimal Health educational videos!

Kristina continues to explore topics such as: Changing Your Diet: Emotional Ties to Food; How to Heal from Lyme Disease Using Young Living Essential Oils; Cleanse, Lose Weight and Detox with Essential Oils; and Cancer and the Coffee Enema.

We suggest you watch all of our videos and share them with your friends! And expect many more videos to come. Do you have a topic you would like covered in a video? Let us know! Do you have an experience you'd like to share? Let us know!

Here are just a few of Kristina's many videos:

emotional ties to food     Kristina shares how to work with emotions that arise during dietary changes.
Lyme Disease     Ellen heals from Lyme Disease using rectal suppositories with essential oils.
    Kristina visits the Just Coffee Cooperative production facility.
why colon cleanse?     Kristina shares how she came to regular colon cleansing.
lose weight with essential oils     How to cleanse, lose weight, and detox safely using essential oils.
enema soap     Kristina addresses how to use the enema soap in the enema series.
Cancer and the Coffee Enema   
Kristina describes the healing benefits of coffee enemas for people who have cancer or wish to prevent it.
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February 24    
February 28 
Newsletter subscribers can take advantage of our 15% OFF EVERYTHING SALE to stock up on needed items or to try something new.

This coupon sale applies only
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Be sure to enter the coupon number above in the coupon code box in your shopping cart when you place your order online.

15% Off Subscriber Sale: GOOD ALL DAY CT 2/24/2014 - 2/28/2014