Optimal Health Network Newsletter with Kristina Amelong
April 25, 2013
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Our April Sale is a 5-day coupon sale running Friday, April 26th, through Tuesday, April 30th. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order.

This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online.

Optimal Health Network

Thank You for Your Personal Guidance

"Kristina, you are so amazing. You have saved my life. Thank you for all the guidance you have personally given to me and all the information you so freely give on your website..."

Read full testimonial


Energetic Cleansing from Enemas

"Greetings from London. I have discovered enemas (and coffee enemas) about 1 month ago. I have no illnesses. I do it because there is nothing that cleanses me energetically more than an enema..."

Read full testimonial


After Taking Weekly Enemas for the Past Few Years, I See How Helpful They Are to My Health

"Thank you so very much. If I hadn't found your website and started taking enemas, I'd be so sick. It takes a very caring heart to put out the message of such an uncomfortable subject as enemas..."

Read full testimonial

Mark Your Calendar!
I gave my cat an enema.
On Tuesday, May 14th, tune in to hear Kristina Amelong on WDRT Community Radio. She will discuss why regular colon cleansing will improve the quality of your life!
Use Young Living Lime Essential Oil on the tailbone, within your enema water, and/or in a suppository to assist your body to heal from hemorrhoids. About 75 percent of people will have hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. You don't need to live with those painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus.

The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood on stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids that are not prolapsed (protruding from the rectum) are usually not painful. Prolapsed hemorrhoids often cause pain, discomfort, and anal itching.

Regular use of Young Living Lime Essential Oil is a useful addition to your in-home enema program if you struggle with hemorrhoids.
Young Living Lime Essential Oil
Young Living Lime
Essential Oil
Research now indicates that your doctor should evaluate your levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) prior to weight loss. This evaluation is especially important in middle-aged and older adults since toxins accumulate with age.

Persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and p,p'-dichloro-phenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE) are ubiquitous microcontaminants that are lipid soluble and accumulate in stored fat.

A type of fat known as white adipose tissue (WAT) constitutes 15 to 25% of body weight in many people and can increase greatly in the morbidly obese. This tissue serves as a depot for lipophilic contaminants like POPs.

Weight loss can facilitate significant releases of these toxicants, often leading to an increase of symptoms which may prevent further or optimal loss of fat.

Though banned, these POPs are an ever-increasing problem that may affect the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems; storing them in adipose tissue may be a defense mechanism.



1. Mullerova D, Kopecky J. White adipose tissue: storage and effector site for environmental pollutants. Physiol Res. 2007;56(4):375-381.

2. Chevrier J, Dewailly E, Ayotte P, Mauriege P, Despres JP, Tremblay A. Body weight loss increases plasma and adipose tissue concentrations of potentially toxic pollutants in obese individuals. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. Oct 2000;24(10):1272-1278.
Frankincense: Could it be a powerful preventive tool against cancer?

frankincense essential oil The scientific literature on frankincense is incredibly hopeful where it concerns its potential to prevent cancer. International laboratory research has demonstrated frankincense essential oil's ability to shut down cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Couple this with ample scientific evidence that the colon is a superior delivery system for therapeutic agents, and I suggest we have a powerful anti-cancer essential oil to use in both the enema and the suppository.

To learn more, read Frankincense: Could It Be a Cure for Cancer?

Buy Frankincense Essential Oil

Easy and Reliable Ways to Improve the Effectiveness of the Enema

It is commonly thought that taking an enema can clear out only the lower colon. This is ABSOLUTELY not true! You can cleanse the entire colon using an enema.

To take an enema, you will need the right enema equipment, enough water and enough time, and the proper additives for your filtered water. In other words, for a complete colon cleanse, you should not use a commercially prepared enema; you should not use a small enema bag lacking the proper tubing, clamp, and nozzle; you should not use an enema solution lacking therapeutic additives; and you should not take your enema quickly.

To cleanse the entire colon with an enema, deliver the enema solution into the first half, or beginning, of the colon -- the ascending and transverse colon -- where "stool" is still liquid.

In order to deliver the enema solution to these parts of the colon, use a 4-quart enema bag or a 4-quart enema bucket. Three to four quarts of solution may be necessary to reach the upper colon. Because of this, you will want a large-capacity enema system for easy access to this amount of enema solution. (Not everybody can hold this amount, so don't force it, causing pain!)

Use a Smooth Flow and Bulb Syringe. This pump fluid delivery system helps to bypass the lower part of the colon by pulsing enema solution deeper into the colon. For many this is an invaluable part of their enema system.

Use a ramp clamp. This is the easiest-to-use tubing clamp for best control of water flow. Go slowly as you deliver the enema solution into the colon. Try as little as a 1/4 cup of water every 20-30 seconds, or less. If you add water too quickly, you will stimulate peristaltic action in the sigmoid and the rectum, making it nearly impossible to get water into the deeper colon.

Use a hands-free nozzle. Any of the inflatable nozzles or silicone colon tubes work well hands-free. Having your hands free from the work of holding your nozzle to assure that it doesn't fall out of the anus gives you the capacity to easily work with the enema clamp and the Smooth Flow and Bulb Syringe and to massage the belly while you're taking the enema. Massaging the colon in a backwards motion can help move the enema solution deeper into the colon.

Use additives in the enema water. These include sea salt and essential oils. Sea salt, used in the first enema, helps to match the enema solution with the colon's electrolyte levels, making it easier for the colon to take in all the enema solution without stimulating the colon to expel the added contents. Essential oils, used in the second enema, help to soothe and heal the colon. Essential oils to use are Purification, Frankincense, and the Citrus Oils. To learn more about using the essential oils in the colon, view our video, Essential Oils and Colon Cleanse.

enema coffee

For your third fill, take a coffee enema. When you deliver coffee to the colon, you increase blood flow. Increased blood flow to the intestinal tract improves the el
imination processes within the colon. And, given that all of our blood passes through the liver every three minutes, the 12-to-15-minute coffee retention enema results in a form of dialysis and a uniquely effective detoxification.

More colon cleanse tips:

Make sure your enema solution is quite warm: 98 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (36 to 38 degrees Celsius) is best. Cold enema solution prematurely stimulates the colon to try to expel its contents.

Give yourself 30 to 60 minutes for this entire colon cleanse process.

Once you "feel full enough," or have pain for more than a few seconds, or simply must let go of the enema solution, sit on the toilet as long as you feel you need and empty the contents of your colon.

Take 2-3 enemas in a row or an enema series. Once your body tells you that it has taken enough enema solution, sit on the toilet, empty the contents of your colon, and repeat the process.

To learn more, view our video, How to Take a Large Volume Enema and read the most recent posts to our Alternative Health Q&As.
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Educational Colon Cleanse Videos
View our videos on YouTube
More new Optimal Health educational videos!

Kristina continues to explore topics such as: How to Detox: Spring Cleanse... How to Colon Cleanse with Essential Oils... Colon Cleansing Products vs. Enemas... and Cancer and the Coffee Enema.

We suggest you watch all of our videos and share them with your friends! And expect many more videos to come. Do you have a topic you would like covered in a video? Let us know! Do you have an experience you'd like to share? Let us know!

Here are some of Kristina's latest videos:

why colon cleanse?     Kristina shares how she came to regular colon cleansing.
lose weight with essential oils     How to cleanse, lose weight, and detox safely using essential oils.
enema soap     Kristina addresses how to use the enema soap in the enema series.
Where Do I Take an Enema?     
Kristina suggests several options to pick from when deciding on where to take an enema.
Cancer and the Coffee Enema   
Kristina describes the healing benefits of coffee enemas for people who have cancer or wish to prevent it.
Colon Cleansing Products vs. Enemas   
Kristina describes the benefits of using enemas to colon cleanse as opposed to oral products to which many people are intolerant.
Spring Cleanse: 
What Is The Best Way To Detox?

Spring is the perfect time to embark on a bodily cleanse or to detox your body. You detox your body for many reasons:
  • flower Detox to quit smoking
  • Detox to quit drinking
  • Detox to lose weight
  • Detox to improve your mood
  • Detox to increase your energy
  • Detox to improve your health
But, what is the best way to cleanse, or detox, your body?

Watch my How to Detox: Spring Cleanse video to learn more.
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