Optimal Health Network Newsletter with Kristina Amelong
March 26, 2013
15% OFF

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Our March Sale is a 5-day coupon sale running Wednesday, March 27th, through Sunday, March 31st. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order.

This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online.


Enemas Are a Life Saver

"Your website is a godsend. Since being re-introduced to enemas..."

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Coffee Enemas Quickly Turned My Health Around

"I'm 79 years old. Forty years ago, I couldn't walk without the help of a walker because I was so exhausted..."

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I've Not Had the Flu Since 2002 and I Really Believe It's Because I Take an Enema Almost Every Other Day

"...I've learned how to retrain my bowels with your enema equipment. If I don't take enemas, I can really tell. I don't get sick anymore..."

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Thank You So Much for Your Enema Equipment and All Your Information About How to Take an Enema!

"I am a sufferer of irritable bowel syndrome or IBS..."

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Thank You for Your Quick Response

"First, I want to thank you for your quick response to my email complaint, and second for providing such excellent follow-up service..."

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How to Detox

How do people know or recognize the signs that they have dangerous toxins stored in their bodies?

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Spring Cleanse: 
What Is The Best Way To Detox?

Spring is the perfect time to embark on a bodily cleanse or to detox your body. You detox your body for many reasons:
spring cleanse detoxification program
  • Detox to quit smoking
  • Detox to quit drinking
  • Detox to lose weight
  • Detox to improve your mood
  • Detox to increase your energy
  • Detox to improve your health
But, what is the best way to cleanse, or detox, your body?

As Dr. Oz points out, "The body has its own extraordinary internal detoxification system. Here's a brief look at three critical organs involved:

flower The liver: Your first line of defense against toxins is your liver, which acts like a filter in preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing into your blood stream.

The colon: This organ has bacteria that produce both healthy and unhealthy chemicals. You want to keep your colon flowing regularly since its main role is to flush out toxic chemicals before they can do you any harm.

The kidneys: Like clockwork, the kidneys are constantly filtering your blood and getting rid of toxins in the form of urine.

For a detox diet to truly work, you need to maintain these three key organs."

I absolutely agree with Dr. Oz! But, I have a few helpful tools to add to his detox diet, recommendations to support these three critical organs.

First, take the enema series. Take one a day for a week, then every other day for a week, then once a week for a month. The enema series, using therapeutic enema solutions like Young Living essential oils, sea salt, and coffee, is an effective way to keep your colon flowing regularly and assists the colon to optimize for healthy bacteria. The enema series is also an effective way to help your liver with its incredibly important job.

Purchase enema equipment

Second, drink 1 ounce of therapeutic water per pound of body weight throughout the day. You don't need to buy expensive drinking water. Simply use filtered tap water, add a pinch of sea salt to each quart and a few drops of Young Living essential oils such as Tangerine, Orange, Citrus Fresh, or Peppermint. Drinking therapeutic water is essential for supporting all three organs.

Chorophyll Complex Third, take the binding agent chlorophyll during the detox process. The work of clearing stored toxins from the body can easily overload the liver, colon, and kidneys. Toxins take time to build up in the body. Again, as he states, "the body has its own extraordinary internal detoxification system!" The body is designed to be able to detoxify on a moment-to-moment basis. It is the build-up of toxins that we address when we embark on a detox program. Toxins took a long time to build up in your body; the most important factor with a detox is to take plenty of time and support your detoxification organs so you make certain you don't just stir up toxins, which can cause toxins to drive deeper into the body leading to cancer, heart disease, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity, and more.

Fourth, take 5,400 to 6,000 milligrams of fish oil during the detox process. Fish oil helps to optimize the body's lipid profile, supports the body's inflammatory response, and provides antioxidants. When it comes to detoxification, EPA and DHA have the ability to be incorporated into cellular membranes, thus improving cell function. Almost every cell in our body requires omega-3's, in part because it makes the cells pliable, letting nutrients in and toxins out.

Standard Process Tuna Omega-3 Oil is third-party tested for environmental contaminants.

Watch my How to Detox: Spring Cleanse video to learn more.

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Educational Colon Cleanse Videos
View our videos on YouTubeMore new Optimal Health educational videos!

Kristina continues to explore topics such as: How to Enema: Using Enema Soap, How to Detox: Spring Cleanse, How to Colon Cleanse: The Enema Series, How to Colon Cleanse with Essential Oils, Colon Cleansing Products vs. Enemas, and Cancer and the Coffee Enema. She even has a video she recorded for Oprah about the colon cleanse.

We suggest you watch all of our videos and share them with your friends! And expect many more videos to come. Do you have a topic you would like covered in a video? Let us know! Do you have an experience you'd like to share? Let us know!

Here are some of Kristina's latest videos:

enema soap     Kristina addresses how to use the enema soap in the enema series.
How to Detox     Kristina addresses how to detox using the enema series, fish oil, therapeutic water, a low-carb diet, and chlorophyll.
How to Colon Cleanse with Essential Oils     Kristina addresses using Young Living essential oils in the colon cleanse and with coconut oil suppositories. 
Oprah and the Colon Cleanse    
Kristina addresses a statement made on Oprah.com about colon cleansing and encourages Oprah Winfrey to look into it more.
Where Do I Take an Enema?     
Kristina suggests several options to pick from when deciding on where to take an enema.
Cancer and the Coffee Enema   
Kristina describes the healing benefits of coffee enemas for people who have cancer or wish to prevent it.
Colon Cleansing Products vs. Enemas   
Kristina describes the benefits of using enemas to colon cleanse as opposed to oral products to which many people are intolerant.


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15% Off Subscriber Sale: GOOD ALL DAY CT 3/27/2013 - 3/31/2013