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Employee turnover hurts a company's bottom line. It is estimated that it costs upwards of twice an employee's salary to find and train a replacement. Turnover also damages morale among remaining employees. Read on for tips to reduce turnover and to mitigate its effects.   


- Ann Clifford, President 
Dos & Don'ts    


"If a key employee quits, should I extend a counter offer in hopes he/she will stay?"

                       (Answer provided at the end of the newsletter.)

Ways to Stop Turnover


Two million American's quit every month. 7 out of 10 employees are not engaged at work and are open-minded to new opportunities. Yet, engaged employees put 57% more effort into their job and are 87% less likely to resign. These statistics might motivate employers to develop a plan that increases retention. Use the following recommendations to kick-start your retention plan.

  1. Know your employees: Spend time with employees and ask what's on their minds.
  2. Empower your people: Create a sense of ownership with a smaller degree of intervention and oversight.
  3. Eliminate negative politics: Establish a culture with a zero tolerance for disruptive politics.  
  4. Be trustworthy: Managers should be dependable, reliable, honest, forthright, truthful and ethical.
  5. Recognize: Provide positive feedback when employees have done something that you value and appreciate.

Positive Side of Turnover


As difficult as it is, turnover is not always bad. It can be an opportunity to revise an outdated position or to hire someone new with fresh ideas. To decrease the panic and pain associated with the resignation of a key

employee, follow these advance planning tips:  
  • Transfer the knowledge
  • Cross-train employees
  • Document important procedures
  • Hire a support person to learn key aspects of the role
Safari Interview Tip 

To make sure a candidate is not jockeying for a raise at his present employer, ask, "If offered this job, what type of counter offer from your present employer might change your mind about leaving?

Answer to Today's Dos & Don'ts  


"If a key employee quits, should I extend a counter offer in hopes he/she will stay?"  


An untimely departure may have you begging your employee to stay.  However, the statistics are not in your favor. The National Business Employment Weekly reports that 4 out of 5 people who accept counter-offers quit within the year. If you make a counter offer and they accept, make sure you know the real reason why they considered leaving.  Resolve the root cause to develop a lasting working relationship. 

Stay current with
hiring trends.

Safari Guide 
How Much is Employee 
Turnover Costing You?


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Safari Blog

3 Reasons Why Employees Quit


All employers strive to build a team based on dedication and teamwork. So why are you having such a difficult time keeping your new hires on board . . . 


 Read on for the full article.

Safari Quiz

According to a LinkedIn survey, currently 25% of employees are "actively" looking for new employment. What is the number one reason why?


A.  They don't like their boss

B.  A lack of empowerment

C.  Internal politics

D.  Lack of recognition


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Safari Solutions' (RPO) services help companies hire better. Acting as a corporate HR partner, we help companies make educated hiring decisions by sourcing, screening, and evaluating candidates with a high level of due diligence. Hundreds of business owners have improved hiring results using Safari Solutions' Tiger Eye Hiring™ process.