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Does your company employ family members and friends?  Good, bad, or ugly . . . hiring people you know can be dicey at times.  Read on for tips on how to make objective hiring decisions.   


- Ann Clifford, President 
Dos & Don'ts    


"Can you hire one candidate over another simply because you like him/her more?"


                       (Answer provided at the end of the newsletter.)

Rules of the Likeability Game


Have you ever hired a candidate because you felt a personal connection?  Use caution when hiring someone based purely on "likeability."  Hiring is unlike dating as you want this person to perform a job, not be your soul mate. Ask yourself the following questions to be sure you are not overlooking weaknesses or wrong job fit.

  1. Have you reviewed the candidates work history thoroughly, including related job based accomplishments?
  2. Have you clearly explained the job accountabilities & expectations to the candidate?
  3. Have you used an assessment to evaluate the skills needed for this specific role? 
  4. Have you had an unbiased third party interview the candidate?

Pitfalls of Hiring Friends and Family


When starting a new business, entrepreneurs often look to their friends and family as their first source of employees.  Naturally, we want to hire people who we trust and those who believe in us.  Sometimes this hiring practice makes sense, but consider these potential pitfalls before you hire a close friend or family member:  


Potential Pitfalls: 

  1. Skills may be mismatched for the position.
  2. Discipline and terminations are emotionally difficult.
  3. Favoritism may cause issues with other employees.
  4. Company policies may be overlooked.
  5. Lack of separation from personal and business life.
Safari Interview Tip 

If you are emotionally invested in a candidate, ask them to meet with a neutral third party.  Whether you chose a Safari Consultant, trusted business advisor, or a manager from your team, an impartial party may provide insights that you may not uncover.

Answer to Today's Dos & Don'ts  


"Can you hire one candidate over another simply because you like him/her more?"  


Several factors will play a part in your decision to hire an employee.  In a perfect world, we would stay objective based on job related factors.  Yet, we are human.  So personal bias, good or bad, is difficult to overcome.  It's ok if you prefer to work with people you like, yet, just because a candidate is more likeable, doesn't mean they will perform the best.  Would you rather employ a "friend" or a "performer?"  A likeable person who doesn't perform could be your worst nightmare. 

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Safari Blog

Stop Hiring the Wrong Candidates!


Often, managers hire mismatched candidates hoping they can mold the candidate into a role. How could that be if they have . . . 


Read on for the full article.

Safari Quiz

What is the average length of an office interview?


A.  20 Minutes

B.  40 Minutes

C.  1 Hour

D.  4 Hours


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Safari Solutions' (RPO) services help companies hire better. Acting as a corporate HR partner, we help companies make educated hiring decisions by sourcing, screening, and evaluating candidates with a high level of due diligence. Hundreds of business owners have improved hiring results using Safari Solutions' Tiger Eye Hiring™ process.