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Have you made your first successful hire in 2014?  Did you know that you have nearly a 25% chance that your new hire will fail to perform or quit within the first year?  Read on for reasons why your hiring process is failing.   


- Ann Clifford, President 
Dos & Don'ts    


"Should I, as the owner of the company, be in charge of hiring or should I allow a manager to handle the process?"


                       (Answer provided at the end of the newsletter.)

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Next Hire Will Fail


Are you experiencing turnover?  Do you know why?  It's easy to blame the candidate.  Yet, is it possible that you, as the hiring manager, may have contributed to the reason why the candidate left or failed to perform?  If your company is experiencing a revolving door, it may be time to self-evaluate.  Below are three reasons why your next hire could fail

  • Wrong Job Fit: Good candidate, yet ill-fitted for the role.
  • No Onboarding/Training: Expecting candidates to "hit the road running" is unrealistic.     
  • Poor Managers: Candidates value managers that mentor and coach. 

4 Reasons Why Companies Hire Wrong Candidates


Hiring the right talent for any company is the foundation of every business. Hiring the wrong person not only wastes time and money, it also creates a ripple of negativity that impacts every other employee--and therefore your company.  Here are six reasons why you hire the wrong people:

  • Ignored red flags: If you notice something askew in an interview, check it out further.  
  • Over-sold: Describe the position and the company in realistic terms.
  • Hired friends and family: Don't overlook job fit just because you know them.
  • In a hurry: Desperate hiring is doomed to fail.
Safari Interview Tip 

Candidate's past employment history is important.  Ask why they left each employer going back at least 10 years.  You may discover how loyal they are to a company, how they handle difficult situations, and what work they enjoy.

Answer to Today's Dos & Don'ts  


"Should I, as the owner of the company, be in charge of hiring or should I allow a manager to handle the process?"  


If the manager has full hiring and firing responsibilities for the position, then it is OK for the manager to handle the hiring process.  Yet, if they simply manage workload while you call the shots on hiring and firing, we recommend that you stay heavily involved.  Most managers are not well-trained in interview techniques, so two opinions is better than one. 

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hiring trends.

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View the Tiger Eye Hiring Process


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Safari Blog

4 Reasons Why Your Next Hire Will Quit


All employers strive to build a team based on dedication, commitment, teamwork, and creativeness. So why are you having such a difficult time . . . 


Read on for the full article.

Safari Quiz

What percent of candidates who applied within the first week of a job were hired by a company?


A.  10%

B.  30%

C.  50%

D.  70%


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Safari Solutions' (RPO) services help companies hire better. Acting as a corporate HR partner, we help companies make educated hiring decisions by sourcing, screening, and evaluating candidates with a high level of due diligence. Hundreds of business owners have improved hiring results using Safari Solutions' Tiger Eye Hiring™ process.