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This is the second article on DISC, an assessment tool that identifies four behavioral styles.  In this issue, we will review the behaviroal style called "Influencer" or "High I."  Read on for common characteristics of this style and its related hiring results.


- Ann Clifford, President
Dos & Don'ts    


"As an owner, should I manage Influencers with a long or short leash?"


                       (Answer provided at the end of the newsletter.)

Who are the "I's", and How Do They Behave?


Influencers talk and talk, and talk some more.  They are outgoing, enthusiastic, and friendly.  Think of them as the most optimistic of the four personality types.  Influencers place priority on enthusiasm, action, and collaboration.  Here are a few traits characteristic of an Influencer:

  • First Impressions - Exudes confidence
  • Gestures - Talk with facial expressions
  • Stress Relief - Interaction with people
  • Fears - Not being liked enough

How Should I Manage an "I"?

Influencers are supportive of their team members and are positive when dealing with goals for future success.  Business owners depend on them not only for ideas, but also for coordination.  Keep them organized with lists and prioritizing goals as this is not their strong suit.  Your attitude of camaraderie and interpersonal skills will keep them motivated to succeed. Below are ideas when managing Influencers:

  • Be friendly and make time for daily interaction.
  • Keep an open door policy for them to discuss any issue.
  • Situate them in areas with other people where they can interact.
  • Allow them freedom of movement.
  • Set clear objectives to tasks to be accomplish and review regularly.
  • Look for opportunities where they can make presentations and lead discussions.
Safari Interview Tip 

How Will You Know an Influencer by Phone?


"Influencers"will respond quickly to questions and can be very persuasive.  They liven up conversations with personal stories and may keep you on the phone longer than expected.

Answer to Today's Dos & Don'ts  


"As an owner, should I manage Influencers with a long or short leash?"  




Neither.  Influencers are motivated best by channeling their enthusiasm with tactful reminders and hands-on help.  Allow them to get involved with new projects. Their minds generate great ideas, and they generate positive energy in the office atmosphere.


When they find themselves surrounded by opportunities, they sometimes become paralyzed. You can lessen their anxiety by stepping in and lending some structure.  Reward with appreciation and recgoniztion.

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Safari Blog

3 Attributes of an Influencer


Influencers place priorty on Enthusiasm, Action, and Collaboration. These attributes show up in slightly 3 ways when combined with . . . 


Read on for the full article.

Safari Quiz

Which famous person has a high I personality?


A.  Donald Trump
B.  Kevin Costner
C.  Mr. Rogers
D.  Jay Leno



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Safari Solutions' (RPO) services help companies hire better. Acting as a corporate HR partner, we help companies make educated hiring decisions by sourcing, screening, and evaluating candidates with a high level of due diligence. Hundreds of business owners have improved hiring results using Safari Solutions' Tiger Eye Hiring™ process.