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DISC is an assessment tool that identifies four behavioral styles. The first behavioral style is called "Dominant Director" or "High Ds." Common characteristics of this style and its related hiring ramifications are discussed in this issue.

- Ann Clifford, President

Dos & Don'ts    


"As a manager, should I manage Dominant Directors with warmth or with a strong sword?"


                       (Answer provided at the end of the newsletter.)

Who are the D's and How Do They Behave?


Call them cool, call them independent, call them competitive; they are Dominant Directors. They desire strong management and work quickly and impressively by themselves. They opt for measurable results as determined by individual track records. We symbolize this personality type with a lion -- a leader!  Here are a few traits characteristic of a Dominant Director:

  • Take Charge - Naturally seek direct control.
  • Controlling - Fear losing personal power or status.
  • Motivated to Be #1 - Seek being first or "on top" whether other people approve or not.
  • Task-Focused - Gets the job done
  • Strong-Willed - Prefer to stick to their own decisions.

Why Can't I Hire High D's?


Business owners, commonly Dominant Directors themselves, like to hire people who think and act like they do. Yet, positions have personalities and employees tend to gravitate toward positions that match their style. For instance, administrative positions with limited control and authority do not attract "high D" people. Even the average sales professional falls short in this behavior. Below are ideas when hiring for Dominant Directors:

  • Assess candidates using a DISC or DISC-like assessment.
  • Cast a wide net in your sourcing strategy.
  • Be patient until the right candidate surfaces.
  • Consider candidates with experience outside the norm.
  • As a last resort, adjust your expectations and criteria.
Safari Interview Tip 

How Will You Know a Dominant Director by Phone?


"Directors" answers will be short and to-the-point. Directors may even interrupt you and ask challenging questions. These candidates are task-oriented and waste little time to get to the end result.

Answer to Today's Dos & Don'ts  


"As a manager, should I manage Dominant Directors with warmth or with a strong sword?"  



Ok, this is a trick question for those loyal followers who love to test their knowledge. Directors are into power and results, not warmth. Let them do their own thing as much as you can, and they'll repay you with awesome energy and effort.


A strong sword of authority doesn't work either. Be prepared to listen to a Directors' suggestions. For instance, they'll probably want to tell you what they think of the options and the probable outcomes. When suggesting a different idea or action, be sure to point out that you're trying to work in ways that are acceptable to both of you.


On the organizational chart, employees who are Dominant Directors may not be your equal. But in their minds, they're more your peer than your subordinate. 

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Dominant Directors!


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Safari Blog

3 Attributes of a Dominate Director


Dominiate Directors place priorty on Results, Challege, and Action. These attributes show up in slightly 3 ways when combined with . . . 


Read on for the full article.

Safari Quiz

Which famous person has a high D personality?


A.  Bill Clinton
B.  Michael Jordan
C.  Mother Teresa
D.  Bill Gates



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Safari Solutions' (RPO) services help companies hire better. Acting as a corporate HR partner, we help companies make educated hiring decisions by sourcing, screening, and evaluating candidates with a high level of due diligence. Hundreds of business owners have improved hiring results using Safari Solutions' Tiger Eye Hiring™ process.