February 5, 2014
Three tips on spring rose care
Anthony Tesselaar Plants After a long, cold, bunkered-down winter is there anything as heart-gladdening as the signs of spring? Bare trees begin to bud up ready to blossom or unfurl their leaves. The bulbs emerge to promise color and scent, and the days start to fill with birdsong. It's all wonderful, but one sign really pushes home the fact that warmer weather is on its way, and that's the waking rose. Of course this happens at different times depending on where you garden. The deeper the winter cold, the later the moment when your roses start to pop, but come it will. And to make the most of your roses, these tweaks are designed to bring on a glorious summer-long display. Here's how in three easy steps... 1. Pick the right rose in the first place. It's easy to fall in love with a rose at face value - literally by its flower - but slow down long enough to check how it grows below the neck before you make a decision. Look to fill your garden with rose bushes that are lush and softly mounded because you also want the plant to look good in the landscape. Also, pick a rose that's super easy to grow so you don't have to fuss with complex pruning or spraying to deal with aphids and black spot. 2. Set your rose up for a season of flowers. This is easy and achievable if you're lucky enough to have something like the extended flowering of the Flower Carpet roses already growing in your garden. All you need to do is walk outside with your hedge clippers and give each bush a uniform cut back by two-thirds. Rough and ready does the job - the proof will be the flower cover you'll enjoy in the weeks that follow. 3. A little bit of weeding and feeding wouldn't hurt. If the thought of doing either of these is freaking you out, don't bother. Roses tend to hold their own against the weeds: runner grass growing up through a bush doesn't look fabulous, but to each their own. And they seem to cope without regular feeding. But if you don't mind pulling the weeds out from around the base of each bush and tossing around your preferred form of fertilizer, you'll be rewarded with even more flowers. Mulching is the icing on the cake. That's it! It's really that simple. Fill your garden with easy care roses. Chop them to create a strong flowering framework, and then boost the flowering even further with a few extras . . . weeding, feeding and mulching. And one more tip - if you don't already have bullet-proof roses in your garden, plant some. You'll be forever happy that you did.
The garden reader:
Buried Treasure
By William Scheick Book Reviewer Chris Wiesinger and William C. Welch. The Bulb Hunter. Texas A&M University Press, 2013. 278 pp. 171 color photos. $29.95. "I did not understand it at the time," Chris Wiesinger explains in The Bulb Hunter, "but there is a difference between an adventure and a quest." Had he anticipated better just what the personal costs would be during his quest, Wiesinger "might not have even begun." Wiesinger is referring to his years-deep obsession with digging for buried treasure - his search of tough vintage bulbs that have survived on their own for decades in vacant lots, neglected cemeteries and abandoned homes throughout the South. There was nothing easy or certain about the undertaking because his "hunt for bulbs and [his] hunt for money to keep [himself] afloat went hand in hand." Eventually, however, his Southern Bulb Company in Tyler, Texas, would be sustained by the addition of a new partner, who humorously suggested that drugs and prostitution would be a better bet for his investment. In his beautifully illustrated book, Wiesinger details (in separate chapters) his rare finds among crinums, rain and spider lilies, amaryllises, Byzantine gladiolas, Roman hyacinths, irises and daffodils, among others. My favorite among these heirloom bulbs are warm-climate perennial tulips, which I wrote about several years ago (http://www.texasgardener.com/pastissues/marapr10/Tulips.html). William Welch contributes two helpful final sections to Wiesinger's autobiographical account. One chapter provides a primer on caring for various heirloom bulbs, while the other presents the histories of a Louisiana and a Texas garden. I wonder whether Wiesinger ever considered treasure-hunting celestials (Nemastylis geminiflora). Aptly named, these Texas natives are pretty iris kin. Although celestials don't emerge during dry spells and flaunt their gorgeous blue flowers only from mid-morning to early afternoon (usually after a spring rainfall), they are easily cultivated and also survive outdoors for many years with minimal care. Even without celestials, The Bulb Hunter is a heavenly work resplendent with dazzling photos and equally colorful anecdotes. It presents a heartfelt history, proving there can be more to bulbs than meets a casual glance. "It is a funny thing that I speak so much of renewal of life with the bulbs" found in "places that have long been forgotten," Wiesinger reflects. "What is truly special about these heirloom bulbs is that even after everyone has forgotten, the blooms still continue in their seasons to remind us."
Gardening tips
Winter weeds are starting to speed up their growth. If your lawn is small or if you have few weeds, you can remove them by hand. Be careful if you plan to use a broadleaf weed killer on your lawn. Such products can damage turf grasses if applied when temperatures are above 80 degrees F. They can also damage broadleaf shrubs. You may want to skip the herbicide and concentrate on mowing, watering and fertilizing properly to help build a dense turf that chokes out most of its weed problems.
Have a favorite gardening tip you'd like to share? Texas Gardener's Seeds is seeking brief gardening tips from Texas gardeners to use in future issues. If we publish your tip in Seeds, we will send you a free Texas Gardener 2014 Planning Guide & Calendar. Please send your tips of 50 words or less to the editor at: Gardening Tips.
Upcoming garden events
If you would like your organization's events included in "Upcoming Garden Events" or would like to make a change to a listed event, please contact us at Garden Events. To ensure inclusion in this column, please provide complete details at least three weeks prior to the event.
Austin: The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office in Travis County and Travis County Master Gardeners will present a series of five monthly drought-related programs in Austin, beginning with a composting program on Feb. 6. "Drought is a persistent issue in Central Texas and throughout state," said Daphne Richards, AgriLife Extension agent for horticulture, Travis County. "These programs are intended to help people make gardening and landscaping choices that will allow for greater drought tolerance and lower water use, as well as using fewer chemicals that might enter the water table." All five Dealing with Drought Conditions programs will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on their respective dates at the AgriLife Extension office in southeast Austin, located at 1600-B Smith Road. Each program is $10 for early registration and $15 for late or on-site registration. To register, go to http://agriliferegister.tamu.edu. The series dates topics will be: Feb. 6 - Composting for building and maintaining healthy soils. Whether getting ready for a spring garden or just improving the health of lawn and landscape, compost is an easy and inexpensive amendment, safe to use and beneficial for the environment. March 6 - Rainwater harvesting. Don't let valuable rainwater wash down the gutter; capture it and use it to water gardens and landscapes. Learn the basics of rainwater harvesting and how to construct a basic system suited to your needs. April 3 - Landscaping to conserve water. Learn proper techniques for watering, feeding and maintaining healthy grasses and landscapes. May 1 - Drip irrigation for the garden. Learn how to install an effective water-wise drip irrigation system and how to monitor its efficiency. Includes an explanation of the irrigation system at AgriLife Extension's demonstration garden. June 5 - Alternative methods of gardening and irrigation. People with time, space or physical limitations can learn how to raise vegetables, herbs and flowers using self-sufficient grow boxes, as well as keyhole gardening and "hugelkultur," to expand their gardening repertoire. For more information, contact Richards at 512-854-9600 or [email protected].
Dallas: "Vegetable Garden-Springs or Fall" will be presented February 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Texas A&M AgriLife Research l Extension Center at Dallas, 17360 Coit Rd., Dallas. Know where your food comes from by growing your own vegetables. Learn proper soil preparation, garden design, disease and insect identification, and the proper time to germinate vegetable seeds and/or when to transplant vegetables into your garden for the season Register at dallas.tamu.edu/courses.
Austin: "Rose Selection and Care" will be presented Saturday, February 8, 10 a.m.-noon, at Zilker Botanical Garden, 2220 Barton Springs Rd., Austin. Master Gardeners Carolyn Williams and Holly Plotner will discuss rose selection and care to encourage better bloom production. They will cover the different types of roses and their features, as well as handy tools and their proper care. This seminar is free; Zilker park entrance fee is $2 per adult, $1 per child or senior. For information, visit www.tcmastergardeners.org or call 512-477-8672.
Dallas: Saturday, February 8 from 10 a.m. to noon, join Dr. Peter Schaar in Texas Discovery Gardens' newly renovated Heirloom Rose Garden as he literally slashes through the heart of rose pruning myths. Learn the proper way to prune your roses to have plentiful, gorgeous blooms come spring. As a bonus, you will also take home a new rose to add to your garden. $25, $20 for TDG Members. Register online or at 214-428-7476 x343. Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park - 3601 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Dallas. Register at http://texasdiscoverygardens.org/events_and_classes.php.
Ft. Worth: It's every vegetable gardener's goal to raise the perfect tomato. Whether you are a novice or experienced, tomato growers will learn step-by-step how to grow the best tomatoes for North Texas at the Tarrant County Master Gardeners Association Spring Conference "Tomato Roundup: All you ever wanted to know about growing tomatoes" on Saturday, February 8, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Resource Connection, 2300 Circle Drive, Fort Worth. Speakers will be William "Bill" Adams and Tom LeRoy. Both are retired Texas A&M AgriLife Extension agents whose books include "The Texas Tomato Lovers Handbook," "The Southern Kitchen Garden" and "Commonsense Vegetable Gardening in the South." Topics include: selecting the best tomato variety, grafting tomatoes, selecting the best location, fertilization, irrigation, insects and diseases and weed control. There will be time for Q&A with the speakers. There will be breakout sessions on make and take tomato cages or simple drip irrigation unit; examples of three types of raised beds; and cooking with tomatoes. Cost of the conference is $45 including lunch. Check the website at tarrantmg.org for the conference brochure and registration information. Or contact Pam Braak at 817-488-5665 or [email protected].
La Marque: "The ABC's of Home Composting" will be presented Saturday, February 8, 9-11:30 a.m. at the Galveston County AgriLife Extension Office in Carbide Park, 4102 Main Street (FM 519), La Marque. Galveston County Master Gardener Ken Steblein will provide practical information for converting yard, garden and kitchen waste into compost. Compost is that magical soil amendment that is a soil conditioner, fertilizer and the key ingredient in organic gardening. For course reservations, call 281-534-3413, ext. 12 or email [email protected]t.
La Marque: "Kitchen Gardening" will be presented Saturday, February 8, 1-3 p.m. at the Galveston County AgriLife Extension Office in Carbide Park, 4102 Main Street (FM 519), La Marque. Presented by Galveston County Master Gardener Mary Demeny. Presentation and discussion on vegetable gardening in your own backyard. The presentation will emphasize gardening on a smaller scale and making use of vegetables inter-planted in your flower beds and in pots. For course reservations, call 281-534-3413, ext. 12 or email [email protected].
New Braunfels: The Comal Master Gardener Association will host its third annual Spring Seminar from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. February 8 at the New Braunfels Civic Center. The program is "Specialty Gardens in the Landscape" and will present programs on Container Gardens, Succulent Gardens, Herb Gardens, Pollinator Gardens and Rose Gardens. Cost is $49 per person and includes lunch and snacks. For additional information or to register, go to: txmg.org/comal/seminar.
Austin: Are you looking for new ideas on gardening? Taelor Monroe co-hosts "Permablitzes," a hands-on permaculture workday and workshop. She will discuss the virtues of permaculture, with a special look at hugelkultur, on Monday, February 10. The Austin Organic Gardeners Club meets at Austin Area Garden Center, 2220 Barton Springs Rd, in Zilker Botanical Gardens. Doors open at 6:30 pm for the opportunity to meet and mingle with local gardeners; club business begins at 7 pm, followed by our guest speaker's presentation. Bring a little cash for the raffle! For additional information, visit www.austinorganicgardeners.org.
Houston: Terry Garner will present "What to Plant and Do Now" at the Monday, February 10, meeting of the Houston Urban Gardeners. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at Houston's Multi-Service Center, 1475 W. Gray, Houston. For additional information, visit www.HoustonUrbanGardeners.org.
Victoria: Victoria County Master Gardeners Association will hold a "Lunch and Learn With the Masters" Monday, February 10, noon until 1 p.m. at the Pattie Dodson Health Center, 2805 N. Navarro St., Victoria. The event is free to the public. Those who wish to do so may bring a sack lunch and beverage. Roy Cook will discuss "Growing Vegetables Throughout the Year."
Dallas: "Trees for North Texas" will be presented 6:30-8:30 p.m., February 11, at Texas A&M AgriLife Research Extension Center, 17360 Coit Road, Dallas. Register at dallas.tamu.edu/courses.
Seabrook: Harris County Master Gardeners at Precinct will present "Spring Vegetable Gardening" at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 11, at Clear Lake Park meeting room (on the lakeside), 5001 NASA Parkway, Seabrook. For additional information, visit http://hcmga.tamu.edu.
Humble: Liliana Rodriguez Cracraft of the Houston Cacti and Succulent Society, will present "Pre-Hispanic Uses of Cacti and Succulents Among Indigenous People" noon-2 .p.m., February 12, at Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens, 22306 Aldine Westfield Road, Humble. Call 281-443-8731 for reservations.
Nacogdoches: SFA Gardens at Stephen F. Austin State University will host the monthly Theresa and Les Reeves Lecture Series at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 13, in the new Ina Brundrett Conservation Education Building at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center, 2900 Raguet Street, Nacogdoches. Garden writer Texas Gardener contributing writer Jay White will present "Weed Free-Organically."White, a gardener from Brenham, began pursuing a Masters of Horticulture degree from Texas A&M at 48. While at A&M he started "The Masters of Horticulture" blog (masterofhort.com). His potager has been featured on Central Texas Gardener and his work on locally grown, sustainable, fresh cut flowers led to his inclusion in Debra Prinzing's latest book "The 50 Mile Bouquet."Although traditionally held the third Thursdays, the Theresa and Les Reeves Lecture Series will now be held the second Thursday of each month. A rare plant raffle will be held after the program. The lecture is free and open to the public, but donations to the Theresa and Les Reeves lecture series fund are always appreciated. Parking is available at the nearby Early Childhood Research Center, 2428 Raguet St.For more information, call 936-468-1832 or e-mail [email protected].
San Antonio: Judit Green will present "Wildlife Conservation Issues in Texas - What Does the Future Hold?" 6:30-8:30 p.m., February 13, at the San Antonio Garden Center, 3310 N. New Braunfels, San Antonio. For more information, visit www.sanantonioherbs.org.
Angleton: The Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association's 8th Annual Fruit & Citrus Tree Sale, will take place February 15, 8 a.m. to noon at Brazoria County Fair Grounds, 901 Downing, Angleton. More than 1500 plants including different varieties of blackberry, strawberry, goji berry, apple, avocado, fig, peach, pear, plum, persimmon, pomegranate, hybrid mulberry, all kinds of citrus, and new specialty plants such as blueberries, olives, kiwis, and nectarine. Organic fertilizer will be available. Visit http://txmg.org/brazoria/2014-fruit-tree-sale for a list of plants.
La Marque: "Heirloom Tomatoes" will be presented Saturday, February 22, 9-10:30 a.m. at the Galveston County AgriLife Extension Office in Carbide Park, 4102 Main Street (FM 519), La Marque. A presentation by Master Gardener Terry Cuclis covering 25+ varieties of heirloom tomatoes that can be grown in Galveston County. Topics include a brief history of tomatoes and their origin, variety characteristics, culture and care of tomatoes. For course reservations, call 281-534-3413, ext. 12 or email [email protected].
Dallas: Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and join an evening chat on Drought Resistant Plants Wednesday, February 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Some common - and not so common - landscape plants are tough enough to survive Stage Four Water Restrictions as you plan for your 2014 gardens. Led by Director of Horticulture Roger Sanderson. $5; $4 for TDG Members. Register online or at 214-428-7476 x343. 3601 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Dallas. http://texasdiscoverygardens.org/events_and_classes.php.
Dallas: Saturday, February 15, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Marilyn Simmons, host of The FarmGirls Organic Gardening Radio Show, teaches how to create a tea garden with herbs. From roses, rose hips, lemon verbena, and more - you will leave with knowledge of what to plant to create your own herbal tea blend! $25; $20 for TDG Members. Register online or at 214-428-7476 x343. 3601 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Dallas. http://texasdiscoverygardens.org/events_and_classes.php.
Schertz: Do you enjoy the colors and antics of butterflies, hummingbirds, and song birds in your garden? Want to find out how you can entice them to visit your yard? Then attend the Natives to Fly For: Attracting Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and Song Birds to Your Yard workshop. This daylong event will feature four experts to show you how you can have lots of little visitors in your landscape: Craig Hensley, award-winning community educator with Texas Parks & Wildlife, will explain "Butterfly Basics: Who They Are and What They Need"; Mark Klym, coauthor of Hummingbirds of Texas, will speak on "Want Hummingbirds? Think Lasagna"; Ann Mallard, Audubon Society member and nature photographer specializing in bird life, will present "Songs in the Garden--Creating a Native Habitat for Birds"; Kelly Simon, author of Texas Wildscapes: Gardening for Wildlife, will pull all this information together as she shows participants how to create a "Central Texas Habitat." The workshop takes place Saturday, February 22, at the Schertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Pkwy, Schertz. The hours are 9-3 and the $40 registration fee includes lunch and snacks. Registration begins at 8:30. Door prizes will be given throughout the day. In addition to the workshop, participants can shop the booths of two local nurseries offering many of the plants discussed by the speakers, purchase books on workshop topics, and select bird-related items from Wild Birds Unlimited. Authors Mark Klym and Kelly Bender will sign their books during lunch. But wait, there's more! A beautiful bluebonnet quilt and two 55-gallon, hand-painted rain barrels will be raffled during the workshop. Raffle tickets may be purchased at the event. Natives to Fly For is sponsored by the Guadalupe County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas. For more information and to purchase tickets, call 830-303-0333. The number of tickets is limited, so call early. For more information, visit http://npsot.org/wp/guadalupe/.
La Marque: "Honey Bees Around the Garden" will be presented Tuesday, February 25, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Galveston County AgriLife Extension Office in Carbide Park, 4102 Main Street (FM 519), La Marque. Presented by Galveston County Master Gardeners Stewart McAdoo and Robert Marshall. A presentation and discussion on the history, types, social life and hive structure of honey bees. Included in the program will be an overview of residential honey bee keeping. For course reservations, call 281-534-3413, ext. 12 or email [email protected].
Fort Worth: The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers' School will be held March 3-4 at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. The first day will feature growers describing their sales and floral design strategies for florists, supermarkets, and farmers' markets accounts. Special emphasis on wedding sales and arrangements will be included. Hands-on sessions will allow attendees to make their own hand-tied bridal bouquets using locally-grown Texas flowers. Cut flower production and business management classes will fill the second day. Record keeping for farmers, cultivar selection, efficient field and greenhouse practices, and postharvest handling steps will be covered. Experienced growers will talk about their experience using hoophouses and tunnels for season extension, and the best way to find and break into new markets. The Growers' School is designed mainly for new growers, or those adding cut flowers to their existing lines, but the information presented will be valuable for anyone interested in cut flower production and floral design. Find the full program and registration at www.ascfg.org.
Conroe: The Montgomery County Master Gardeners are having their annual Spring Sale, featuring perennials, vegetables, herbs and more, on Saturday, March 8, at 9020 Airport Road, Conroe. Program is at 8 a.m.; sale is from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. For more information, call 936-539-7824 or visit www.mcmga.com.
Jacksonville: The Cherokee County Master Gardener Association will hold their annual Spring Conference March 8. The conference will be held at the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, 1920 Beaumont Street, Jacksonville. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the first speaker will be at 9 a.m. There will be a $10.00 fee which includes drinks, refreshments and a chance to win one of four door prizes. The program will feature three well known respected speakers. Greg Grant is Lecturer in the School of Horticulture at Stephen F. Austin State University. He was formerly the Cherokee County Horticulturist with the Texas Cooperative Extension in Rusk. He is also co-author, with William C. Welch, of the book Southern Heirloom Garden, and he is a columnist for Texas Gardener magazine. He has traveled extensively to botanical and public gardens throughout the United States and Europe and is a popular public speaker in the southern United States. Dave Whitinger is the creator of several large and popular websites, most notably Dave's Garden and All Things Plants. He moved to Cherokee County in late 2007 and lives just outside Jacksonville with his wife and 6 children. They have a homestead with extensive gardens, cows, chickens, and various other domestic animals. In addition to being a member of the Cherokee County Master Gardeners, Dave is also a software programmer whose passion is to bring gardeners together and provide them with custom made software tools that both serve gardeners as well as take online gardening to the next level. Keith Hansen has been the Texas AgriLife Horticulturist for Smith County since 1992. Prior to that, he was the extension agent for Nueches County. Keith has a weekly column, "Keeping it Green," in the Tyler Morning Telegraph and has written numerous articles for other publications. For more information, contact Ginny Scurlock at 903-530-8610 or at [email protected].Seguin: Mary Ruona will discuss Xeriscaping at the March 20 meeting of the Guadalupe Master Gardeners, at the Justice Center, 211 Court St., Seguin. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. with a business meeting after the program. For additional information, visit www.guadalupecountymastergardeners.org or call 830-303-3889.
Huntsville:The Texas Thyme Unit of the Herb Society of America will host its third annual Herb Festival at the Wynne Home on Saturday, April 5, 8 a.m.-2p.m. The event will be held on the grounds of the beautiful, historic Wynne Home, 1428 Eleventh St. in Huntsville. The event will feature a vast selection of herbs, camellias, hummingbird and butterfly plants for sale. Local artists, herbal, garden and kitchen vendors will also be selling their products. Area musicians will perform and there will be speakers on using and growing herbs. The event is free to the public. For more information, call 936-891-5024 or visit www.facebook.com/texasthymeunit. Nacogdoches: SFA Gardens at Stephen F. Austin State University will host its annual Garden Gala Day Spring Plant Sale from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, April 5, at the SFA Pineywoods Native Plant Center, 2900 Raguet St. in historic Nacogdoches. A wide variety of hard-to-find, "Texas tough" plants will be available, including Texas natives, heirlooms, tropicals, perennials, shrubs, trees, and exclusive SFA and Greg Grant introductions. Most of the plants are extensively trialed in the gardens before being offered to the public and most are produced by the SFA Gardens staff and volunteers.This popular event benefits the SFA Mast Arboretum, Pineywoods Native Plant Center, Ruby M. Mize Azalea Garden, Gayla Mize Garden, and educational programs hosted at the gardens. The public is encouraged to arrive early and bring a wagon. For more information, call 936-468-4404, or visit www.sfagardens.sfasu.edu two weeks before the sale for a list of available plants. |
Monthly meetings
If you would like your organization's events included in "Monthly Meetings" or would like to make a change to a listed meeting, please contact us at Monthly Meetings. To ensure inclusion in this column, please provide complete details.
Houston: The Harris County Master Gardeners meet at noon the first Tuesday of each month at the Texas AgriLife Extension, 3033 Bear Creek Drive (near the intersection of Highway 6 and Patterson Road), Houston. For additional information visit http://hcmga.tamu.edu or call 281-855-5600.
Kaufman: The Kaufman County Master Gardeners meet the first Tuesday of each month at the First Community Church at 1401 Trinity Drive in Crandall. January through April and August and September meetings are at 9 a.m., with the remaining meetings beginning at 7 p.m. For additional information visit http://www.kcmga.org, call 972-932-9069 or email to [email protected].
Wichita Falls: The Wichita County Master Gardener Association meets at 5:30 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension Office, 600 Scott Street, Wichita Falls, on the first Tuesday of each month. For more information, visit www.txmg.org/wichita or call 940-716-8610.
Kilgore: Northeast Texas Organic Gardeners meets at 1 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, call Carole Ramke at 903-986-9475.
Midland: The Permian Basin Master Gardeners meet at noon, the first Wednesday of each month at the Permian Basin Readiness Center at the Midland International Airport. For more information, call 432-498-4071.
Allen: The Allen Garden Club meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month, February through December, at the Allen Heritage Center, 100 E. Main St., Allen. For more information, visit www.allengardenclub.org.
Brownwood: The Brown County Master Gardeners Association meets the first Thursday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension Office, 605 Fisk Ave., Brownwood. For further information, call Mary Green Engle at 325-784-8453.
Gonzalas: Gonzales Master Gardeners hold their monthly meeting at noon on the first Thursday of each month at 623 Fair Street, Gonzales. Bring a bag lunch, drinks provided. Contact AgriLife Extension Office at 830-672-8531 or visit http://gonzalesmastergardeners.org for more information.
Austin: Austin Organic Gardeners Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month (except December) at the Austin Area Garden Center, 2220 Barton Springs Road, Zilker Botanical Gardens in Austin. For more information, visit www.austinorganicgardeners.org.
Evant: The Evant Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m., usually at the bank in downtown Evant. To confirm the date, time and place of each month's meeting, call 254-471-5585.
Marion: The Guadalupe County (Schertz/Seguin) Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas meets on the second Tuesday of each month except July, August and December at St. John's Lutheran Church in Marion. Directions to St. John's Lutheran Church: From FM 78 turn south onto FM 465 and the church is just past the Marion School on the right. From IH-10 go north on FM 465 towards Marion. The Church will be on the left, just before you get to town. A plant exchange and meet-and-greet begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the program at 7 p.m. Visitors are welcome. For more information or an application to join NPSOT visit www.npsot.org/GuadalupeCounty/ or contact [email protected].
Quitman: The Quitman Garden Club meets at 2 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Quitman Library on E Goode Street, Quitman. It is a diverse group that welcomes all visitors. For more information, e-mail [email protected].
Denton: The Denton County Master Gardener Association meets from 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month at 401 W. Hickory St., Denton. Meetings are open to the public. More information is available at: http://dcmga.com/.
Humble: The Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Garden, 22306 Aldine Westfield Road, Humble, hosts a Lunch Bunch the second Wednesday of each month from noon until 2 p.m. Take a sack lunch or order a box lunch from Starbucks when you call 281-443-8731 to reserve your spot. Master Gardeners and Masters Naturalists may earn CEU credits by attending.
Jacksboro: The Jacksboro Garden Club meets at 9:30 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month (except June, July and August) at the Concerned Citizens Center, 400 East Pine Street, Jacksboro. For more information, call Melinda at 940-567-6218.
Longview: The Gregg County Master Gardeners Association meets the second Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension Office, 405 E. Marshall Ave., Longview. The public is invited to attend. There is an educational program preceding the business meeting. For further information call Cindy Gill at 903-236-8429 or visit www.gregg-tx.tamu.edu.
Rockport: The Rockport Herb & Rose Study Group, founded in March 2003, meets the second
Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at 619 N. Live Oak Street, Room 14, Rockport, to discuss all aspects of using and growing herbs, including historical uses and tips for successful propagation and cultivation. Sometimes they take field trips and have cooking demonstrations in different locations. For more information, contact Linda 361-729-6037, Ruth 361-729-8923 or Cindy 979-562-2153 or visit www.rockportherbs.org and http://rockportherbies.blogspot.com.
Woodway: The McLennan County Master Gardeners meet on the second Wednesday each month at noon at the Carleen Bright Arboretum, 9001 Bosque Blvd., Woodway. Educational programs follow the business session. For more information, call 254-757-5180.
Beaumont: The Jefferson County Master Gardeners meet at 7 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at the AgriLife Extension Office, 1225 Pearl Street, Suite 200, Beaumont. For more information, call 409-835-8461.
Georgetown: The Williamson County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas meets from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at the Georgetown Public Library, 402 W. 8th Street. Georgetown. For additional information, contract Billye Adams at 512-863-9636 or visit http://www.npsot.org/WilliamsonCounty/default.htm.
Orange: The Orange County Master Gardeners Association holds their monthly meeting on the second Thursday of each month. A short program is presented. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at the new Orange County Expo Center on Hwy 1442 in Orangefield. Enter the building in the front entrance, first door on the right, Texas AgriLife offices. Pot luck supper at 6 p.m. Visit http://txmg.org/orange for more information.
San Antonio: The San Antonio Herb Society meets at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the San Antonio Garden Center, 3310 N. New Braunfels (corner of Funston & N. New Braunfels). For more information on programs, visit www.sanantonioherbs.org.
Angleton: The Brazoria County Master Gardeners meet at 11 a.m. on the second Friday of each month at the Brazoria County Extension Office, 21017 County Road 171, Angleton. There is a general business meeting followed by a brief educational program each month. For further information call 979-864-1558, ext.110.
College Station: The A&M Garden Club meets on the second Friday of each month during the school year at 9:30 a.m. in the training room of the College Station Waste Water Facility building at the end of North Forest Parkway, College Station. Expert speakers, plant sharing, and federated club projects help members learn about gardening in the Brazos Valley, floral design, conservation, and more. For more information, visit http://www.amgardenclub.com/.
Houston: The Spring Branch African Violet Club meets the second Saturday of each month, January through November, at 10:30am at the Copperfield Baptist Church, 8350 Highway 6 North, Houston. Call Karla at 281-748-8417 prior to attending to confirm meeting date and time.
Dallas: The Rainbow Garden Club of North Texas meets the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Meetings are held at member's homes and garden centers around the area. For more information, visit www.RainbowGardenClub.com.
Arlington: The Arlington Men's Garden Club meets from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on the third Monday of each month (except December) at the Bob Duncan Center, 2800 S. Center Street, Arlington. For more information, contact Lance Jepson at [email protected].
Cleburne: The Johnson County Master Gardeners meet at 2 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at McGregor House, 1628 W. Henderson, Cleburne, which includes a program and a meet & greet. For more information, call Sharon Smith at 817-894-7700.
New Braunfels: The Comal Master Gardeners meet at 6 p.m. the third Monday of each month (except April and December,) at the GVTC Auditorium, 36101 FM 3159, New Braunfels. An educational program precedes the business meeting. The public is invited to attend. For additional information, call 830-620-3440 or visit http://txmg.org/comal/.
Corpus Christi: The Nueces Master Gardeners meet at noon the third Tuesday of each month, except December, at Garden Senior Center, 5325 Greely Dr., Corpus Christi. An educational program precedes the business meeting. For further information call 361 767-5217.
Rockport: Monthly meetings of the Aransas/San Patricio Master Gardeners are held at 10 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at Texas AgriLife Extension Service - Aransas County Office, 892 Airport Rd., Rockport. For additional information, e-mail [email protected] or call 361-790-0103.
Sugar Land: The Sugar Land Garden Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month, September through Novemberand January through April at 10 a.m. at the Sugar Land Community Center, 226 Matlage Way, Sugar Land. The club hosts a different speaker each month. For more information, visit www.sugarlandgardenclub.org.
Denton: The Denton Organic Society, a group devoted to sharing information and educating the public regarding organic principles, meets the third Wednesday of each month (except July, August and December) at the Denton Senior Center, 509 N. Bell Avenue. Meetings are free and open to the public. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are preceded by a social at 6:30. For more information, call 940-382-8551.
Glen Rose: The Somervell County Master Gardeners meet at 10 a.m., the third Wednesday of each month at the Somervell County AgriLife Extension office, 1405 Texas Drive, Glen Rose. Visitors are welcome. For more information, call 254-897-2809 or visit www.somervellmastergardeners.org.
Granbury: The Lake Granbury Master Gardeners meet at 1 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Hood County Annex 1, 1410 West Pearl Street, Granbury. The public is invited to attend. There is an educational program each month preceding the business meeting. For information on topics call 817-579-3280 or visit http://www.hoodcountymastergardeners.org/.
Seabrook: The Harris County Precinct 2 Master Gardeners hold an educational program at 10 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at The Meeting Room at Clear Lake Park (on the Lakeside), 5001 NASA Road 1, Seabrook. The programs are free and open to the public. For more information, visit http://hcmgap2.tamu.edu.
Brownwood: Brownwood Garden Club meets the third Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. The club meetings are at Southside Baptist Church, 1219 Indian Creek Road, with refreshments and a speaker presentation. Visitors are welcome. For more information, email [email protected] or call 817-454-8175).
Houston: The Native Plant Society of Texas - Houston (NPSOT-H) meets at 7:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month except for October (4th Thursday) and December (2nd Thursday). Location varies. For locations, for more information on programs, and for information about native plants for Houston, visit http://www.npsot.org/Houston.
Rosenberg: The Fort Bend Master Gardeners meet at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month except December at the Bud O'Shieles Community Center located at 1330 Band Road, Rosenberg. For more information, call 281-341-7068 or visit www.fbmg.com.
Seguin: The Guadalupe County Master Gardeners meets at 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month, at the Justice Center, 211 Court Street, Seguin. After a brief social hour, the meeting and guest speaker begins at 7 p.m. The meeting is free and open to the public. For additional information, call 830-303-3889 or visit www.guadalupecountymastergardeners.org.
Brackenridge Park: The Native Plant Society San Antonio Chapter meets every fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Lions Field Adult and Senior Center, 2809 Broadway at E. Mulberry, Brackenridge Park, except August and December. Social and seed/plant exchange at 6:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact Bea at 210-999-7292 or visit www.npsot.org/sanantonio.
Bryan: The Brazos County Master Gardeners, a program of Texas AgriLife Extension, meet the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan. There is a public gardening program at each meeting and pertinent information may be found at brazosmg.com or 979-823-0129.
Edna: The Jackson County Master Gardeners present their "Come Grown With Us" seminars on the fourth Tuesday of each month, January through October, beginning at 7 p.m. at 411 N. Wells, Edna. The seminars are free, open to the public and offer 2 CEU hours to Master Gardeners or others requiring them. For additional information, contact the Jackson County Extension Office at 361-782-3312.
Linden: The Caddo Wildflower Chapter of Native Plants Society meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at the senior citizens building at 507 S Kaufman St. in Linden at 6:30. Visitors are welcome. For additional information, contact Karen Tromza at [email protected].
Fort Worth: The Organic Garden Club of Forth Worth meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month except July and December at the Deborah Beggs Moncrief Garden Center, 3220 Botanic Blvd., Ft. Worth. Refreshments are served. For more information, call 817-263-9322 or visit www.ogcfw.webs.com.
San Antonio: The Native Plant Society of Texas San Antonio Chapter meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, except August and December, at the Lions Field Adult & Senior Center, 2809 Broadway, San Antonio. Social and plant/seed exchange at 6:30 p.m., program at 7:00 p.m. For more information, visit www.npsot.org/sanantonio or call Bea at 210-999-7292.
Houston: The Houston Chapter of the Native Prairie Association of Texas (HNPAT) meets from 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month at 3015 Richmond Ave., Houston. For more information, contact [email protected].
Leander: The Leander Garden Club meets on the fourth Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 10:30 a.m. at the community room behind the Greater Texas Federal Credit Union,1300 N. Bell, Cedar Park, unless there is special event planned. Following a program and short business meeting, we share a pot-luck luncheon. To confirm the meeting place and time, please call president Cathy Clark-Ramsey at 512-963-4698 or email [email protected].
Dallas: The Dallas County Master Gardeners meet the fourth Thursday of each month at 11:30 a.m. For location and program information, visit http://www.dallascountymastergardeners.org/ or contact The Helpdesk, M-F, 8 to 4:30 214-904-3053.
Dallas: The Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club meets at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month at the REI, 4515 LBJ Freeway, Dallas. For more information, call 214-824-2448 or visit www.gdogc.org.
Arlington: The Arlington Organic Garden Club meets from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month (except November and December) at the Bob Duncan Center, 2800 S. Center Street, Arlington. For more information, contact David at 817-483-7746.
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Texas Gardener's Seeds is published weekly. � Suntex Communications, Inc. 2014. All rights reserved. You may forward this publication to your friends and colleagues if it is sent in its entirety. No individual part of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher.
Missed an issue? Back issues of Texas Gardener's Seeds April 2006-September 2013 are available at www.texasgardener.com/newsletters. Back issues beginning October 2013 are available here.
Publisher: Chris S. Corby ● Editor: Michael Bracken
Texas Gardener's Seeds, P.O. Box 9005, Waco, Texas 76714