September 15, 2014
Candis Kattenburg, Executive Director
26 Orinda Way, Orinda, California 94563
We are very excited to invite you to view the first phase of the NEW Chamber Website.
You may need to refresh your browser.
Members, look over your listing for correctness and report any errors please.
Click on any of these topics to jump to more information in this email:The Mission of the Orinda Chamber of Commerce Chamber Committees - Many hands make light work! Let's make our Chamber wonderful! Join in on one of these committees and help improve the chamber and meet new people.
The mission of the Orinda Chamber of Commerce is to promote businesses and business interests in the City of Orinda by providing information, communication, and activities that benefit and enhance the community, citizens and City of Orinda.
What's happening at the Chamber?
2015 PLANNING MEETINGAll Orinda Chamber Members in good standing are welcome to a planning meeting for next year's goals, activities, and projects. Friday, November 7th,11:30-1:30. Location TBD. This is the meeting at which you should champion your ideas.COMMITTEESPlease see the Committee List below. If you are on a committee and we have missed your name here, please let Sylvia or Candy know - Thanks to all who contacted Candis with your interest in being on a committee. Please see updates on committees below....There's still lots of spots to fill! Committees, please attend the planning meeting-share your progress, resource needs, etc. COMEDY NIGHT - MARCH 6, 2015The Live at the Orinda, Comedy Night Committee will be led by Michael Walker of RPM Mortgage. Please let Michael know of your interest to be part of planning or volunteering at this event which will take place Friday, March 6th, 2015. or 408-655-8295. MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONSThe first phase of the new Chamber website has gone live! It delivers a more dynamic, easily navigated, and mobile-friendly visitor experience reflecting the Chamber's mission. So, go ahead, indulge yourself, satisfy your curiosity, find out about our great local businesses at today! There's lots more work to be done - Join this committee led by Roy Hodgkinson. You might learn some new things and meet some cool people! Contact Sylvia with your interest at or 510-208-3813. Watch for still more great things to come in the next six months. Updated or new ....Newsletter, Social Media, promotions, and Printed & Delivered Directory.....speaking of the Directory, send in your submission for the cover photo of the January 2015 Directory.
ORINDA RESTAURANT TOUR - MAY 2015RESTAURANT OWNERS and Foodies! We are calling YOU. Contact Candis with your interest in planning and/or volunteering at the next Orinda Restaurant Tour! SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 2014
Let's make a real effort on this year's Small Business Saturday through our Member Promotions sub committee.
Let Candy, Sylvia, or a Board member know if you have any questions about how you can make a difference on one of these committees.
Morning Mixer at the Orinda Theatre Lobby, Orinda Classic Car Show Weekend, and California Independent Film Festival,
The Car Show crew brought some great cars to the morning mixer, sold tenth anniversary t-shirts, and gave free commemorative tenth anniversary posters to all attendees. Pictured here showing this year's shirt, Candy Kattenburg, Sylvia Jorgensen, and Chip Herman.
 Gary Wong CPA, Eric Maul from the Oakland Zoo, Joe Squeri from Boy Scouts, and Sylvia Jorgensen of Merrill Lynch. Thank you to Village Pizza, Morrison's Jewelers, Breedlove Insurance Services, The Hurd Jorgensen Group, Boy Scouts-Aklan District, Republic Services for your contributions to the Car Show.
Thank you for your cheerful service!
David Cronin, Susan Hurrell (pictured here) along with Michael Walker, Raya Walker, David Dierkes, Jill Gester, worked so hard with smiles on their faces all evening! .... and a little help from our friends at the end too...Candis Kattenburg, Dina Zapanta, Sue and Jim Breedlove, Randy Madeiros, and William Cassidy.
The Elite Bulletin Crew, led by Jack Jorgensen, did a great job with supporting set up too.
Hello tiara offers hair styling with the purchase of tiaras or other hair adornments....See Sylvia's hair in these pics.
Eric and Jack Jorgensen manning the Chamber station at the Car Show.
Carlos Rangel and Lindsay Pirkle at closing night of CAIFF.
See more pictures at the Facebook Page and send us YOUR photos from CAIFF and Car Show events.
Please go to the Chamber's page
and like it and recommend it to others.
Send us your pictures from ribbon cuttings, mixers, bruncheon, or while at a chamber member's business!
Please join Union Bank for an Open House and Ribbon Cutting.
Mark your Calendar for the Chamber Day at the Races on October 31st!
In cooperation with the Lafayette Chamber, the Moraga Chamber, and various local community organizations, we have assembled an Orinda Chamber and Friends calendar.
Please submit Chamber Member events and announcements to We will update in this newsletter....and be sure to 'friend' our page on Facebook!
Ribbon Cutting at Orinda Books!
Send in your announcements!
Updates and Corrections will be made as reported on the
October 15th newsletter.
Don't miss our Chamber Members' Wonderful Events!
 Member Announcements
Members are encouraged to send in their announcements for the next newsletter to in jpeg format. Every effort is made to get all our members' announcements in this newsletter. We apologize for any errors and omissions.
Save the date for Friends of Wagner Ranch Nature Area Olive Festival. Support this chamber member and local treasure by donating or attending and enjoying yourself at this year's Olive Festival on October 12th.
Contact an Arbonne representative today! Click the image above for more information.
Please go to to sign up for city emails and the weekly outlook -
The more information we can get to our citizens, the better.
for any questions:
Tonya Gilmore  Senior Management Analyst
City of Orinda
22 Orinda Way Orinda, CA 94563
925.253.4291 Direct
925-254-2068 Fax
Marketing Opportunities Several of our members have advertising opportunities available. Some are listed here. Contact Sylvia if you would like more information.
Friends of Wagner Ranch Nature Area
is seeking sponsors and prize donors for the upcoming Olive Festival.
Be a part of the Shop Orinda Bag Promotion! These next three bags will be great and prizes at: Dancing with the Cars Swimming with the Stars FWRNA Olive Festival See below to see what was in the Shop Orinda Bag at Dancing with the Cars!
The Shop Orinda Bag Prize donation is given to different neighboring organizations about 10 times a year to promote Shopping in Orinda! The bag is filled with prizes and gift certificates for the winner to spend in Orinda! The prize bag has been awarded in Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette, Oakland, and at other surrounding communities. The prize donations don't have to be anything big! And you don't have to contribute every time or you can give a few months' worth of contributions for the upcoming bags. Soooo, If you would like to contribute something, please let Sylvia or Candis know. Call Sylvia at 510.224.8548 or Candy at 925.254.3909, or email Sylvia at or Candy at LET US HELP YOU PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION THROUGH THE SHOP ORINDA BAG! |
Welcome New Members the Third Quarter of 2014:
1850 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Ste. 320
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-906-1801, Fax: 925-906-1805 Christian Science Reading Room & Bookstore 24 Orinda Way (next to the Orinda library) Orinda, CA 94563 925-254-4212
Europa Hofbrau
George, Harry & Lori 64 Moraga Way 925-254-7202
Fax: 925-254-0299
Sabrina Julian Investment Services
1390 Willow Pass Road, #900 Concord, CA 94520 925-465-1060 Office & Fax: 925-323-4701 Cell
Kattenburg Architects Rick Kattenburg 11 Moraga Way #3 Orinda, CA 94563 925-253-7828 Fax: 925-253-7829
La Piazza
Charles Mounzer 15 Moraga Way Orinda, CA 94563 925-253-9191
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Jay Lifson
Lamorinda Wine Growers Association
Leslie Ward - President
Land Home Financial Services, Inc. Matt Lopez
2 Theatre Square, #146 Orinda, CA 94563 925-885-6760
McDonnell Nursery 196 Moraga Way Orinda, CA 94563 925-254-3713 Fax: 925-254-9168
Mechanics Bank Marc Maier, Manager
Ken Roesling
77 Moraga Way Orinda, CA 94563 925-253-2800 Fax: 925-253-2804
Moraga Chamber of Commerce
Kathe Nelson
Moraga Royale
Dianne Wilson
Jessica McCormick
1600 Canyon Road
Moraga, CA 94556
Walter Nelson, Realtor
Coldwell Banker Orinda
2 theatre Square #211
Orinda, CA 94563
925. 765.1679
Oak Springs Pool Association
Kathleen Duffy
P.O.Box 273
39 Spring Road
Orinda, CA 94563
Old Republic Title Company
2 Theatre Square, #208 Orinda, CA 94563 925-258-0180 Fax: 925-258-0277
Orinda Books New Owner: Maria Roden
276 Village Square Orinda, CA 94563 925-254-7606 Fax: 925-254-5260
Orinda Union School District 8 Altarinda Road Orinda, CA 94563 925.254.4901
Stephen P. Paddock, CFP 12-B Orinda Way Orinda, CA 94563 925-254-0393 Fax: 925-254-0393 Park Place Wealth Advisors, Inc. Jean, Henry and Dan Gannett 18 Orinda Way Orinda, CA 94563 925-254-7766 Precision Building & Design Mark Fawcett P.O. Box 4818 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-478-6613
Diversified Mortgage Group
Thank you for being members and for helping us help all your fellow members. Renewing members: If you have received a renewal invoice please pay it on line or with a check as these members have, as soon as possible to keep the Chamber running as efficiently as possible.
Who can join the Orinda Chamber?
Businesses, Residents, Utilities, Home-Based Businesses, Non-profits, Churches, Schools, Clubs....Everyone! Click here for more information about membership or call Candis at 925-254-3909.
Why? Because you care about the Orinda Business Community.
Who is the Orinda Chamber? Click here for our on-line Membership Directory or call Candis at 925-254-3909 for a printed directory.
The Orinda Chamber Ambassadors
Want to get involved with the Orinda Chamber, but don't want to bite off more than you can chew? Be an Ambassador. Help promote the chamber positively to prospective members, help new members find their groove, attend fun events, and get a badge!
Contact Tom Romaneck of Romaneck Painting Company 925-323-9908 or Candis Kattenburg, the Orinda Chamber Executive Director, at 925-254-3909 with your interest.
Ambassador Chairperson Tom Romaneck
Romaneck Painting Company
Ambassador Board Liaison
Carlos Rangel
Shelby's Restaurant
| Jose Anaya
| Anaya Real Estate
| Sue Breedlove
| Breedlove Insurance
Dick Burkhalter
Friend of the Chamber
Rick Carter
| State Farm
David Collins
| David Collins Painting
David Dierkes
Orinda Starlight Players
| Melanie Flum
| Oak Springs Pool
| Sophina Gellon
| Theatre Square Management
Jill Gester
Orinda Starlight Players
Susan Hurrell
Susan Hurrell, CPA
Tony Inzerillo
Lamorinda Winegrowers
| Eric Jorgensen
| Friend of the Chamber
Jack Jorgensen
Elite Bulletin
| Randy Madeirios
| First Republic Bank
Francesca McCalla
Vern McCalla
Roger Poynts
Lamorinda Winegrowers
| Ken Roesling
| Mechanics Bank
| Charlie Vollmar
| Epicurean Exchange
Leslie Ward
Lamorinda Winegrowers
The Chamber Board of Directors Our Chamber Board meetings are open to all members.
Please contact Candis if you would like a copy of the agenda or to request an addition to the agenda. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month.

You are receiving this email if you are a member of the Orinda Chamber or you have signed up for this email information from the Chamber