Networking Know-How

Daily Tips for moving careers forward

from Patti Hunt Dirlam 

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These daily net-working tips and weekly blog 
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and strategies to take networking to the next level. If you know someone next door or across the country who'd benefit from them, please forward!    

Lasting career advice

You have a large influence in what happens next in your career, so recognize that the attitude you bring to your present work situation can directly affect your mobility opportunities.  Don't' send a message of discontent; always present yourself and your current position in a positive light.  Have a positive attitude; do whatever you do with enthusiasm; find ways to be innovative and creative, and continue to perform your present job well.  It's bound to help you get to wherever you want to go next.   

Want to learn more? Read my weekend blog.


Patti Dirlam
Hunt Dirlam Associates 

� 2013 Patricia Hunt Dirlam