The Sports Path Newsletter
Number 26
  February  2015 

The Sports Path Directory of Soccer Coaching E-Learning Courses 

We have now launched a Directory of Soccer Coaching E - Learning Courses here 


To be included in this Directory, all Courses must be 100% online with some form of interaction for the learner. Thus not just the provision of written, graphic or video material.To be included in the Sports Path Directory the interaction for the learner must include at least one of the following types of interaction:


- Interaction between the learner and the content of the course ( e.g. quizzes, multi-choice questions or Scenarios)

- Interaction between the learner and a tutor or mentor ( e.g. by email,via Skype, webinar or through interaction in a blog or forum)

- Interaction between learners ( e.g. sharing experiences and stories in an online forum,via a blog or a webinar ) 


( further details of the three types of learner interaction click here  ) 


 The first category we have reviewed are online courses for coaches of young players in Grassroots/Recreational Soccer.


If you have taken any of the courses listed we would welcome your observations so that we can build an archive of User Reviews. 

We would also be very interested in how you may have used these e-learning courses to supplement the Face to Face ( F2F) Training you provide for coaches in your Club or Association.  You may also decide to develop online social forums or blogs  which you can develop alongside these courses to compliment them and provide additional support for your coaches: if you do this we would be very happy to hear about it !


In future months we will include Online Courses for coaches of Elite Players as well as online courses in the areas of Diet.Child Protection and Fitness


Please visit the  Sports Path Directory here  

If you have developed an online coaching course suitable for soccer coaches and you wish this to be included in this Directory please email the details to

US Soccer ' F' License Online Course 

February 2015 also saw the launch of has seen the launch of 

US Soccer's 100% online 'F' License Course.


The "F" license is a 2-hour course, conducted entirely online, intended for all parents and coaches of youth players. The focus of this grassroots course is to share U.S. Soccer's best practices in creating a fun, activity-centered and age-appropriate environment for 5-8 year old players.

In order to register for the course, candidates will first be required to sign up for a user account in the U.S. Soccer Digital Coaching Center- a state of the art online educational platform


The course is open to all coaches throughout the world 

Using the web to support PRACTICAL coaching situations 

Outlined above  is a diagram from the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies
It provides an format to see how using the web and e-learning MAY help learning on the job

Below is a short video on the principle of 70:20:10 which suggests we learn 10% from formal education,20% from other learners and 70% from learning on the job !

70:20:10 by Charles Jennings & Fuse
70:20:10 by Charles Jennings & Fuse

New Features on Twitter useful for Coaches :
  • Group Messages
  • Video
Twitter launched these new features at the end of January  
Details here 

Soccer coaches can capture short video clips and send these to dedicated private groups of players,coaches or parents using the new functions provided by Twitter. The members of these groups can then interact with each other

Using the web to support player performance


We would recommend these two websites and products recently launched or re-launched 


Ricky Master Coach 

Ricky Clarke has recently re-launched his website with lots of new great FREE content

Definitely worth a a visit

Coaching People in Sports

Great book for all coaches to read. Available from March 3rd by Dr.Lee Hancock 

Professor Lee Hancock  has recently been appointed Director of Education at LA Galaxy and we would highly recommend you read this book.

Lee is a High Performance Consultant for professional athletes, coaches, business and team leaders, students, parents, organizations - basically anybody that wants to improve how they approach, think about and ultimately perform in their chosen field. 

He has worked, and continues to work, with performers in MLS, NFL, FIVB, AVP, NCAA, as well as with people in multiple youth sports organizations and clubs in order to ensure (and help define) success.  Lee develops and implements unique discussions, workshops, programs and systems that teach people how to thrive in pressure filled situations and perform at their optimal level - consistently.

Lee also has been, and continues to be, involved in soccer.  Lee has his USSF 'A' license, has coached for over 20 years, and has had an assistant coaching role in the MLS.  He has also developed and implemented complete soccer curricula and coach/parent education programs for MLS and youth soccer clubs throughout the country.  He is a father of three boys and is also currently the Director of Player and Coach Development at the LA Galaxy South Bay. 


See Lee here in a recent short Webinar 

Win $1,000 for your club 

Sports Path Awards for 2015


We have had the first applications from Youth Soccer Clubs for this Award.

The  Panel of Judges for these awards have been confirmed. 

Sports Path is providing an Award of $1,000 for the Youth Soccer Club which has developed the best Online Learning Network to support the development of coaches at their club.Entrance is free

For Further details please click here


I hope you have found something useful in this month's newsletter.If so please pass on this email to your colleagues and ask them to sign up for future newsletters
We can promise you more material in our February 2015 newsletter to help you use the web to support coach and player development 

Best Wishes
Yours Sincerely,
Robin Russell