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 March Newsletter  



Christopher Chenowith is always a big success and this past Sunday was no exception. 22 people signed up to go on the "Positive Christianity "Cruise at the end of November. There is still room if anyone else would like to go.




The "Talk Back " Session with Glenn went well. As of now, each week that Glenn speaks and it is not Pot Luck there will be a "Talk Back" session starting at 11:45 and it will be held in the library unless it needs to move to the sanctuary because of numbers. We will, also, be offering this to visiting speakers.



The women' shelter, Safe Haven of Tarrant County, is the main service project of Harmony. Your Board decided it is best to contribute $400 monthly so they can put it in their budget.  Also we are deciding on a summer project for them. Each year they kick off summer with a Luau for all the kids at both shelters near the middle of June. Later they have a Back-to School Bash which closes out summer and the children again engage in games and activities, lunch, and win different school supplies (although they will be given all of their school supplies at a later date).  Each of these is held on a Thursday or Friday for 4 hours and takes 12-15 volunteers. We'll keep you posted on which is decided upon.




The Communications Committee is working on potential new forms of communication (at least new to some of us more mature folks) and making certain what we have is kept up to date.




It may be time for the development of a youth program so options and opportunities are being researched. If any of you are interested in helping develop and/or lead this program please get with Carter Tiernan.   





We are beginning what we call a "Buddy" system to help new members become acquainted more easily.  Today there IS a Sign Up sheet in the lobby if you wish to participate.

March Calendar

March 1, 9 am: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life. 

March 2: Rev Glenn Moore, Knock and the Door WILL  Open    
Music:  Melinda Wood Allen 

After the service there will be discussion with Glenn in the Library   

Oneness Blessing after Service in Sanctuary

1:30 pm - Melinda Wood Allen and Jay Adkins in Concert 


Ash Wednesday 
March 5, 7-8 pm: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life. 


March 8, 9-10 am: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life.

Daylight Savings - Spring Ahead
March 9
: Bruce Verkruyse   
Music:  John and Glenda Walker    
Pot Luck Sunday

March 12, 7-8 pm: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life. 

March 15, 9-10 am: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life. 
March 16:  
Rev Scott McDowell,  Revelation  
Music: Melinda Wood Allen  
After the service there will be discussion with Scott                      

March 19, 7-8 pm: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life. 

March 22, 9-10 am: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life.

March 22, 7 pm Concert with Tom Kimmel and
Sue K. Riley

March 23
:  Sue K. Riley, Make Room for Grace in Sermon and Song
Music: Sue K Riley
Pot Luck Sunday        

March 29, 7-8 pm: Charming Dharma with Sarah Byrd, Practical Buddhism for every day life. 
March 30:  Melinda Wood Allen,  Cultivating the  Energy of Love 
Music: Harmony Singers

Join us when spirit moves you

Get your copy of

Rev Glenn Moore's
New Book
Ministers' Letter 



Glenn and I just participated in early voting for the primary elections.  I have been thinking about my own reactions and the reactions of others in response to the negative rhetoric with which we bombarded daily.      
I am just as guilty as anyone for becoming attached to my point of view as the correct response.     And the nasty is just beginning.   I must continue to be watchful of my own energetic contribution and choose moment by moment not to be blinded by my own emotional response.

As a modern day mystic,  I know better than to fall into the hate and judgment trap.   As a spiritual community, let us remind each other to contribute love into the energy of politics.   Let us look past the illusions presented by both parties and let our spiritual power know that at a soul level the highest and best will outcome. 

 Let our prayer be, "Father-Mother God, we call forth the power that surrounds the throne of Grace, and Beauty and Might guide our leaders and let love prevail and we know that what appears to be chaos is order not yet perceived.   We call forth a most benevolent outcome for our nation and our planet."

In The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Hall, we read about the change a new emphasis on the Mysteries would bring: "Through education--spiritual, mental, moral and physical--man will learn to release hidden truths from their lifeless coverings The perfect government of the earth must be patterned eventually after the divine government by which the universe is ordered. In that day when perfect order is reestablished, with peace universal and good triumphed, men will no longer seek for happiness, for they shall find it welling up within themselves. 

"Dead hopes, dead aspirations, dead virtues shall rise from their graves, and the Spirit of beauty and goodness repeatedly slain by ignorant men shall again be the Master of Work. Then shall sages set upon the seats of the mighty and the gods walk with men."

Rev Pat Moore 


Join Chris Chenoweth
on a SEVEN night Spiritual Retreat Cruise  


Sat. November 29 - Sat.  December 6, 2014

Royal Caribbean "Serenade of the Seas" (Top Rated)



After sign-up for the spiritual retreat,  you are cleared with our travel agent to book your cabin directly from our cabin block that we have reserved well over a year in advance.

Five morning spiritual programs (10+ hours) - top speakers!


Round-trip from New Orleans Louisiana, sailing to Key West, Coco Cay Bahamas, Nassau Bahamas.

Unbelievable low early-bird cabin price per-person, plus tax!    Cabins beginning at...


NOW $254

Entertainment, childcare, all on-board activities, and gourmet food included

Full Information, cabin pictures and choices, videos, ship pictures, easy retreat sign-up:




Final payment on cabin not due until September 2014  

which will include

Government tax $118.99, Port taxes $175, Travel Agency $19.99 fee.  

(Cabins are double occupancy,

cabin reservations require a refundable $250 deposit per person.)


The Fellowship begins at 10:30 with a meet and greet at 10:15.  Following the worship service, there are always people to pray with anyone individually. We have a pot luck luncheon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and there is always enough food so please join us. The location of the Fellowship is:


Harmony Fellowship  
824 Pennsylvania Avenue  
Fort Worth, TX 76104 





There is parking on the side and in the back of the building, on the street and in the parking lot across from the back of the building. Just a safety reminder, keep any valuables in your trunk.


There is childcare available on Sundays.


Harmony Fellowship is open and receptive to your ideas and/or suggestions. 


All are welcome so join us when Spirit moves you!!





Barbara Sikma
Harmony Fellowship of Fort Worth
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