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  October Newsletter  

October Calendar   
Sunday, 10/6
Extra Pot Luck Sunday
David Friedman,
The Songs That Made Me

Oneness Blessing Circle, 11:30 am in Library

1 - 3 pm Thought Exchange Workshop with David
$20 suggested love offering, no one will be turned away

Sunday, 10/13
Pot Luck Sunday
Jim Anderson
Removing Limitations
music by Timmy Crawford, Melinda Wood Allen and Ken Dinkins

Monday, 10/14
Board Meeting, 6:30 pm, Harmony Fellowship

Sunday, 10/20
Rev Glenn Moore
The Greatest of These is Love
music by Timmy Crawford, Ken Dinkins

Sunday, 10/27
Pot Luck Sunday
Melinda Wood Allen
music by Timmy Crawford, Harmony Singers with Elizabeth Ivy   

Classes and Events


Harmony Partners Dinner Group - Spiritual Support for all LGT members - Contact: Sheryl Steeg-Murry, steeegmury@gmail.com 


Book Study - Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus - a book discussion. 1st and 3rd Sundays starting October 6th from 9:15 to 10 am - Contact: Cinda Chaney, cindalaine@yahoo.com 


Four Part Series - Reprogram Your Energy Field - discuss and learn how to make positive conscious changes and how energy works to affect our abundance. -2nd and 4th Sundays, 9:15 - 10 am starting October 13th Contact: Rev Glenn Moore, cowtownmystic@aol.com 


Harmony Principles - an inneractive, experiencial class on how these simple but profound principles interact in our lives - 1st and 3rd Sundays,
9:15 - 10 am starting October 6th.
Contact: Rev Scott McDowell, scottwayne2006@yahoo.com



Classes are open and can be attended anytime



Workshops led by Owen Kinser


Owen Kinser

 for further information contact Owen at 




Spiritual Message

          Recently, the Jewish religion celebrated their High Holy Days.  In preparation, time was spent in prayer and meditation eliminating negative qualities about themselves.  They feel this creates an intense energy.  They create a clean vessel with which to fill with Light in preparation for the coming year.  They threw away all the garbage and became ready to BRING IN THE LIGHT!  
          One of the vehicles of the human spirit that this energy of Light rides in on is the quality of mercy.    Mercy is the time between cause and effect.  
For instance if you create a "short circuit" by performing an illegal or immoral act you create an effect.  If there were no mercy you would feel the negative effects of your action, immediately.  "Instant Karma."    Mercy facilitates the time to change yourself-without judgment. 
          Mercy, the time between cause and effect, gives you the privilege of consciously healing a moment before a relationship becomes "short circuited."   It is impossible to have mercy when judgment gets in the way.
          My challenge to myself is to become detached enough to not let the barrier of judgment prevent mercy from being an active part of my life.  I affirm, "Purifying Light permeates my being and my world."

David Friedman

 October 6th

David Friedman

Songs that Made Me


Extra Pot Luck Lunch


1 - 3 pm

Thought Exchange Workshop

with David

Suggest love offering $20

No one turned away 

November 3, 7 pm, Tickets - $15


Daniel Nahmod, Megon McDonough, and Sue Riley

join together  in a unique musical conversation.    


Each concert is full of "one of a kind" magic!   

Artists perform in a round robin format, engaging in banter,

sharing how songs were written,

and creating impromptu arrangements.  


Free CD give aways, laughter, and empowering Positive Music!   


Come spend an evening in creativity and joy.


Volunteer Opportunities

There is an volunteer opportunity, with 1st Presbyterian, year round.

We have opportunities in cooperation with First Presbyterian. If you cannot come for the entire time, come  when you can.

1st Presbyterian Church has an outreach program called Community Crossroads and  it is located at 1516 Hemphill (near the corner of Allen). 

They have asked Harmony Fellowship  to help with their grocery outreach program.  It is
every Wednesday and Thursday from 9-Noon (except for the 3rd Wed.-it is at Broadway Baptist) and is all about sacking groceries for 170-217 families.  1st Presbyterian purchases the food at a great discount from the Tarrant County Area Food Bank and then bags them for families. 

Your Harmony Fellowship Board believes this is a wonderful opportunity to serve.  If you are interested, Dawn Sheppard (817-366-5427) said "just  show up- there is always plenty to do".

1st Presbyterian Church has an outreach program called Community Crossroads-- http://www.fpcfw.org/index.cfm/pageID/1479/--  and it is located  at 1516 Hemphill (near the corner of Allen). 

They have
asked Harmony Fellowship  to help with their grocery outreach program.  It is every Wednesday and Thursday from 9-Noon  and is all about sacking groceries for 170-217 families.  1st Presbyterian purchases the food at a great discount from the Tarrant County Area Food Bank and then bags them for families. 

Your Harmony Fellowship Board believes this is a wonderful opportunity to serve.  If you are interested, Dawn Sheppard (817-366-5427) said "just  show up- there is always plenty to do".

Harmony Fellowship is a metaphysical church. That is, we believe in more than is apparent in the physical world. We believe in the energy of love that is taught by Jesus the Christ. We believe the teachings of the Christ and other master teachers are given to assist in making our lives more practical and fulfilling if we can but recognize the clues that have been provided not only for the ancients but for modern man. Truths that have been truth from the beginning of time are often labeled as New Thought. We seek to know and live our understanding of universal truth.


We believe in the oneness of mankind. We are an inclusive spiritual community that seeks to uplift our own understanding and grow in grace. We believe in the absolute joy of life. We believe in the power of healing prayer. We believe in honoring our Source by living prosperously and sharing our own understanding of the science of abundance. Please join us when Spirit moves you.




To provide flowers for a Sunday service, make out a $75 check to Harmony Fellowship and drop it into the collection basket or give it to Joe or Rebecca. Let us know what the occasion is - even if there isn't one! The flowers are yours to take after service. 


The Fellowship begins at 10:30 with a meet and greet at 10:15.  Following the worship service, there are always people to pray with anyone individually. We have a pot luck luncheon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and there is always enough food so please join us. The location of the Fellowship is:


Harmony Fellowship  
824 Pennsylvania Avenue  
Fort Worth, TX 76104 
Check out the new website




There is parking on the side and in the back of the building, on the street and in the parking lot across from the back of the building. Just a safety reminder, keep any valuables in your trunk.


There is childcare available on Sundays.


Harmony Fellowship is open and receptive to your ideas and/or suggestions. 


All are welcome so join us when Spirit moves you!!





Barbara Sikma
Harmony Fellowship of Fort Worth
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