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May Newsletter

May Calendar   
Sunday, 5/7
Rev Glenn Moore,
Living In the Flow
music by
Dzmitry Ulasiuk,  Harmony Singers

Oneness Blessing Circle, 11:30 am
Sunday, 5/12, Mother's Day
Pot Luck Sunday
Melinda Wood Allen
Divine Mothering,
Dzmitry Ulasiuk, Melinda Wood Allen, Gigi Cervantes,
Hilary Tipps   

Sunday, 5/19
Rev Glenn Moore,
music by Dzmitry Ulasiuk,
John and Glenda Walker

Sunday, 5/26, Pot Luck Sunday
Janet Ellis
Feeding the Soul
Dzmitry Ulasiuk,
Steve Obermiller and Hilary Tipps

Janet Ellis Janet Ellis Workshop 1 pm,
$50 suggested love offering 
Join Janet Ellis for her message on May 26, Feeding the Soul, we'll have a great pot luck lunch then Janet will have a The Path - Creating Mission and Vision for Work & Life Workshop at 1 pm

Once completing the workshop you will walk away with a statement of who you want of "BE" in the world and a vision of what you want your life to look like, while you are "Being" who you say you are.



Don't miss Melinda Wood Allen
in Concert at Unity of Arlington
at 1:30 on Sunday, May 19. 


Songs of Spirit - Melinda, her guitar and  lead guitarist, Chris Curtis,  singing a lot of new stuff (and some we've heard before).

Chi Sing

Brother ChiSing Workshop
Saturday, June 8, 1-5 pm
$50 suggested love offering 

Chi Sing will share details on meditation, mindful movement, a sharing circle, writing meditation, eating meditation, only healthy vegetarian and organic.

Brother ChiSing, M.Div., M.A. is an Interfaith retreat facilitator, spiritual director, ritual artist, musician, and the founder of "Awakening Heart." He is also a former Community College adjunct professor of World Religions. He was born and raised in Texas, lived in California for ten years, and currently lives in Dallas, Texas, near his family. He has a B.A. in Religion from a Protestant university, a M.A. in Spirituality from a Catholic college, and a Master of Divinity degree from a Unitarian Universalist seminary.


Brother ChiSing's vision for ministry is to encourage Buddhist, Christian and other faith communities to practice Mindful Spirituality in an Interfaith Earth-based way, with an emphasis on creativity, music and the arts.






Spiritual Message



    Many of the decisions we make are influenced by three levels of experience - subconscious, conscious and super-conscious.
    Many of your functions are on the  automatic response system. The growing of hair, the ordinary healing of wounds. This is your subconscious in action. Many of our reactions to the circumstances of life are in response to the childhood learnings that are buried in the subconscious mind. This is the place where saboteurs are born. These are the little "gremlins" that protect us in the wrong way. 

    The conscious level is the level you know about. This is when you make a choice based, hopefully, on logic. This is the level of the physical.

    The superconscious  is the part of you that is your higher self. It is consistently leading you to your most desired growth experience and awareness of your true being.
    We are alternately operating from one or more of these levels. But the growth experience for which we are reaching is to be operating from all of these levels at once.This is called the supra-conscious. It is also called the Christ Consciousness.

   There are many ways to get there. One is the evolution of the soul. Another is through the act of transition, or dying.  But the most efficient in the physical existence is through meditation.This is what we do each Sunday when we still our minds and with awareness lift our energies to God and with awareness become still and inspired. This is what I would encourage you to practice each day. It changes your life.

We are a Community of Prayer 

We offer many ways to request and share prayer concerns and joys. At Fellowship services we offer prayer sharing during the service, there is a prayer box at the front of the sanctuary for prayer requests and Prayer Chaplains in front of the sanctuary after the service for prayers, tears, laughs and hugs. Prayers can also be requested on the website,www.HarmonyFellowshipofFortWorth.org and on the Harmony Fellowship Facebook page. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Harmony Fellowship is a group of like-minded people that believe in unconditional love, positive energy and living what we believe. We meet the each Sunday of the month. There is meditation every Fellowship and we will hold space for all of those facing challenges and/or celebrations.


To provide flowers for a Sunday service, make out a $75 check to Harmony Fellowship and drop it into the collection basket or give it to Joe or Rebecca. Let us know what the occasion is - even if there isn't one! The flowers are yours to take after service. 


The Fellowship begins at 10:30 with a meet and greet at 10:15.  Following the worship service, there are always people to pray with anyone individually. We have a pot luck luncheon on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and there is always enough food so please join us. The location of the Fellowship is:


Harmony Fellowship  
824 Pennsylvania Avenue  
Fort Worth, TX 76104 
Check out the new website




There is parking on the side and in the back of the building, on the street and in the parking lot across from the back of the building. Just a safety reminder, keep any valuables in your trunk.


There is childcare available on Sundays.


Harmony Fellowship is open and receptive to your ideas and/or suggestions. 


All are welcome so join us when Spirit moves you!!





Barbara Sikma
Harmony Fellowship of Fort Worth
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