Myrtle Beach Real Estate News

Gene Carter and The Beach Pro Team


December 2014 / January 2015
Volume 2015   Issue 01
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In This Issue

Gene Carter CDPE

Professional, Courteous Service /
28 Years Experience / Oceanfront, Waterway & Golf Real Estate Specialist in Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Little River, Surfside, Garden City, Murrells Inlet, Litchfield, Pawleys Island, Carolina Forest
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2200 Premier Resorts Blvd

North Myrtle Beach
South Carolina  29582

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News Flashes





Interest rates continue to drop and more options have become available.  Contact me for details.




Click on the "Calendar of Events" below for more happenings. 



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Greetings from the Grand Strand!


This is a combined December and January newsletter. It includes all of the usual comprehensive marketing statistics I normally provide, for both November and December. I'll get back on track with the February Real Estate News. I've started my analysis of last year's sales data. Next month I'll provide a detailed report. In the meantime, here are some interesting tidbits.


My own sales, both in terms of the number of transactions and sales volume, were almost exactly the same in 2013 and 2014. However, as I suspected from my conversations with other agents and my personal observations, the number of oceanfront condo sales decreased in 2014 compared with recent years. Per MLS, there were 1119 closed oceanfront condo sales in 2014 compared with 1271 in 2013 - a decrease of 12%. The 2014 total was the lowest since 2009 - at the height of the recession (1035 closed oceanfront sales).


The number of new contracts in 2014 was even lower - 1069. Incidentally, the number of new contracts is typically somewhat different from the number of closed sales because some properties are sold in one year and closed in the next since it takes 30 to 60 days per property per sale to close.


So does this mean demand for oceanfront condos has diminished? Personally, I don't think so. My buyer inquiries have been increasing (for me and my team anyway). Interest rates haven't gone up. Financing for oceanfront condos has become far easier to obtain that it was a few years ago. Rental incomes have generally been rising. Sale prices, particularly in the most popular developments, are creeping up. So what's going on?


For one thing, as I've stated in several other newsletters, our market has stabilized. We're not experiencing the volatility we saw from 2003 through 2009. Even though the number of transactions was down somewhat in 2014, it was still in the same general range in which it's been for the past five years (between 1119 and 1311 closed oceanfront condo sales per year since 2010). In other words, this was an incremental change, probably within the normal statistical fluctuation from year to year. For an example of a real eye-popping number, consider that in 2005, at the top of the boom, there were 2612 oceanfront condo sales and I'm sure this number understates the true activity level by a large margin because many of the new towers completed in that time period didn't report their closings to MLS.


So what did cause the number of transactions to dip last year? I suspect the horrific winter weather in the Northeast depressed sales somewhat. Hopefully, this year's weather will be more normal and sales volume will bounce back up. If January activity is any indication, we appear to be back on track for normal seasonal sales activity.


Certainly, one factor influencing the number of closed sales is that there are few clear-cut bargains on the market. There are very few distressed sales on the oceanfront and many sellers are listing at unrealistic prices. The result is that, in many popular developments, there are few sellable listings for buyers to choose from.  One thing I would like to make clear is that, in the present market, reasonably priced listings will sell and buyers are willing to pay market prices - maybe even slightly above.


Whatever the reason for the change last year, the 2014 sales pattern was certainly different than normal. I've mentioned this in several previous newsletters but now I have a visual representation. Take a look at the following two charts. The first chart shows the normal historical pattern for oceanfront condo sales. This is based on new contracts over a five-year period. The second chart shows the pattern for new contracts in 2014. I won't even attempt to offer an explanation but it is clearly different than the norm. Note that October was my best sales month of the year, corresponding to the spike in activity which shows up on the chart.






Next month, we'll look at the 2014 in much more detail.  Should be fun!

November & December Reports

mb coastline

Below are links to several detailed reports on the current state of our local real estate market complete with statistics for just about anything imaginable.  Please keep in mind that these statistics cover a broad range of properties and that particular areas or developments may behave quite differently.  


As always please contact me if I can be of service in any way.

See link below to interpret terms used in these reports.

News to You - December - January

This new monthly newsletter feature shares press releases that caught my eye in the previous month.  Here they are.  (These articles are on my website under "News/Useful Info"). 
Best Buys (My Picks)

The following current listings are exceptionally well-priced and represent great values.  The spreadsheets are sorted by price.  These are live links to listing details and they will change according to changes in the MLS (Pending, Sold, etc.).  The listing details are in the same order as the spreadsheets. Please call me directly if you find something of interest to you.


OF/OV Homes Brochures:         Link to Listings 

OF/OV Homes Spreadsheet:    Link to Spreadsheet 


OF/OV Condo Brochures:         Link to Listings

OF/OV Condo Spreadsheet:    Link to Spreadsheet

Non-OF Condo Brochures:        Link to Listings  
Non-OF Condo Spreadsheet:   Link to Spreadsheet 
If you are considering buying or listing any property on the Grand Strand, or if I can be of assistance in any other way, please contact me.  Also, please feel free to forward this newsletter to friends or acquaintances and of course I will be happy to add them to my email list.

Finally, please let me know if you are going to be in the area and would like to get together.

See you at the beach!

Gene Carter
Beach Pro Team
Cell Phone:  843-455-4785

The material provided is for informational and educational purposes only and sometimes contains current or forward-looking statements on real estate market conditions, and should not be construed as legal, investment and/or real estate advice.  Although the material is deemed to be accurate and reliable, we do not make any representations as to its accuracy or completeness and as a result, there is no guarantee it is without errors, and is not necessarily the opinion of The Hoffman Group or its agents.