Holiday Greetings from Myrtle Beach!
In honor of the season, I've kept this month's newsletter light - no long complex articles that require too much time and effort to digest.
For those of you who are bargain hunters even amidst the holiday madness, I've included an article on some seasonal deals that just won't keep in "Holiday Gifts - Off Season Bargains in Your Favorite Resorts". For fans of "A Christmas Story", I triple dog dare you to try to find any of these listings still available by the end of January!
Lately, I've talked to quite a few owners who are considering listing their properties for sale now that all the national and local real estate reports indicate that the market is starting to rebound. Many want to wait until prices get just a little bit higher. Depending on the property and the timing, waiting may or may not be a good idea. Generalized market stats which report that prices have increased some specific percentage and inventory has dropped to some level don't really give you any usable info in assessing the value or saleability of your particular property. Prices in some developments and neighborhoods are certainly increasing but market values in others are flat and will probably remain flat for a long time - possibly for years. Even for the properties in which prices are increasing, the pace of price gains moves in stops and starts. If you want to discuss the current market conditions affecting your property(s), please contact me any time. Remember, however, that the "buying season", the best time of year to sell, with the strongest buying activity, starts early - by mid-January.
Finally, it seems like all the news has been good news lately for the Grand Strand - strong reports on the local economy, rental incomes and the area's real estate market. More new developments, sports venues and events too. Check it out in "News to You".
My Best Buy picks this month include oceanfront and ocean view houses as well as condos in
Anderson Ocean Club, Atlantica III, Avista, BAREFOOT RESORT - (Edgewater, Harbour Cove, Dye Townhouses and North Tower), Bay View, Bay Watch, Beach Club, Beach Colony, Breakers Boutique, Breakers Resort, Camelot, Caravelle Resort, Caribbean Resort, Carolinian, Compass Cove, Coral Beach, Cottages at 7th, Crescent Keyes, Crescent Shores, Dunes Village, Grand Atlantic, Grande Dunes-Vista Del Mar, Grande Shores, Harbour Cove, Island Vista, KINGSTON PLANTATION - (Brighton, Margate Tower, Royale Palms), Laguna Keyes, Lauderdale Bay, Long Bay Resort, Magnolia North, Magnolia Place, Magnolia Pointe, Malibu Pointe, Mar Vista Grande, Monterey Bay, North Beach Towers, North Beach Plantation-Spa Villas, Ocean Blue, Ocean Creek, Ocean Keyes, Ocean Reef, Oceans One, Paradise Resort, Pinnacle, Prince Resort, Roxanne, Sandy Beach, Seaside Inn, Sea Watch, South Shore Villas, South Wind, Sunrise PointeThe Horizon, The Pointe, Tilghman Beach & Golf and Windy Hill Dunes.
Come see me at the beach!