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    November 2012                         Common Ground; Innovative Research            NGWI.ORG

In This Issue
Grape Consumption Associated with Healthier Eating Patterns in U.S. Children and Adults
Large Coalition of Agricultural Organizations Call on Congress to Pass 2012 Farm Bill
Dr. Lance Cadle-Davidson is Selected for the 2012 T.W. Edminster Research Associate Award

Calendar of Events

NGWI Annual Board Meeting  

Embassy Suites Hotel   

Sacramento, CA

January 28, 2013


Unified Wine & Grape Symposium
Sacramento, CA
January 29-31, 2013

WA Association

of Wine Grape Growers

Annual Meeting

Kennewick, WA

February 5-8, 2013


Midwest Grape & Wine Conference and Trade Show
February 7-9, 2013
St. Charles, MO

Michigan Grape & Wine Conference
February 13-15, 2013
East Lansing, MI

Oregon Wine Industry Symposium
February 19-20, 2013
Portland, OR

Cold Climate Conference 2013
February 21-23, 2013
St. Paul, MN

Eastern Winery Exposition
March 6-7, 2013
Lancaster, PA

Wineries Unlimited
March 12-14, 2013
Richmond, VA

NGWI Spring Board Meeting and Joint Meeting with USDA/ARS
USDA Agency Headquarters
Beltsville, MD
March 20-21, 2013


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The National Grape and Wine Initiative focuses on research and extension to strengthen the US grape and grape product industries in partnership with academics and government. Grapes are the nation's leading specialty crop and all industry segments including raisin, juice, fresh grape and wine created the NGWI coalition to drive research for maximum productivity, sustainability and competitiveness. NGWI aims to lead the world in consumer value and quality.  

Grape Consumption Associated with Healthier Eating Patterns in U.S. Children and Adults


In a new observational study presented today at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Exposition (FNCE) in Philadelphia, PA, researchers looked at the association of grape consumption, in the non-alcoholic forms most commonly consumed - fresh grapes, raisins and 100% grape juice - with diet quality of a recent, nationally representative sample of U.S. children and adults. Their findings suggest that, among adults and children, consumption of grapes and grape products is associated with healthier dietary patterns and increased nutrient intake.


Researchers analyzed the diets of more than 21,800 children and adults using data from the 2003-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) and found that consumers of grapes and grape products had increased intakes of total and whole fruit, as well as dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, C, and B6, versus nonconsumers. Dietary fiber, calcium and potassium are especially important, as most Americans are currently not getting enough of these essential nutrients in their daily diets.


Adult grape and grape product consumers also had increased intakes of vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds along with lower intakes of total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, versus nonconsumers.


"It is interesting to note that not only did grape consumers have increased intakes of healthy foods, critical vitamins and minerals," said presenter Carla McGill, Ph.D., "but grape consumers also ate less of the unhealthy foods, specifically solid fat and added sugars."


This new study complements an extensive body of research supporting the role grapes, raisins and 100% grape juice can play in a healthy lifestyle.


"It reinforces the association between grapes and a healthier diet, which is good news for consumers," said Jean-Mari Peltier, President of the National Grape and Wine Initiative (NGWI). "Grapes, raisins and 100% grape juice are all foods that people enjoy eating, and this information adds another dimension to the grape and health story."


In other related health news -
Reservatrol, a compound in grape skins and red wine, has been shown to have several beneficial  effects on human health and according to a new study may be able to fight off prostrate cancer.

Read the complete article
Large Coalition of Agricultural Organizations Call on Congress to Pass 2012 Farm Bill

NGWI joined a broad coalition of 235 agriculture organizations signing on a letter which called on Congressional leadership to pass a new five-year farm bill to be signed into law by the end of the legislative session. All together, ten grape and wine groups were part of the effort to pass a full Farm Bill.


In a related action, NGWI president Jean-Mari Peltier outlined the negative impact of failure of Congress to act to renew the Farm Bill at a meeting of the California State Board of Food and Agriculture on November 6th. "A simple one-year extension will not renew important provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill," according to Peltier. "Key among these is the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI), which has provided funding for game-changing grape research to combat drought, pests, and diseases."


Grape research has been a major beneficiary of SCRI, with projects addressing challenges across the United States.

Peltier also pointed out that the language adopted by the House of Representatives (HR 6083) incorporates key changes sought be a broad coalition of specialty crop interests. That language would specify a two-step process for reviewing grant applications, including a review by the specific specialty crop industry to determine a proposed project's relevance and impact on the economy. "This provision would assure that in times of limited federal funding, the projects with the greatest industry impact would be funded."  


Washington observers are split when asked about the likelihood of passage of a Farm Bill during the lame duck session. Some believe that a divided Congress will focus only on the issue of the "fiscal cliff" and sequestration. Others believe that the potential budget savings ($23 billion in the Senate bill or $35 billion with the House's measure) could attract Congressmen looking for budget cuts. Continuation of critical research to assure the competitiveness of the grape & wine industry awaits Congressional leadership.


Dr. Lance Cadle-Davidson is Selected for the 2012 T.W. Edminster Research Associate Award

Lance Cadle-Davidson
Dr. Lance

A grape genomics project proposed by plant pathologist Dr. Lance Cadle-Davidson of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Grape Genetics Research Unit at Geneva, NY, has been selected to receive ARS' prestigious T.W. Edminster Research Associate Award. ARS is the chief intramural scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Dr. Cadle-Davidson's proposal was rated the best among the 50 proposals selected for funding through the agency's 2012 Postdoctoral Research Associate Program. Dr. Cadle-Davidson's project will focus on isolating the Ren4 gene to control powdery mildew resistance in grapes. The T. W. Edminster Research Associate Award provides funding for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the project for two years. This program gives postdocs the opportunity to work closely with an experienced researcher in their field of interest, and also perform valuable research to help solve agricultural problems.


The highest quality Vitis vinifera grape cultivars are highly susceptible to powdery mildew.  Grape growers desire vinifera cultivars with powdery mildew resistance for reduced inputs, which is the goal of this project.  Dr. Cadle-Davidson said he and his fellow researchers already have identified molecular markers predictive of powdery mildew resistance and screened a library of chromosomal fragments to identify specific sequences at that locus. Functional analysis of the resistance genes is now under way.

Dr. Cadle-Davidson acknowledged the leadership of the National Grape & Wine Initiative in supporting this important project. Work to determine which genes control powdery mildew is part of a $9 million, five-year project on grape genetics and genomics, which has strong NGWI member involvement, along with a grant from the Specialty Crop Research Initiative. Also included in this "VitisGen" project is work to make grapes more cold tolerant, to maintain fruit quality, and to focus on other key traits identified by the grape industry.