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February 2013


Condor Program Gets Defensible Space 


During the summer of 2012, the hazardous fuels crew for the  S.F. Bay Area national parks completed a series of defensible space projects at Pinnacles National Monument which has since become California's newest National Park. This included routine vegetation removal around administrative buildings and roadsides in the Park Headquarters area, as they provide critical services, emergency evacuation and access for the majority of visitors and staff at any given time. The most extensive component of the work this year, however, was in a more remote area of the park dedicated to research and the California Condor Recovery Program.

Approximately 100 feet of vegetation was cut around two structures at the top of a ridge used by the Condor Program-- the flight pen and observation station.Additional clearance also extended beyond the structures to improve a helicopter
landing zone. The objective of fuel reduction at this location was to ensure that if a fire starts in the park while employees are working at this site, that they can shelter in place until fire personnel determine it is safe to leave.  A secondary outcome will be increased wildfire protection for any condors that may be enclosed within the flight pen. More...


"Knowing the reality of the fire environment at Pinnacles, I can honestly say the work we did this year will significantly increase survivability for anyone working up there," said project manager Jeff Panetta..."That goes for the condors too."  



TOP BANNER PHOTO: The San Francisco Bay Area National Parks Hazardous Fuels Crew at the end of a work shift on the Pinnacles Defensible Space Project.  NPS photo by J. Hanks  

triple C
Fuel Reduction at Triple C Ranch to Protect Sleepy Hollow
The Ross Valley Fire Department has been very progressive concerning vegetation management in the Sleepy Hollow  neighborhood.  They partnered with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, the Rocking H Ranch, and the Marin County Fire Department to create a fire protection zone surrounding Sleepy Hollow.  Work began on the Luiz Fire Road in 2007 to thin brush along the road and was completed in 2008. In 2010, the next part of the project was to break up the vegetation along the Triple C Ranch next to the access road that runs the entire perimeter around the west side of the bowl.  This year, work continued on the project as the Tamalpais Fire Crew cut for 22 days removing dead trees and thinning the understory.  The crew burned for 9 days consuming 462 brush piles to complete this section of work.  More...   


highlands fuel break
San Mateo
Highlands Fuel Break
Partners from Fire Safe San Mateo will be continuing work on a fuel break to protect the structures in the Highlands subdivision adjacent to 40 acres of County Open Space managed  by the Highlands Recreation District.  They have been working with the Highlands Recreation District on this project for the past several years, using the Ben Lomond Conservation Camp fire crews to cut, pile and burn vegetation
. The Highlands fuel break runs along a historic stage coach road that was once the main route to downtown San Mateo. This road now separates the open space from a residential area that is architecturally significant as the largest contiguous development of Eichler homes.  Similar developments in Palo Alto are on the National Register of Historic Places. More...

gallery fire_bigsurkate

Strategic Community Fuel Break Improvement Project - Los Padres NF
The Los Padres National Forest is reviewing public comments on an important fuel break proposal in the Monterey Ranger District. Approximately 7.5 miles of fuel breaks in the Ventana Wilderness and 16.6 miles of fuel breaks on non-wilderness lands are being proposed as part of the Firescape Monterey community fire preparedness project. These fuel breaks are designed to protect nearby rural communities and would be up to 150 feet wide. Some would involve improving fire control lines used during the Basin Complex fires of 2008. Central to the public dialogue is a discussion about the potential use of mechanized equipment in the wilderness.  The Fire Safe Council of Monterey County has posted its comments online.  See also story by Chris Counts in the Carmel Pine Cone, "Debate heats up over plan to maintain firebreaks in wilderness." (Dec 7, 2012 p7A). The photo above shows the Gallery Fire, part of the Basin Complex, when it was threatening the Big Sur area. Photo courtesy of bigsurkate, original posted on Flickr.

Condors and Wildfire  
A group of condors were evacuated from the Ventana Wilderness by ATV and helicopter during the 2008 Basin Complex Fires. 
Photo courtesy of Ventana Wildlife Society  
One of the many remarkable efforts during the California Fire Siege of 2008, was the evacuation of 8 condors from facilities in the Ventana Wilderness when they were threatened by the Gallery Fire, which was one of three fires in the Basin Complex.  A unique helicopter rescue operation was accomplished by the U.S. Coast Guard, and the birds were then transported to refuge at the flight pen in Pinnacles National Park. The evacuated condor facilities were burned, but were later rebuilt by the Ventana Wildlife Society with the help of many volunteers and partners. Video of the rescue operation can be viewed on the ABC7 - KGO-TV website.  



Bay Area Headlines


California Inmate Sentenced to Death for 2003 Wildfire 

(USA Today, Jan 28, 2013) 


Coastside Fire Protection District Recall Election Moves Ahead    

(Marin Independent Journal, Feb 1, 2013)  


Salazar, Local Officials Christen Pinnacles National Park 

(Register Pajaronian, Feb 12, 2013 )



Upcoming Events


2013 SUDDEN OAK DEATH TREATMENT WORKSHOPS - 2 hr workshop offered multiple times March through November 2013.  Meet outside of Tolman Hall, UC Berkeley. Contact:   More...


SPRING 2013 - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - MMWD's Draft Wildfire Protection and Habitat Improvement Plan.  See calendar...



Got Green Waste? 

If you are managing vegetation / fuel on your property, you will probably end up with material you need to get rid of.  Not to worry...your fire department and local fire safe council will know about different  green waste programs available in your community and they are only a phone call away.

Common examples are:
  • Chipping 
  • Composting
  • Brush drop-off  

You may be surprised to find out about services that you never knew were available!  




Jennifer Chapman
Fire Communication and Education Specialist

S.F. Bay Area National Parks



Thanks to all the partners who are working to improve fire safety and restore ecosystem health.