2016 Scuttlebutt Masthead

May 3, 2016 

To be intoxicated is to feel sophisticated - but not be able to say it.

The Summer of Fun is Under Way at KYC!

Front Dock Sunset
 Kingman Yacht Center is open for the season!  Docks are ready for your 
boats.  Power and water is on at all slips.  Most moorings are set up,
inspected and ready.  
If you arrive to find that your mooring assignment is occupied or has no ball 
or pennant, please pick up another mooring in the area and we'll move you 
to the right spot as soon as possible. 
The Launch, Fuel Dock and Dock House are open daily from 8AM until 5PM.
 The Service and Parts Departments are open Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM,  
Saturday 8AM - 2PM and Sundays by appointment.
We can't wait to see you and help you to have a great 
summer on the water!

Celebrate the End of Winter, and We'll Trade You 
Your Winter Socks for a New T-Shirt ....

Sock Burning 2016
Saturday 5/14  2-4 PM at the Yacht Clubhouse

Them Red Brook boys got an odd tradition
When the sun starts gettin' to a summer-like position,
They build a little fire down along the docks,
They doff their shoes and they burn their winter socks.
Yes, they burn their socks by the marina docks;
You might think that's peculiar, but it's really not,
See, they're the same socks they put on last fall,
And they never took 'em off to wash 'em at all . . .
So they burn their socks at the marina docks
In a little ol' fire burning nice and hot.
Some think incineration is the only solution,
'Cause washing 'em contributes to Red Brook's pollution.
Through the spring and the summer and into the fall,
They go around not wearin' any socks at all,
Just stinky bare feet stuck in old deck shoes,
Whether out on the water or sippin' on a brew.
So if you sail into the Harbor on the 14th of May,
And it smells like Limburger saut�ed with old hay,
You'll know you're downwind of the Kingman docks
Where they're celebrating summer by burning their socks. 

The Chart Room Opens Next Thursday 5/12 
for Their 51st Season!
Chart Room Vintage Ad
May 14 - June 17     Thursday Dinner - Sunday Lunch Only
June 18 - September 7    Open 7 days 11:30AM - 10:00PM
September 10 - October 12    Thursday Dinner - Sunday Lunch
Reservations are suggested at (508) 563-5350

Pic of the Week

2016 Fred Galinski in LV
   Congratulations to Fred Galinski for winning the April "Show Off Your KYC" 
prize - flying the colors at Treasure Island in Las Vegas!

New Kingman Logo Jpeg

Since 1932 ... Brand New Every Day!


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