2015 Scuttlebutt Masthead
Countdown to Boating Season:


Coming Up in Kingman Country


Seal & Seabird Watch with the Buzzards Bay Coalition.

This Saturday 11AM-1PM,

look for harbor seals and winter seabirds in Woods Hole. Begin at the Buzzards Bay Discovery Center, where guests will learn about harbor seals. Then board the heated boat to search for these playful mammals on the water. Binoculars provided. $20 for members, $30 for non-members, $15 for kids under 12.


Chart Plotter  

Buzzards Bay Sail & Power Squadron Education Series:

"Using GPS for Navigation"

Saturday 4/18 10:30-12:30 at Mashpee Public Library.

How to use a GPS, chart plotter and other software to plan and navigate.  Click HERE for information and reservations.



A Rare Listing! New to Market ...

Single-Loaded, 40' X 14' Dockominium Slip on the Front Docks at Kingman Yacht Center!

Front Dock Sunset  

Guarantee that you always have a prime spot on the front docks and protect against increasing rental costs by investing in the remainder of this 99-year lease.  Contact Tara for price and details.



Stay Well.
Stay Connected.


      March 24, 2015 
Change your password to "incorrect."
So whenever you forget, your computer will
tell you that "Your Password is Incorrect."

Getting Your Boat Ready to Launch:

Heat Exchangers

                     Heat Exchanger Diagram

Each spring we try to get you started on a mental to-do list of items that should be reviewed before your boat hits the water. This week, let's think about taking care of your boat's engine cooling system.

Heat exchangers use seawater to help the coolant side cool the engine. The coolant and the seawater pass through a series of separate tubes and the heat is transferred to keep the engine running cool and efficiently. Heat exchangers should be checked regularly for corrosion and leakage. 

Over time these tubes can become clogged with debris and restrict the water flow causing the engine to overheat. To prevent this from happening the core should be removed and cleaned regularly with acid. While it is disassembled the end gaskets and zincs should be replaced. If there is evidence of corrosion at the end caps, that's a good sign that it is time to service your heat exchanger. You can also help to prevent corrosion and build up by treating your engine with Salt Away.

Spending a little time and money to service your heat exchanger is far less expensive then needing to replace your engine because of overheating.


For more spring commissioning tips, please visit our BLOG often!


 Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Versace and ... YOU!

BA Tshirt Collage  


We're looking for the next great design for the 2015 BassAckwards shirts - and we'll pay $250 in cash to use your signed logo on hundreds of the most popular shirts on the Bay!


For all the details about how to submit your design, just click HERE - and show us what you've got!   



 Pic of the Week

                  Boat in a Bottle

    New Kingman Logo Jpeg 

SINCE 1932



(don't miss a minute)