Newsletter #16      
June 2013  
S Lakshmi Narasimhan 
Welcome to this edition of the Voyages of Discovery Newsletter, the newsletter that is all about you and your voyages of discovery of your genius.  If you missed our previous newsletters, get them here from our archives.

In This Issue
Nature's Balancing Act
The radically changing landscape of learning Part 2 of 3
Next Issue
Nature's Balancing Act
Nature's Balancing Act
Are you playing your role in Nature's Act?



Nature's Plan for you  

Do you like plastic flowers? I hate them. To me they are not genuine. They are boringly same. Moreover, they are artificial. Nature meant for flowers just like other living things to be pristine and in all their intrinsic being. Real flowers have character. Real flowers are natural. They look gorgeous as buds. They bloom and look gorgeous. They wilt and look gorgeous too. Now you may think it is carrying things too far to believe that wilted flowers look gorgeous but let me explain.


Nature is all about balance. Would you be able to handle happiness (if granted to you) all the time? No, you will get bored very soon. You may think it will be Utopia to have happiness forever and all your troubles are over. But utopia is predictable and yes again boring. Life is a kaleidoscopic whirl of ups and downs. It is only when you are down for some time that you will hope, strive for and then reach an up which you will appreciate that much more. If you have no downs at all, your up will become monotonous. It is Nature's provision of contrast, another fascinating element of her balancing project. Ironically, Nature is accountant like at heart giving a debit and a credit provision, showing two sides of a coin. For example, that is why night follows day, heavy rain is followed by beautiful sunshine and so forth. A gentle reminder from nature that things are transitional, nothing is permanent. The only thing that is permanent is the soul for it is indestructible.


In Vedic philosophy (Vedas are the sacred scriptures of Hinduism) there is a concept called "saswattam" or  "nirantaram" (saswattam and nirantaram in Tamil and Sanskrit languages mean "permanence"). If happiness were permanent then a human would have no motivation to hope, to struggle, to endure and then to get the fruits of that effort and labor. There would be no motivation left to strive for anything at all. They would just turn into zombies - permanently happy zombies! You will waste away being that for long periods of time. That is not what Nature meant for you. She had greater plans. Look at life itself. It is transient, so make every moment count.



Nature's Lessons

Nature provides unforgettable lessons for us in all her creations. Take for example the seasons. If there is a cold, teeth chattering winter, there is also a warm, sweaty summer. If the flowers and leaves bloom in all their glorious color and shapes during spring, they do give way later to autumn when they shed all that. This cycle is a great example of Nature's balancing act. There is variety in her creations. Nothing is in a permanent state of being. There is therefore an opportunity to acclamatize yourself to the different offerings. This is probably why it is said that variety is the spice of life.



Your role

Where do you fit in in Nature's Balancing Act?

Oh you play a stellar role, make no mistake about it. You are Nature's Mercury - the messenger (may not be of the gods but Nature as a force is no less powerful). And the messenger in this instance is also the role player. If you did not play out the ups and downs in Nature's Balancing Act, there would be no place for hope, struggle, effort, motivation and yes preparation for the up. And so it is that Nature entrusts you with the onerous responsibility of proving her balance theory. And she does it by bestowing something unique to humans.



The Human Spirit

Human spirit is what distinguishes us from animals and Nature planned it that way. Permanence in anything will destroy any chances of invoking that spirit. The ups and downs are the litmus test for the metaphor of life itself. Humankind has conquered many frontiers through their effort and sheer perseverance and this has kept alive Nature's challenges. It is said that the body may be defeated but if the spirit is alive, you are alive. And importantly, you can resurrect yourself with a positive spirit. It was all in Nature's conception that it be so.



Are you playing your role?

The question however in all this is: are you playing your role? Are you treating each moment as a nugget of time which will pass if not savored? It will be irrevocably lost to you. Living in the moment includes keeping that spirit up even during times of trouble. Are you taking the ups and downs as part of a perennial cycle? More importantly are you treating the "downs" also as part of Nature's grand equation? If you are, you will enjoy your victories in a way that will put a smile in Nature's face. For she would have seen her mission being carried out.

The Go Givers and Go Getters

For too long there has been an obsessive emphasis on go getters - those who are able to be brutally focused on achieving success even if it sometimes meant trampling on a less fortunate individual to get there. This is not part of Nature's plan. Nature revels in providing abundance to all those who seek it sincerely, work towards it in a committed way and are willing to give before wanting to get. And Nature is magnanimous in providing abundance - she does not cut corners for after all it is reward for effort. There is an immutable law here - the unwritten but unfailing Law of Compensation. What you sow, so shall you reap. You cannot hope to achieve success without sacrificing or giving something in return. Here too, Nature balances her books adroitly. She has an impeccable way of keeping books on effort and reward. She rewards those who give first and then seek success. This is one more illustration of her Balancing Act.


It is often said that adversity reveals genius and prosperity conceals it. This is also part of Nature's grand plan of setting up the infrastructure for a human being, granting him or her the power of spirit and then challenging them to live life with equanimity.



Let me leave you with this thought. 

Think how you are playing out Nature's role. 

Are you emulating her plan of living a balanced life. If you are, this will definitely make her smile down at you.

You would like that won't you? 


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The radically changing landscape of learning Part 2 of 3

Present Day Learning

Part 2 - The Present era  

(of a multipart series) 

Present Day Learning

In Part 1, we talked about the era gone by, that of chalk and board and how it seemed often that the teacher was taking precedence over what is taught.


The present is already seeing the transition to the student centric era, the era of eLearning, the era of digital chalk and board and the era of interactivity as education has never seen before.



Technology is a major catalyst to the way education is imparted. It has provided some unique out of the box thinking processes which were inconceivable in the era gone by.

For example, the mere thought that one could actually take lessons (learn) lounging in our pyjamas with our feet up and with a slate of digital technology parked on our laps or from the minuscule screens of our mobile phones (the smartphone variety in particular) while commuting was deemed preposterous. However, as much as the conduct of business has been elevated through the use of mobile technology, education is getting revolutionized by it. It is literally spearheading an avante garde form of education where time, space, location melt into an amalgam of anywhere learning, learning on demand. 



Teacher and Teaching

If you remember, in Part 1 (go here for Part 1), we said that the past era was one where the teacher was taking precedence over what was being taught. Well, technology went and turned that topsy turvy. Now, the emphasis and focus has moved to what is being taught. In fact, this has become critical in ensuring assimilation and retention as we will see later.


Technology has thrown the gauntlet at educators to ensure that the new way of learning in no way suffers from loss of personal touch or the physical presence of the instructor. While one may argue the merits of this new way in its apparent loss of the human touch, it certainly is a complete lateral thinking approach.



Virtual Classrooms 

So while elearning means that the personal touch with the instructor is lost, it has provided its own solution to this. Virtual classrooms have sprung up where the instructor is actually having a conversation with the student in realtime. This is made possible by the awesome internet which has made video streaming and chats now a commonplace phenomenon. This has certainly bridged the gap caused by the physical presence of the instructor being lost. Webinars are now as common as seminars.


What is a webinar? It is simply a live online educational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions and comments. A virtual classroom is nothing but a webinar with participating students located all over the globe and logged in through the internet. It is as good as a physical classroom.



Blended Learning 

In fact, the eLearning revolution has germinated the concept of blended learning. Blended learning is where the benefit of a self paced, student driven learning process is combined with an interaction with the instructor - the best of both worlds in a manner of speaking.


Ironically, a virtual classroom brings with it a certain element of interactivity which more than compensates for the personal touch of the instructor. Additionally, the involvement of the students is almost a given particularly when the virtual classroom is in session.


What is taught 

Technology also managed to quietly bring down another bastion of learning (or teaching from another perspective) from the past era - the personality of the teacher. The new path means that focus is squarely on what is being taught. In fact, in many instances, the new way means that the students did not even know who the instructor was at the other end. This though is best complemented with a dose of blended learning.

Time, Space, Effort and Cost

The bar for good quality education has always risen and with it costs. Education in a private university or college can be a very expensive proposition. Here too, the ubiquitous Internet is the great leveler. It enables the coming together of student and instructor and the imparting of learning in a business model which costs a fraction of its counterpart in a brick and mortar institution. This obviously also has allowed those who previously could not afford a physical campus education to learn through an eLearning course on the Internet instead. The question mark against comparison of quality in the two methods of education is slowly disappearing over time.


Moreover, eLearning compresses time, space and effort too. No time is wasted on commutes, it does not actually matter where you are in the globe and you can virtually start learning at the tap of a finger on a sliver of digital technology. Learning has indeed come a long way.



Let me leave you with this thought:  

What kind of learning are you going through? And those of you with children, what kind are they going through? Surely, there must be differences between the two.




Next issue - Part 3 - The Future of Learning 

Where is learning headed? Don't miss the exciting conclusion.

Leave your comments about this article by clicking here.  
Next Issue (see you in July 2013)
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Believe in yourself and discover the genius in you.

Talk to you soon.
S Lakshmi Narasimhan
Author of the just released Book: Discover the Genius in the Mirror
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