If it seems like you haven't heard from me in a while, you're right. I've been hunkering down. While most people associate me with being gregarious and out front, my natural state is really more introverted. I crave alone time, so I can find my best ideas. I prefer in-depth conversations over small talk, and I like to concentrate on a singular job instead of multitasking on many.


It took me a long time to realize that these were not personality defects, particularly in a society that revels in the opposite.


Thanks to the incredible work of Susan Cain, whose research revealed that one in every three people also share these traits, I now see how important it is to nurture these introspective needs instead of negate them. According to Forbes, "Cain's book, Quiet, should interest anyone who cares about how people think, work, get along, or wonders why the guy in the next cubicle, acts that way." If you do nothing else, check out her speech,  "The Power of Introverts," which Bill Gates named as one of his all-time favorite TED talks. It will change the way you see yourself and others, not to mention challenge our culture's "Groupthink" standards that tend to kill the creative process.


The greatest leaders, inventors, scientists, and artists of all time don't huddle up in open-plan work stations or committee meetings in order to develop their most meaningful work. They dive into the uncharted channels of their minds in private -- then bring their ideas to the forum afterward.


Bottom line?


Solitude is a catalyst for innovation. Collaboration should come as the result. 




Susie Frazier Logo

Southwest General Hospital Commissions Ten Works 

In early January, Southwest General Hospital, in partnership with Gray Haus Studios, installed ten new
works by Susie Frazier in their new Emergency department. The collection was based on Frazier's premise
that when we connect with nature, healing begins. Using a 12" x 12" format, she created compositions in
bark, twigs, pods, grass, and more. Installers were free to hang the work in a linear or grid format, which
offered flexibility for the client.

Want to see new works as Susie finishes them? Then be sure  LIKE Susie's business page on Facebook!



Frazier Creates Custom Mirror For Ohio Home  

Using cut driftwood collected along the shores of Lake Erie, Susie created this one-of-a-kind mirror for
Faith & Dave Gilbert, of Solon, OH. Looking to accentuate the earth tones found in their home, The
Gilberts commissioned Susie to create a 78" x 30" statement piece that could complement the hues
and textures of their dining room. Made with a 4" wide channel to support cut pieces of wood, Susie
carefully mounted the discs to fit neatly throughout the perimeter of the frame. "One of the most
fascinating parts of working with driftwood," she says, "is when I cut into the logs only to find patterns
and colors that I don't expect." 

If you'd like to receive a quote on a unique mirror made from found objects from nature, contact Susie
at info@susiefrazierart or 216.272.4757.

COVER STORY: Luxury Ohio Living Magazine      

Natural Woman by Jennifer L.K. Atkins | Photos by Dan Morgan

"A strong 'bring the outdoors in' movement exists among consumers and designers today. This awareness
of the positive effect of connecting with nature is fueling a demand for green living products and d�cor
that uses organic colors and textures. Acclaimed Ohio artist Susie Frazier is at the forefront of what she
hopes is "not just a trend, but a long term commitment by the industry" to vernacular design, where
materials and finished products are sourced locally.

Not limited to fine art, but encompassing fashion, home living products, furnishings and gifts, Susie's
eclectic portfolio repurposes both organic and industrial discards into evocative pieces..." Read more...

Earthminded Style Tip:   

Susie's good friend, Beth Ripepi, came up with this fun and easy way to display her favorite snapshots!
Living in lakeside neighborhood, Beth often comes across driftwood logs with character. This one
happened to have a straight crack right across the top that was just wide enough for inserting photos.
All she did was clean it up and find a cool shelf or mantel on which to put it.

If you can't find a log with a straight crack, and you happen to be handy with a table saw, simply adjust
your saw blade to about .75" to 1" high. Using a guide or rip fence for stability, pass the log over the
blade lengthwise, and you'll have a deep enough slice in the wood to insert your photos.  

See more design tips in previous newsletters.