Vanguard Logo
Update for January 18, 2013Top
In this Issue:
Lend a Hand
Scrip Program
Upcoming Events
Stay Connected

Lend a Hand


We have raised

$29, 721 


Please make a donation of $100/child to help us reach our goal of $100,000.


2012-2013 Student Directory


You can access a copy of the 2012-2013 Student Directory by logging on to Infinite Campus Portal and selecting the Reports tab. A link will direct you to the downloadable directory. You may also pick up a printed copy at any building's front office.

Support CMCA by using Scrip Cards for your every day purchases!


Learn more!

 Needed: Baskets!
We are looking for some large baskets for various projects around the school! If you happen to have any large baskets (at least 1 foot wide/round) that you don't plan on using, please bring them to the high school front office!
Weather Policy
CMCA/Vanguard will be bound by District 12 (D-12) decisions on whether to close, delay opening or announce early dismissal because of bad weather. 
Pay for School Lunches by Credit Card Online!

Day of Excellence: 2/15


In recognition of our high school being the top-performing school in Colorado (for the 6th consecutive year) based on CSAP/TCAP scores, the CMCA School Board has approved a day off in celebration of this excellence.  


The Celebration of Excellence Day will take place on Friday, February 15, 2013, and all students (K-12) and staff will have that day off.

Amazon Wishlist
Join Our Mailing List!
Upcoming Events & Save the Dates 
1/18: Report Cards

1/21: Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL)

1/23: Athletic Information Meeting (3:15pm, Cafetorium)

1/25: K-6 Substitute Teacher Training (12-4pm, Wahsatch Campus)

1/29: Chipotle Eat & Greet (4-8pm)

2/15: Day of Excellence (NO SCHOOL)


For more details about these and other events, please access our website calendar!

News and Events 
Parent Satisfaction Survey 
An email was sent out earlier this afternoon containing a link to a parent satisfaction survey for each grade level (K-6, 7-8, 9-12) in which you have children.  The survey will remain open until January 28, 2013. Your answers will be anonymous and confidential.  This survey focuses mostly on your child's teachers, but please know that we value your feedback regarding all aspects of our school.  Therefore, you will have the opportunity to provide input about curriculum and many other areas in a 2nd semester survey this spring.  We look forward to your input and ideas from this year as we strive to continuously improve our programs. If you did not receive an email, please contact 
and identify which survey(s) you need (K-6, 7-8, 9-12).
Athletic Information Meetings

The Vanguard School will be holding two athletic information meetings to discuss more about high school and college athletics as well as to address any questions families may have. Families with students in grades 6-12 are welcome to attend!  The first athletic information meeting is on Wednesday, January 23, at 3:15 p.m. in the Cafetorium, and the second meeting is Wednesday, February 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafetorium. Athletic Director, Dina Fuqua, will be there to answer your questions about 3A sports at Vanguard as well as about Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 sports in college.  Other topics will include criteria and competition for college academic and athletic scholarships as well as what Vanguard has to offer your child in athletics and how academics will play a part in determining if your child can get athletic scholarships in college.

best of 2013Vote CMCA/Vanguard for Best of the Springs 2013!

For the last two years, Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy earned Best of the Springs. Let's work together to earn Best of the Springs 2013! Click here to VOTE!

  1. Click the link above to start voting
  2. Click the "Start Voting" button
  3. Next to High School, type in "The Vanguard School"
  4. Next to Middle School, type in "Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy"
  5. Next to Elementary School, type in "Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy"

Exchange Student Needs Host Family

A male foreign exchange student who has been attending our school since the beginning of the year is in need of a host family as soon as possible.  Please contact Sue Clayton at 719-238-6402 if you are interested. 

Coaches Needed  

There are several coaching positions that are currently open for this year. Please let Athletic Director, Dina Fuqua, know if you are interested or know someone outside of CMCA who may be interested. Coaching applications can be access at for the following positions:  

  • 5/6 Grade Girls Basketball Coach 
  • JH Girls Soccer Coach
  • HS Girls Varsity and JV tennis coaches (2)

K-6 Substitute Teacher Training

There will be a FREE substitute training on Friday, January 25th, from noon until 4:00 for anyone interested in subbing for grades K-6 . This training will be held on the Wahsatch campus in the Special Education area. Please sign up with the Wahsatch front office by Wednesday, January 23rd, to reserve your space as space is limited (471-1999). Child care is not provided.

Note from School Nurse 

Please take some time to read this letter from Mrs. MIller, our school nurse, our the flu and viruses. Please remember that it is school policy that a student remains home for 24 hours after vomiting has subsided or a fever has broken. Should your child be diagnosed with the Norovirus, a 48 hour timeframe is needed after symptoms are over before returning to school.

Vanguard's Referral Incentive Program

megaphoneThe Vanguard School offers a referral incentive program to families that promote our high school! For every new student that shado ws at The Vanguard School or attends a High School Information Night, the referring family will receive a $25 gift card. 


High School Information Night is Wednesday, January 30th, at 6:30pm in the Vanguard Library. Shadow Days can be scheduled by contacting Mrs. Eads at the High School Front Office.

CMCA/Vanguard Gear 
T-shirts, hoodies, and cinch bags are all new and available in the Turf Club with Mrs. Custer. We have both pullover hoodies and zip-up hoodies! Get them now and show your school pride. Go Coursers!
Stay Connected with CMCA! 

CMCA is online! Stay connected with CMCA:

  1. Vanguard Voice: our K-12 monthly newsletter
  2. K-6 Weekly Newsletters: our K-6 weekly class newsletters
  3. PTO News: PTO updates and events
  4. Infinite Campus Portal: check attendance and grades
  5. Follow CMCA on Facebook 
  6. Follow The Vanguard School on Facebook 

The Vanguard School
1605 S. Corona Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
(719) 471-1999