Vanguard Logo
Update for January 4, 2013Top
In this Issue:
Lend a Hand
Scrip Program
Upcoming Events
Stay Connected

Lend a Hand


We have raised

$23, 971


Please make a donation of $100/child to help us reach our goal of $100,000.

2012-2013 Student Directory


You can access a copy of the 2012-2013 Student Directory by logging on to Infinite Campus Portal and selecting the Reports tab. A link will direct you to the downloadable directory. You may also pick up a printed copy at any building's front office.

Support CMCA by using Scrip Cards for your every day purchases!


Learn more!

Weather Policy
CMCA/Vanguard will be bound by District 12 (D-12) decisions on whether to close, delay opening or announce early dismissal because of bad weather. 
Pay for School Lunches by Credit Card Online!

Day of Excellence: 2/15


In recognition of our high school being the top-performing school in Colorado (for the 6th consecutive year) based on CSAP/TCAP scores, the CMCA School Board has approved a day off in celebration of this excellence.  


The Celebration of Excellence Day will take place on Friday, February 15, 2013, and all students (K-12) and staff will have that day off.

Amazon Wishlist
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Upcoming Events & Save the Dates 

1/7: Progress Reports (for K-6)

1/8: PTO Meeting

1/8-1/9: Grades 9-12 Exams

1/10-1/11: Grades 7-12 Exams

1/15: Board Meeting (Vanguard Library, 6pm)

1/16: College Perspective Series: Financial Aid (Vanguard Library, 6:30pm)

1/17: Vanguard High School Information Night (Vanguard Library, 6:30pm)

1/18: Report Cards

1/21: Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL)

2/15: Day of Excellence (NO SCHOOL)


For more details about these and other events, please access our website calendar!

News and Events 

Midterm Exam Schedules 

Students in grades 7-8 will have midterm exams on Thursday, January 10th and Friday, January 11th. Please be sure your Junior High child is picked up at 1:15 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.  


Students in grades 9-12 will have midterm exams from Tuesday, January 8th through Friday, January 11th. High School students are encouraged to be at school only while taking exams, but they will be allowed to attend study hall from 1-3 P.M. in the Library, if they would like, Tuesday through Thursday.    


Please click here to see the exam schedule for grades 7-12.

2013-2014 Letter of Intent

Every year we give our current families the first opportunity to enroll for the next school year. Since we have many students on our waiting list, it is very important for you to re-enroll your children now if you want them to attend CMCA or The Vanguard School next year. In order to do that, you must either submit this online form or return a printed form to the office by Friday, January 18th. If you do not submit the online version or return the printed version of your Letter of Intent by January 18th, and then decide to re-enroll, your child(ren) will be grouped with those on the waiting list.

High School 2nd Semester Schedules

Students will receive their updated second semester schedules on Monday along with a list of elective options.  (Updated schedules can also be accessed through Infinite Campus Portal.)  Before any student schedule changes will be made, Mrs. Eads must have parent approval.  Please email Mrs. Eads with schedule change requests.

Vanguard Parent Meet and Greet

Junior High Parents, please join Vanguard parents at Panera Bread located in the Southgate Shopping Center for a Meet and Greet this Tuesday, January 8th, at 8:00 a.m. This event will allow you to ask questions and participate in discussion about The Vanguard School's culture, student body, academics, athletics, college admissions, and extracurricular activities. We encourage you to attend this event to further your understanding of what excellent opportunities The Vanguard School has to offer.

Exchange Student Needs Host Family

A male foreign exchange student who has been attending our school since the beginning of the year is in need of a host family this month.  Please contact Sue Clayton at 719-238-6402 if you are interested. A stipend to cover board and electricity can be provided to host families.

K-6 Substitute Teacher Training

There will be a FREE substitute training on Friday, January 25th, from noon until 4:00 for anyone interested in subbing for grades K-6 . This training will be held on the Wahsatch campus in the Special Education area. Please sign up with the Wahsatch front office by Wednesday, January 23rd, to reserve your space as space is limited (471-1999). Child care is not provided.

Feeling Confused about College Financial Aid?  

As part of The Vanguard School's College Perspective series, Jevita Rogers, UCCS Director of Financial Aid, Student Employment, and Scholarship, will be at the Vanguard Library on the evening of Wednesday, January 16, 2013, from 6:30-7:30 PM. Ms. Rogers will share information regarding college financial aid, FAFSA, and scholarships. Bring a notepad and any questions you might have about this important part of the college equation.  Contact Jill Custer at at 719.471.1999 x 256 or for more information. This event is free and open to the public.

Vanguard's Referral Incentive Program

megaphoneThe Vanguard School offers a referral incentive program to families that promote our high school! For every new student that shado ws at The Vanguard School or attends a High School Information Night, the referring family will receive a $10 gift card. 


High School Information Nights are scheduled for Thursday, January 17th, and Wednesday, January 30th, at 6:30pm in the Vanguard Library. Shadow Days can be scheduled by contacting Mrs. Eads at the High School Front Office.

CMCA/Vanguard Gear 
T-shirts, hoodies, and cinch bags are all new and available in the Turf Club with Mrs. Custer. We have both pullover hoodies and zip-up hoodies! Get them now and show your school pride. Go Coursers!
Stay Connected with CMCA! 

CMCA is online! Stay connected with CMCA:

  1. Vanguard Voice: our K-12 monthly newsletter
  2. K-6 Weekly Newsletters: our K-6 weekly class newsletters
  3. PTO News: PTO updates and events
  4. Infinite Campus Portal: check attendance and grades
  5. Follow CMCA on Facebook 
  6. Follow The Vanguard School on Facebook 

The Vanguard School
1605 S. Corona Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
(719) 471-1999