Network Link Newsletter: June 2016
Spotlight: Fellow Award
Ken Wilson celebrated with Fellow Award

The BC Chamber, together with Chamber delegates from across the province, celebrated the tremendous contributions of the Williams Lake & District Chamber's Ken Wilson at the BC Chamber AGM & Conference last week.

At the Chair's Inaugural Dinner on May 31, Judi Ainsworth, a BC Chamber fellow and retired executive director of the North Vancouver and Qualicum Beach chambers, presented Ken with the BC Chamber Fellow Award. The award recognizes individuals who have given exemplary and outstanding service to the Chamber of Commerce network in British Columbia.

Ken was recognized for his remarkable service to the Chamber network, including 30 years of Chamber membership, 25 years on the Williams Lake & District Chamber Board, and more than three terms of service as a district director for the BC Chamber.

In presenting the award, Judi said, "The Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce, BC Chamber of Commerce and the community of Williams Lake should be thankful for Ken's passion of Chamber work. May it long be contagious for all!"
Chamber Leaders in Action
Profile: Colleen Evans, Campbell River Chamber

To celebrate the leadership talent in our network,the BC Chamber has launched a new series, Chamber Leaders in Action, profiling Chamber Managers. These profiles are brought to you by BC Chamber benefit provider, Spark Insurance.
Campbell River is transitioning from a resource-based community to a goods and service community, undergoing significant revitalization. The challenge for Colleen Evans, the president and CEO of the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce, is creating an environment that allows the Chamber to leverage revenue-generating opportunities in a way that will be sustainable into the future and enable businesses to thrive.

She brought with her over 20 years of experience in community, business and economic development, extending across the public, for-profit and not-for profit sectors. She's been applying that experience to the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce for the past seven years.

"I saw the Chamber as a great opportunity to take an active role in making a difference in the future of Campbell River with an organization that had the brand, respect and foundation to really affect change and the way business was done," says Evans. Read more 
Interested in being profiled? Please contact Jenny MacPhee. 
New & Noteworthy
B.C.'s Chambers pass 49 policies at Kelowna AGM

Congratulations to our network for all your valuable policy-development work this year! Of the 55 proposed policies that went to our AGM policy floor, 49 have been adopted as official BC Chamber policies.

Here are links to news releases regarding our AGM Day 1 policies passed and AGM Day 2 policies passed. As well, in the wake of the AGM we have issued (and will continue this week to issue) news releases on some specific AGM policies and policy clusters, including affordable housing and our call for a VAT.
New BC Chamber Board Chair, Directors sworn in at AGM

The BC Chamber's 2016 - 2017 Board Chair Patrick Giesbrecht, owner of Giesbrecht & Co., was sworn in at the recent AGM & Conference in Kelowna.

Also sworn in as new or re-elected BC Chamber directors were:
  • Tara Benham, Chartered Accountant, Hayes, Steward Little & Co.
  • Dave Butler, Director of Sustainability, Canadian Mountain Highways
  • Aleece Laird, Partner, Fresh Inc.
  • Barindher Sidhu, Associate, Fasken Martineau LLP
  • Ken Veldman, Director, Public Affairs, Port of Prince Rupert
  • Joelle Westlund, Senior Advisor, Communica Public Affairs
BC Chamber, Industry Training Authority sign MOU at AGM

The Industry Training Authority (ITA) and the British Columbia Chamber of Commerce are embarking on a new partnership to strengthen BC's trades community as a response to the increasing demand for skilled trades people across
the province. ITA and BCCC will work collaboratively to further engage industry members at regional and provincial levels and raise awareness of the many benefits of the hiring apprentices in the community.

We will be providing more details in the coming weeks.
Support Fort McMurray Chamber

The Alberta Chambers of Commerce has launched a fundraising initiative to raise money for the Fort McMurray Chamber, to enable it to continue operations and to support the rebuilding of the city's business community in the wake of major wildfire damage.
If your Chamber or members are looking for a way to assist this community, this is a great Chamber-led initiative that's targeted at supporting a fellow Chamber. Please click here for information on how to donate. 
For Your Business
Funds available for employers under Get Youth Working Program

The Get Youth Working Program, funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Job Fund, offers BC employers a $2,800 hiring incentive (up to 3 employees at $2,800 each) to hire eligible youth 15 to 29 years of age.
Under the current program funding stream, funding is still available but applications will only be accepted until June 30, 2016.
Local Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade, please pass this important information on to your members in your next e-newsletter or on your website. Many of your members may not have taken advantage of this funding opportunity and will appreciate your timely reminder about the program.
Click the link below to access copy that can be cut and pasted into to an e-newsletter, onto your website, or shared to your social media channels.
Benefits Update
Chamber Plan: Submit health, dental claims through app

Plan participants of the Chambers Plan can now submit most health and dental claims using a smartphone or tablet. Submitting claims electronically is a convenient way to have your claims processed quickly and easily, which means you get your money back faster.

A promotional flyer with more details is available in the members-only section of the BC Chamber website on the Group Insurance page.
First Data: No cancellation fee for June sign-ups

First Data is offering a promotion to Chamber members: Members who sign up with First Data prior to June 30, 2016, will not be subjected to any cancellation penalties or contracts.

A promotional flyer to this effect is available in the members-only section of the BC Chamber website on the First Data page.
New contact at Esso

The new Chamber contact at Esso is: Joseph Downing, Regional Sales Manager, BC. His contact number is: 604-807-3939.  
Purolator benefits: Express Packaging

Select your guaranteed*, time-definite-delivery solution and let Purolator supply the packaging at no extra charge. Purolator Express® packaging is available in multiple sizes to meet your document-shipping needs: Envelope, Pack or Box. To place your order today, please visit the Purolator website.

As a preferred member of the BC Chamber of Commerce immediately save a minimum of 25% on your shipping costs.  Start shipping today by clicking on this link to set up your account.

*Certain terms, conditions and geographic restrictions apply. See Purolator Terms and Conditions of Service at for full details. 