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GRHA Newsletter  Week of May 17, 2013    478-552-3620

Georgia Rural Health Association (GRHA) is the oldest state rural health association in the country. Founded in 1981, this nonprofit network of healthcare providers, educators, and individuals is united in its commitment to improve the health and healthcare services of rural Georgians. Join now!

FY 2013 GRHA Board of Directors


Denise Kornegay

Immediate Past President

Sallie Barker

President Elect

Ann Addison

Vice- President

Shelly Spires


Sheila Freeman


Laura Bland Gillman

Board Members

Carla Belcher

Tim Trottier

Mary Mathis

Sue Nieman

Charles Owens

Chris Parker

Chuck Adams

Paula Guy

Monty M. Veazey

Joseph Barrow

Robert J. Briscione

Matt Caseman 


Meet our Board of Directors

GRHA welcomes new corporate member 
Community Health Works

and student member

Louie Freeman

GRHA Corporate Members


Platinum Corporate Sponsor PPHS



Peach State Health Plan 







Blue Cross Blue Shield 


Coca Cola 


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Free GRHA archived webinars are available for viewing:

2013 County Health Rankings


Funding And Opportunties

May Health Observances

Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month 
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

National Arthritis Month

For those who want to stay up to date through social networks, please like the Georgia Rural Health Association Facebook page and follow us on Twitter! 

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GRHA circulates state and national news as an information service only. Inclusion of information is not intended as an endorsement.

There is still time to register!
Don't miss out on learning how to speed up payments, avoid billing errors, and perform stronger!

Rural Health Clinic Conference 
June 4th -5th
Auburn Marriott Opelika
Hotel & Conference Center
3700 Robert Trent Jones Trail
Opelika, AL 36801

Conference Room Rate $109 per night plus tax

Sponsored by:

Save the Date

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2013 GRHA Annual Conference
October 21st - 23rd
Savannah, Georgia

More information coming soon!

Veto sidetracks tax breaks for medical charities 
By Andy Miller
May 14, 2013 

Among Gov. Nathan Deal's five vetoes this year, probably the most surprising one targeted a bill that would have given sales tax breaks to charitable medical clinics, federally qualified health centers, food banks and other charities.


The measure, House Bill 193, had overwhelming legislative support. It passed the House unanimously during the 2013 legislative session, and the Senate approved it 52-2.


The legislation would have restored sales tax exemptions for community health centers and volunteer charity clinics - tax breaks that had sunset (expired automatically) in 2010. Other exemptions would have gone to food banks; hunger relief nonprofits; food donated for disaster relief; and for Goodwill.


If the bill had not been vetoed, medical and other supplies that these nonprofits buy would not have a sales tax imposed. The fiscal impact of the bill would have been a total of $9 million over three years in state and local tax revenue.


Deal's veto message on HB 193 notes that a 2010 tax reform council recommended that all non-government and non-business exemptions sunset so the Legislature can decide whether they justify being renewed.


Read more

Ga hospitals lining up to offer residencies

By Walter Jones
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

ATLANTA - The number of hospitals willing to hire and instruct medical residents is growing, putting the state on the way to meeting its goal of 400 new positions, a Board of Regents committee learned Tuesday.Try unlimited access to our website, apps or e-edition for just 99�


So far, five entities are in the process of creating local programs by hiring faculty and preparing to earn accreditation. Three more hospitals are close to committing to developing their own programs, and another four are beginning to consider it.


If all come on board, they could exceed the target.


The goal is to have more opportunities for newly graduated physicians at the expanded Georgia Regents University in Augusta and at the campus shared with the University of Georgia in Athens. Doctors are more likely to settle down near hospitals where they spend their residency, so state leaders hope to reduce Georgia's physician shortage by offering additional residency opportunities.


Read more 

New Broadband Rules

By United States Department of Agriculture


Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced new rules to better target Community Connect broadband grants to areas where they are needed the most. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) remains focused on carrying out its mission, despite a time of significant budget uncertainty. Today's announcement is one part of the Department's efforts to strengthen the rural economy.


"These rules give communities better access to the benefits that broadband service provides," Vilsack said. "The Obama Administration is working to ensure that rural residents share in the opportunities provided by modern Internet service."


USDA Rural Development's Community Connect Grant program serves rural communities where broadband service is least likely to be available, but where it can make a tremendous difference in the quality of life for citizens.


Read the  full press release.

New Health Resources and Services Administration Website on the 
Affordable Care Act

Click here to view website

Matt Caseman, GRHA Executive Director 
(bottom right corner)
at the
NOSORH Rural Health Leadership Institute in Louisville, Kentucky 
Mark Your Calendar


2nd Annual Medical Recruitment Fair

Georgia Alliance of Community Hospitals

August 23-25, 2013

Lake Lanier Islands Resort

Buford, Georgia



Matt Caseman