  NESP DIGEST: Fall 2016
Webinar: Total Economic Valuation of the National Park Service Lands and Programs, Results of a Survey of the American Public
October 20, 3:30-5 p.m. ET 
In this National Ecosystem Services Partnership webinar, Michelle Haefele and John Loomis of Colorado State University will present the results of a survey that led to the first-ever comprehensive estimate of the total economic value of the National Park Service and its programs. They will discuss what the $92 billion dollar valuation means for the National Park Service. Register here.

Webinar: A Framework to Quantify the Strength of Ecological Links Between an Anthropogenic Stressor and Final Ecosystem Services
November 17, 3-4:20 p.m. ET
In this National Ecosystem Services Partnership webinar, Michael Bell from the Air Resources Division of the National Park Service will discuss a framework to quantify the strength of ecological links between an anthropogenic stressor and final ecosystem services. Register here.

A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) Conference 
A number of exciting talks and activities are scheduled at the upcoming ACES conference. Here are a few that involve National Ecosystem Services Partnership. 

  • Monday, December 5, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Grand Ballroom 1

NESP hosts a workshop on "Methods for Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making: From Benefit Relevant Indicators to Monetary Values" led by Lydia Olander, Lisa Wainger, and Robert Johnston.

  • Tuesday, December 6, 1-2:45 p.m., Grand Ballroom 3

NESP co-hosts a special session on "Building Consistency into Ecosystem Services Assessments and Decision Making" moderated by George Van Houtven.

  • Wednesday, December 7, 1:15-3 p.m., Grand Ballroom 6

NESP's Lydia Olander speaks during a special session organized by The Nature Conservancy Acting Chief Scientist Heather Tallis on "Evidence Chains to Take Ecosystem Services from Popular Concept to Widespread Impact."

  • Wednesday, December 7, 5:30-6:45 p.m., Grand Ballroom 2

NESP hosts "What's Next for Ecosystem Services in Decision Making: Priorities and Pathways," a town hall event on how the federal government, NGOs, and the private sector can build on recent White House policy regarding ecosystem services. This session will be moderated by Mark Schaeffer.

Draft Compensatory Mitigation Policy Open Comment Period
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a draft Compensatory Mitigation Policy for species listed under the Endangered Species Act. The action marks, and it is the first time the service will manage adverse impacts to at-risk species with a comprehensive policy that encompasses an array of mitigation mechanisms. Interested parties have until October 17 to comment on the draft policy.
Can You Put a Price Tag on Nature? Actually, Yes., July 13, 2016.
Nagarhole Giving Ecosystem Services Worth Millions: Study. The New Indian Express, August 5, 2016.


Baldino, C.L., L.P. Olander, and C.S. Galik. 2016. "Assessing County and Regional Habitat Conservation Plan Creation: What Contributes to Success." NI WP 16-05. Durham, NC: Duke University. 

BenDor, T.K., D. Spurlock, S.C. Woodruff, and L.P. Olander. 2017. "A Research Agenda for Ecosystem Services in American Environmental and Land Use Planning." Cities 60: 260-271

Berg, C.E., M.M. Mineau, and S.H. Rogers. 2016. "Examining the Ecosystem Service of Nutrient Removal in a Coastal Watershed." Ecosystem Services 20: 104-112.

Blett, T. F., M.D. Bell, C.M. Clark, D. Bingham, J. Phelan, A. Nahlik, D. Landers, C. Davis, I. Irvine, and A. Heard. 2016. "Air Quality and Ecosystem Services Workshop Report: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, Thousand Oaks, CA - February 24-26, 2015." Natural Resource Report NPS/ NRSS/ARD/NRR-2016/1107. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Galik, C.S., and L. P. Olander. 2016. "A Review of the Use of Early-Action Incentives in U.S. Environmental Markets." NI WP 16-09. Durham, NC: Duke University.  

Haefele, M., J. Loomis, and L.J. Bilmes. 2016. "Total Economic Valuation of the National Park Service Lands and Programs: Results of a Survey of The American Public." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP16-024, June 2016.

Ma, S., J.M. Duggan, B.A. Eichelberger, B.W. McNally, J.R. Foster, E. Pepi, M.N. Conte, G.C. Daily, and G. Ziv. 2016. "Valuation of Ecosystem Services to Inform Management of Multiple-Use Landscapes." Ecosystem Services 19: 6-18.

Sutton, P. C. and S. J. Anderson. 2016. "Holistic Valuation of Urban Ecosystem Services in New York City's Central Park."  Ecosystem Services 19: 87-91.

Van Wensem, J., P. Calow, A. Dollacker, L. Maltby, L.P. Olander, M. Tuvendal, and G. Van Houtven. 2016. "Identifying and Assessing the Application of Ecosystem Services Approaches in Environmental Policies and Decision Making." Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 9999: 1-10.

November 2-6. Society of American Foresters. Madison, Wisconsin.
November 17-18. Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture. Washington, District of Columbia.
November 21-25.  Africa Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference. Nairobi, Kenya.
November 23-24. World Forum on Natural Capital. Edinburgh, Scotland.
December 5-9. A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) Conference. Jacksonville, Florida. 
March 20-23, 2017. Natural Capital Symposium. Stanford, California.
July 23-27, 2017. International Congress for Conservation Biology. Cartagena, Colombia.

Senior Program Officer, Forestry and Natural Resource Management. Winrock International. Arlington, Virginia.
Senior Land Use Economist, New Climate Economy Project. World Resources Institute. Washington, District of Columbia.
Manager, Climate Change Policy. Conservation International. Arlington, Virginia.
Director of Conservation in Alaska. The Nature Conservancy. Anchorage or Juneau, Alaska.
Open Rank Faculty Positions in Sustainable Food, Water and Agriculture. University of California, Merced. Merced County, California. 


NESP is an initiative of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke UniversityVisit the NESP Digest on the web. To subscribe to the NESP Digest, click here . To unsubscribe, click here


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