  NESP DIGEST: Winter 2016
FRMES Guidebook Now Printable 
The Federal Resource Management and Ecosystem Services Guidebook helps resource managers create workable plans that prioritize the work needed to establish and maintain benefits nature provides to communities. Download the entire guidebook as a PDF and/or print it by section . 

May National Environmental Policy Act Workshop 
NESP worked with the White House Council on Environmental Quality's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) leadership team to host a workshop for agency NEPA and ecosystem services experts in May. Participants discussed effective use of ecosystem services information in environmental assessments and NEPA implementation.   

June Webinar with Abt Associates' Susan Taylor 
Join us at 4 p.m. EST on Tuesday, June 21, for a presentation by Abt Associates' Susan Taylor on the findings of "Developing Socioeconomic Metrics to Measure DOI Hurricane Sandy Project and Program Outcomes," a report prepared for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Registration is required to receive a link and call-in instructions.
*See past webinar recordings online
Is California Getting Serious about REDD? Ecosystem Marketplace, April 7.
Koh, I., E.D. Lonsdorf, N.M. Williams, C. Brittain, R. Isaacs, J. Gibbs, and T.H. Ricketts. 2016. "Modeling the Status, Trends, and Impacts of Wild Bee Abundance in the United States." PNAS 113: 140-145. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1517685113.
Allen, K., and R. Moore. 2016. "Moving Beyond the Exchange Value in the Nonmarket Valuation of Ecosystem Services." Ecosystem Services 18: 78-86. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.02.002.

Ding, H., A. Chiabai, S. Silvestri, and P.A.L.D. Nunes. 2016. " Valuing Climate Change Impacts on European Forest Ecosystems." Ecosystem Services 18: 141-153. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.02.039.
Galik, C.S., J.P. Byl, C. Langpap, and M.G. Sorice. 2016. "Researching a Reimagined ESA: The Continued Need and Opportunity for Voluntary Conservation." NI WP 16-03. Durham, NC: Duke University.
Galler, C., C. Albert, and C. von Haaren. 2016. "From Regional Environmental Planning to Implementation: Paths and Challenges of Integrating Ecosystem Services." Ecosystem Services 18: 118-29. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.02.031.
Johnson, K., B.J. Dalzell, M. Donahue, J. Gourevitch, D.L. Johnson, G.S. Karlovits, B. Keeler, and J.T. Smith. 2016. " Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Lands Provide Ecosystem Service Benefits That Exceed Land Rental Payment Costs." Ecosystem Services 18: 175-185. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.03.004.
Johnston, R.J., E.Y. Basedin, and R. Stapler. 2016. "Enhanced Geospatial Validity for Meta-analysis and Environmental Benefit Transfer: An Application to Water Quality Improvements." Environmental and Resource Economics 1-33. doi:10.1007/s10640-016-0021-7.
Olander, L. 2016. " Managing Risk in Environmental Markets." NI WP 16-02. Durham, NC: Duke University.
May 23-27. United Nations Environment Assembly. Nairobi, Kenya.
August 7-12. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
December 5-9. A Community on Ecosystem Services (ACES) Conference. Jacksonville, Florida.  
Recruiting Research Coordinator. Gund Institute, The University of Vermont. Burlington, VT.
Senior Policy Manager. Environmental Defense Fund. Washington, D.C.
Ecosystem Services Project Officer. ETIFOR. Padova, Italy.
Associate Director of Forest Carbon Development. Finite Carbon. Tallahassee, Florida, or Wayne, Pennsylvania.
Senior Consultant, Carbon Pricing Policies. ECOFYS. Berlin or Cologne, Germany.


NESP is an initiative of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke UniversityVisit the NESP Digest on the web. To subscribe to the NESP Digest, click here . To unsubscribe, click here


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