NESP Digest
Fall 2015
White House Memo Directs Incorporation of Ecosystem Services into Federal Decision Making
On October 7 The White House released a new policy memorandum directing federal agencies to begin incorporating ecosystem services in federal planning and decision making--an action that a White House blog noted will enhance our ability to recognize and leverage the benefits of natural systems, protect against natural hazards, and support social and economic development while keeping our communities and our world healthy and livable. Anticipating that action, the National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) has worked over the last three years with agencies, academics, and practitioners to develop the Federal Resource Management and Ecosystem Services Guidebook, an online resource that provides a framework for incorporating ecosystem services into decision making and highlighting relevant efforts by federal agencies. The guidebook is currently being revised to incorporate recommendations from our best practices report. The update should be online by the end of 2015 and available as a printable PDF in late February 2016. 

Save the Date: December 8 Webinar
Learn more about this policy memorandum, and the National Science and Technology Council assessment of research needs for coastal green infrastructure during our webinar, 2-3:30 p.m. ET, December 8.

Presidential Memo on Mitigation
On November 3 the White House released a memorandum aimed at minimizing impacts on, accelerating restoration of, and incentivizing private investment in our land, water, and wildlife.  

NESP Webinar Recordings Available Online
NESP is now posting materials from our community webinars online. Watch the latest recording from Kelly Burks-Copes on quantification and metrics for ecosystem goods and services. 

Ecosystem Economics. Huffington Post, September 22, 2015.
Interest Builds in Giving Farmers Credit for Growing Green. National Public Radio, October 16, 2015. 
The Business Case for the Return of the Lynx. Business Green, October 29, 2015.

Mazzotta, M., L. Wainger, S. Sifleet, J.T. Petty, and B. Rashleigh. 2015. Benefit Transfer with Limited Data: An Application to Recreational Fishing Losses from Surface Mining. Ecological Economics 119: 384-398. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.09.018.
Nelson, N.M., J.B. Loomis, P.M. Jakus, M.J. Kealy, N. von Stackelburg, and J. Ostermiller. Linking Ecological Data and Economics to Estimate the Total Economic Value of Improving Water Quality by Reducing Nutrients. Ecological Economics 118:1-9. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.06.013.
Presnall, C., L. L�pez-Hoffman, and M.L. Miller. 2015. Adding Ecosystem Services to Environmental Impact Analyses: More Sequins on a Bloated Elvis or Rockin' Idea? Ecological Economics 115: 29-38. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.02.001.
Richardson, L., J. Loomis, T. Kroeger, and F. Casey. 2015. The Role of Benefit Transfer in Ecosystem Service Valuation. Ecological Economics 115: 51-58. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.02.018. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.02.001
Ruckelshaus, M., E. McKenzie, H. Tallis, A. Guerry, G. Daily, P. Kareiva, S. Polasky, T. Ricketts, N. Bhagabati, S.A. Wood, and J. Bernhardt. 2015. Notes from the Field: Lessons Learned From Using Ecosystem Service Approaches to Inform Real-World Decisions. Ecological Economics 115: 11-21. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.07.009.
Scarlett, L. and J. Boyd. 2015. Ecosystem Services and Resource Management: Institutional Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Public Sector. Ecological Economics 115: 3-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.09.013
Willamette Partnership, World Resources Institute, and the National Network on Water Quality Trading, 2015. Building a Water Quality Trading Program: Options and Considerations.
November 23-24. World Forum on Natural Capital, Edinburgh, Scotland.
November 30-December 11. United Nations Climate Change Conference. Paris, France. 
December 5-6. Global Landscapes Forum, Paris, France. 
Certification Officer. The Gold Standard Foundation. Africa (or India).
Senior Program Associate. Public Private Co-Finance Initiative, Forest Trends.
Forest Campaigner. Climate Advisers. Washington, D.C.
Director of Investments. The Climate Trust. Oregon. 
International Climate Policy Specialist. The Green Climate Fund. South Korea. 


NESP is an initiative of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke UniversityVisit the NESP Digest on the web. To subscribe to the NESP Digest, click here . To unsubscribe, click here


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