Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - June 10, 2015

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June 16

Online Webinar

Understanding the EPA's Clean Power Plan


October 22

Durham, NC

Leadership in a Time of Rapid Change: Envisioning Solutions to Environmental Challenges


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Fishing for a Sustainable Future
Fishing for a Sustainable Future
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Our Impact: Recognizing the Clean Air Act's Climate Regulation Potential
In mere months, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is slated to release the final version of its Clean Power Plan, which regulates carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants under the Clean Air Act by establishing emissions targets unique to each state. The goal: achieve a 30 percent cut from 2005 levels by 2030. 
Years before the proposed rule--in the midst of the congressional climate debate--researchers at Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions partnered with faculty in the Duke School of Law to explore practical strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using existing authority under the Clean Air Act. In the sixth installment of a 12-part series highlighting the environmental policy impacts of the Nicholas Institute in its first decade, we look at how these scholars were among the first to recognize that the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. EPA would likely require the EPA to take action to regulate such emissions under the 40-year-old law should Congress fail to adopt a comprehensive bill addressing climate change.
Review of BC Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax

In 2008, British Columbia implemented a "textbook" carbon tax, with wide coverage, few exemptions, and use of revenue for low-income tax credits and broad-based tax cuts. Has this instrument straight out of the economist's playbook delivered predicted emissions reductions without harming the province's economy or imposing undue hardship on low-income households? A new working paper by the Nicholas Institute and the University of Ottawa's Institute of the Environment and Sustainable Prosperity is the first to broadly gauge the tax's performance across four critical dimensions: emissions, economy, equity, and public acceptance. 


Fishing for a Sustainable Future

John Virdin, director of the Ocean and Coastal Policy Program at the Nicholas Institute, was recently a panelist for a World Bank Praxis Discussion Series in Sydney, Australia. Virdin reflects on three key questions surrounding the sustainability of fisheries in the Pacific.


Monitoring, Managing Ecosystem Services

Linwood Pendleton, a senior scholar at the Nicholas Institute and International Chair of Excellence at the University of Brest, has explored the notion that conservation is good for people, suggesting that failure to make that case with hard evidence has led to a lack of confidence in environmental management and great uncertainty about its benefits to human well-being. He discusses the idea in a new Q&A

Clean Power Plan Compliance for States

With the right policy choices, the EPA's proposed Clean Power Plan can be flexible and cost-effective for states, according to a working paper from the Nicholas Institute. The Clean Power Plan uses a provision under the Clean Air Act to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants in the United States. It gives states flexibility to decide how to meet interim and final emissions reduction goals. The Duke study outlines the tradeoffs of three policy options. A second working paper assesses the impacts of the Clean Power Plan for Southeast states. 

Fisheries Forum Moving to Duke

The Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum, which provides policy-neutral support for the exploration of challenges and emerging issues facing our nation's federal fishery managers, will be housed exclusively within the Oceans and Coastal Policy Program of Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. The transition will be effective this summer.


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.