Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - May 11, 2015

Upcoming Events

May 15

Sydney, Australia 

Fishing for a Sustainable Future


May 27-28
Durham, NC 

Inequality and the Economic Analysis of Climate Change Schedule 


October 22

Durham, NC

Leadership in a Time of Rapid Change: Envisioning Solutions to Environmental Challenges


For information on other upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions website


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Visiting Fulbright Research Chair Brian Murray Shares His Thoughts About His Time at uOttawa
Brian Murray Shares his Thoughts About his Time as a Visiting Fulbright Research Chair 
In the News

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Our Impact: Law Helps Raise Priority of Clean Water, Sanitation Access
Turning on a faucet for a fresh, clean glass of water is something many in the United States wouldn't think about twice. But for one in three people on the planet, access to a glass of water can be a full day's work. What's more, there is no guarantee that glass of water will be safe to drink. Providing foreign assistance to lift billions out of this type of extreme poverty--the lack of access to basic sanitation and clean water--became a priority for U.S. development aid only 10 years ago. It was the convening power of two institutes, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and the Aspen Institute, that helped to spur this emerging emphasis with the seminal report, A Silent Tsunami. In the fifth installment in a 12-part series highlighting the environmental policy impacts of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions over its first decade, we discuss how this report provided a material contribution to legislation aimed at dramatically improving access to clean water and sanitation around the world.
Leadership in a Time of Rapid Change

The world faces many remarkable changes: the big data revolution, climate change, population growth and shifts, infrastructure and electric power system upgrades, and a new mix of resources underpinning economic prosperity. The need for nimble leadership on effective environmental policy interventions has become increasingly urgent. In honor of our tenth anniversary, the Nicholas Institute will host "Leadership in a Time of Rapid Change: Envisioning Solutions to Environmental Challenges" on the Duke campus 8 a.m.-5 p.m. October 22. Learn more and register.

Study Ranks Transparency of Fisheries 

A new study in the journal Marine Policy examines, for the first time, the transparency of international fisheries management organizations operating on the high seas. The results that emerged from the study are mixed, highlighting a number of good and not-so-good practices.

Pizer: Top Issues of Carbon Conference

Nicholas Institute staff members Tim Profeta and Billy Pizer and Jonathan Wiener of our Faculty Advisory Committee spoke at Navigating the American Carbon World Conference in April. Pizer reflects on three issues regarding the Clean Power Plan and carbon markets that were brought up at the conference.

Study: Present and Future Design Choices

A new article in the journal Energy Policy by researchers at the Nicholas Institute compares potential short- and long-term consequences of several key design choices for regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, including use of an emissions rate versus total tons emitted, a single standard for all power units versus standards differentiated by fossil type and whether to use emissions trading. It finds that short-term choices may leave significant long-term legacies for future policy revisions.


Program Increases Solar Affordability 

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions researchers are among the members of a Bass Connections team that partnered with Duke's Carbon Offsets Initiative and NextClimate to develop the "Solarize Duke" pilot program. The program dramatically reduces the cost of solar panel installation for university faculty and staff.

The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.