NESP DIGEST                                                                                                                                                           Spring 2015 
New Guidebook Sections Available

Two new sections have been added to the Federal Resource Management and Ecosystem Services Guidebook, an online resource that provides a framework and methodology to enhance the credibility and consistency of ecosystem services approaches to planning and management. The first section compares two possible uses of the ecosystem services assessment framework outlined in the guidebook: scenario analysis versus green accounting. The second section is a collection of  downloadable PowerPoint slideshows that can be used in presentations about the guidebook or as training materials. 



The National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) participated in  a webinar last month that provided an overview of the contents and development of the FRMES Guidebook.


NESP will also host an hour-long webinar featuring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's EnviroAtlas at 2:30 p.m. ET May 26.


Note: If you are interested in a webinar tailored to your organization or network, please contact us



When Ecology and Values Become Entangled. Discover Magazine, January 7, 2015.


Can a New Form of Accounting Save Animals from Extinction? The Guardian, January 13, 2015.


Economic Models for Forests Often Neglect Value of Biodiversity., February 6, 2015.


"Ecosystem Services" Help Assess Ocean Energy Development. Research & Development Magazine, February 27, 2015.


Payments for Ecosystem Services? Here's the Guidebook., March 12, 2015.


Ecosystem Services Provided by Different Wetland Types Not Being Considered in Wetland Restoration., March 25, 2015.


How Viable Are Payment Schemes for Blue Carbon? CIFOR Forests News Blog, March 25, 2015. 


What Restoring Oysters Would Mean for NC's Economy, Environment. The News & Observer, March 30, 2015. 


Murray, B., and T. Vegh. 2014. Incentivizing the Reduction of Pollution at Dairies: How to Address Additionality When Multiple Environmental Credit Payments Are Combined. NI WP 15-01. Durham, NC: Duke University.

Naeem, S., J. C. Ingram, A. Varga, T. Agardy, P. Barten, G. Bennett, E.

Bloomgarden, L.L. Bremer, P. Burkill, M. Cattau, C. Ching, M. Colby, D.C. Cook, R. Costanza, F. DeClerck, C. Freund, T. Gartner, R. Goldman-Benner, J. Gunderson, D. Jarrett, A.P. Kinzig, A. Kiss, A. Koontz, P. Kumar, J.R. Lasky, M. Masozera, D. Meyers, F. Milano, L. Naughton-Treves, E. Nichols, L. Olander, P. Olmsted, E. Perge, C. Perrings, S. Polasky, J. Potent, C. Prager, F. Qu�tier, K. Redford, K. Saterson, G. Thoumi, M.T. Vargas, S. Vickerman, W. Weisser, D. Wilkie, and S. Wunder. 2015. Get the Science Right When Paying for Nature's Services. Science 347: 1206-1207.


Nunes, P.A.L.D., and J. Gowdy. 2015. Marine Economics and Policy Related to Ecosystem Services: Lessons from the World's Regional Seas. Ecosystem Services 11: 1-4.


Sandifer, P.A., A.E. Sutton-Grier, and B.P. Ward. 2015. Exploring Connections among Nature, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Human Health and Well-Being: Opportunities to Enhance Health and Biodiversity Conservation.

Ecosystem Services 12: 1-15.


United Nations Environment Programme, Ecosystem Services Economics Unit, Division of Environmental Policy Implementation. 2014.  Guidance Manual on Valuation and Accounting of Ecosystem Services for Small Island Developing States.



April 28-30. Navigating the American Carbon World, Los Angeles, California.


May 5-8. National Mitigation and Ecosystem Banking Conference, Orlando, Florida.


May 25-29. XVth IWRA World Water Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.


June 30-July 3. 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.


July 5-10. 9th IALE World Congress: Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: Global Approaches to Complex Challenges, Portland, Oregon.


November 9-13. 8th Ecosystem Services Partnership World Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa.


November 23-24. World Forum on Natural Capital, Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Senior Program Associate, Ecosystem Services. Winrock International. Arlington, Virginia.

Program Associate 1 or 2, Ecosystem Services. Winrock International. Arlington, Virginia.                  

Program Manager of Marine Ecosystem Services. European Institute of Marine Studies, University of West Brittany. Brest, France.

Senior Communications Associate. Forest Trends. Washington, D.C.

Carbon Research Assistant, Spring/Summer 2015. Ecosystem Marketplace. Washington, D.C. 


NESP is an initiative of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke UniversityVisit the NESP Digest on the web. To subscribe to the NESP Digest, click here . To unsubscribe, click here


NESP also maintains a listserv to help foster communication in the ecosystem services community: [email protected]. Please feel free to use this list to discuss ecosystem services issues or to exchange information about new papers, jobs, or grant opportunities.