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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - April 2, 2014

Upcoming Events
April 4

Durham, NC
Spring 2014 Seminar Series: Environmental Sustainability between Modernity and Tradition in the Arabian Gulf


April 7
Durham, NC

The Future of the Electric Grid


April 18
Durham, NC

Spring 2014 Seminar Series: The Organizational Legitimacy of Eco-Labels and Sustainability Ratings


April 23

Online Webinar

Impact Evaluation of Conservation Programs


For information on other upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions website


In the News


Biomass Magazine, Duke University Report Characterizes U.S. Biogas Potential


Japan Times, Deep Sea Ecosystems Endangered 


SNL Energy, Age of Coal Fleet May Limit Impact of EPA Rules, Industry Says


The Chronicle, Climate Resilience Fund Could Support Duke Initiatives


Bloomberg, Cleaning Dirty Gas Enabling CO2 Sales to Dirtier Oil Producers


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Featured Media
Deep Sea Being Damaged by Mining, Trawling
Power Trips Broaden Students' Horizons

Add a description A few times each semester, Duke students get an opportunity to participate in "Power Trips" sponsored by the Energy Initiative and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. The trips help educate and engage students interested in energy use at Duke and neighboring universities, businesses and other organizations. They go to innovative energy facilities on the Duke campus, across the region and elsewhere in North Carolina.  


Carbon Markets Work Featured in Science

Although markets for trading carbon emissions credits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have stalled in United States federal policy making, carbon markets are emerging at the state level within the U.S. and around the world, teaching us more about what does and doesn't work. In a Policy Forum article in the March 21 edition of Science Magazine, Duke University's Richard Newell, Billy Pizer and Daniel Raimi discuss key lessons from a decade of experience with carbon markets. They also examine what it might take for these markets to develop and possibly link together in coming years and decades.  


Report Examines Water Quality Trading

A new Nicholas Institute report reviews modeling methods and tools for quantifying pollutant reductions resulting from animal management that could be adopted for use in water quality trading programs. Animal operations can provide significant opportunities to reduce nutrient loading through improved management and thus can generate credits for water quality trading programs.


Panel: The Future of the Electric Grid

Distinguished experts from the electric utility, information technology, and smart grid sector will discuss the future of the electric grid in a panel session from 5-6 p.m. April 7 in Gross Hall 270 on the Duke University Campus. The panel will explore upcoming changes to the electric grid and the policy questions associated with these upgrades. Discussion will also focus on grid security, outages, and consumer-side demand as upgrades are implemented. A reception with refreshments will follow. Registration is required. The event is sponsored by the Nicholas Institute, GridWise Alliance and the Duke University Energy Initiative.


Perspectives on Energy, Climate Nexus

Watch Climate and Energy Program Director Jonas Monast discusses perspectives on the water, energy and climate nexus during a recent University of North Carolina conference. The presentation covered U.S. energy sector risks and risk mitigation strategies as well as pathways for greenhouse gas reduction.


Lecture to Consider Conservation Policies

Jianguo Liu of Michigan State University will present "Conservation Policies in China and Implications for the World" at 1 p.m. April 2 on the Duke University campus. The lecture is one of a handful left in the Nicholas Institute and University Program in Environmental Policy Spring 2014 Seminar Series.


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.