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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - February 5, 2014

Upcoming Events
Feb. 12-13

Washington, D.C.

2014 National Energy Risk Lab


Feb. 16

Chicago, IL

Deep-Ocean Industrialization: A New Stewardship Frontier


Feb. 28
Durham, NC

Spring 2014 Seminar Series: The Economics of Extremes


March 3-7

Chapel Hill, NC

Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference


April 4
Durham, NC
Spring 2014 Seminar Series: Environmental Sustainability between Modernity and Tradition in the Arabian Gulf


For information on other upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions website


In the News

GreenWire, Clean Air Act Guru Returns to Shape Power Plant Rule ($)


The Chronicle, NC Ranked No. 2 for Solar Capacity 


ClimateWire, Obama Tells Sidelined Lawmakers that Climate Change is 'a fact' ($)


The News and Observer, NC Fracking Panel Sets Safe Drilling Distances from Homes, Streams


EarthTechling, North Carolina a Rising Solar Star


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Featured Media
Washington Forum: Emerging Issues in Deep Sea Policy
Washington Forum: Emerging Issues in Deep Sea Policy

Study in Nature Focuses on Deep Sea 

More than one million square kilometers of the sea below 200 meters in depth are being plowed by trawlers, and the next decade will see expansion of oil, gas and mineral extraction into deep sea waters. Formal governance structures and funds need to be implemented by 2020 to create networks of sea floor reserves that maintain and restore biodiversity and functioning of deep sea ecosystems, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions' Linwood Pendleton and colleagues write in the journal Nature


Climate Conference Slated for March 

The Nicholas Institute will serve, for the third consecutive year, as a program partner for the Climate Action Reserve's Navigating the American Carbon World (NACW) conference March 26-28. The conference will examine future growth and expansion of California's historic cap-and-trade program as well as other established and emerging carbon markets around the world, national climate change policy and innovative environmental initiatives. 


Staff Contribute to Award-Winning Book

A textbook by a Duke University faculty member, which features a chapter written by Nicholas Institute staff, was recently named an Outstanding Academic Title for 2013 by Choice review online. The book, Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook, features a chapter that outlines the Nicholas Institute's unique structure as a university-based institute. 


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Watch Workshop on Urban Planning 

Experts and practitioners recently visited Duke to discuss how innovative cities are integrating ecosystem services into urban planning. Panelists discussed transferability of their approaches to other cities. Watch videos of speakers providing insights into environmental policy and market tools. 


Emissions Reduction in Calif. Agriculture

As part of California's effort to reduce global warming, the state has agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Ahead of the release of a scoping plan that spells out priorities for the next five years, a new report series produced by the Nicholas Institute in collaboration with California university researchers examines potential greenhouse gas reduction strategies for the state's agriculture.


Streamflow in the South Atlantic

A new study in the journal Water Resources Research uses Budyko curves to ascribe streamflow changes to climate and human factors in the South Atlantic. It finds climate contributed to increased streamflow, by an average of 14%, in the region since the 1970s. Human factors varied from basin to basin and either amplified or minimized climate's effect on streamflow. 


Faculty Comment on State of the Union

Did you miss President Barack Obama's State of the Union address?

See the Storify capturing real-time Twitter commentary from the Nicholas Institute's Jonas Monast and other Duke faculty.  


Study: Dental Fluorosis in Ethiopia 

Elevated levels of fluoride in drinking water is a well-recognized risk factor for dental fluorosis. In a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment, authors found flouride to be strongly associated with dental fluorosis in a sample of more than 1000 individuals living in several rural communities in the Ethiopia. Age, sex and milk consumption also were found to correlate with dental fluorosis outcomes.


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.