NESP DIGEST                                                                                                                                                       Fall 2013

NESP Hosts Meetings in September

The National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) hosted a series of meetings in Washington D.C. last month to share the research, concepts, methods, and draft reports developed to date on the Federal Resource Management and Ecosystem Services (FRMES) project and to seek participants' feedback on the project's direction. Along with academics and NGOs, forum participants included federal agency staff currently grappling with or exploring the use of ecosystem services approaches in planning and program implementation and agency leaders tasked with developing policy directions for this ecosystem services work.


NCEAS Working Group Meets to Develop Ecosystem Services Metrics

In August, members of the National Center on Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) working group, which is associated with the FRMES project, convened in Santa Barbara, Calif. for a three-day workshop to explore guidance on and feasibility of measures of ecosystem services that are scalable and transferable to a wide variety of geographic locations. 


New MESP Newsletter Available

The latest Marine Ecosystem Services Partnership newsletter has just been released. To subscribe to future issues, send an e-mail to [email protected].


Healthy Soil: Do Ecosystem Services Hold the Answer to Food Security and Biodiversity?Greenwise Business, September 18, 2013.   


Banks Put a Price on Earth's Life Support. Eco-Business, August 30, 2013.   


Ecosystem Services: The Next Wave. Green Biz, August 22, 2013.   


Ecosystem Services Front and Center as Lawsuit Seeks Restitution for Destroying Louisiana Wetlands. Ecosystem Marketplace, July 30, 2013.   


Communities Adapting to Loss of Forest Ecosystem Services - World Bank. Forests News by the Center for International Forestry Research, July 17, 2013.   


An Ecosystem Services Approach to Assessing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Science Codex, July 12, 2013.   


Green GDP 'May Not Work for Indigenous People.SciDevNet, July 9, 2013.


Bagstad K. J., D. J. Semmens, S. Waage, R. Winthrop. 2013. A Comparative Assessment of Decision-Support Tools for Ecosystem Services Quantification and Valuation. Ecosystem Services 5:27-39.


Cox, L.M., Almeter, A.L, Saterson, K.A. 2013.  Protecting our life support systems: An inventory of U.S. federal research on ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 5:163-169. 


Crossman N. D., et al. 2013. Land Science Contributions to Ecosystem Services. Current Opinion Environmental Sustainability


Ervin, D.,  S. Vickerman, F. Beaudoin, S. Ngawhika, S. Hamlin, E. Dietrich, P. Manson, J. Schoenen. 2013. Principles to Guide Assessments of Ecosystem Service Values. Portland State University Cascadia Ecosystem Services Partnership. 


Landers, D. H., A. M. Nahlik. 2013. Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System (FEGS-CS). EPA/600/R-13/ORD-004914. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


Muradian, R., et al. 2013.  Payments for Ecosystem Services and the Fatal Attraction of Win-Win Solutions. Conservation Letters 6(4):274-279.


Nagendra H, et al. 2013. Impacts of Land Change on Biodiversity: Making the Link to Ecosystem Services. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability


Reed, D., L. Martin, J. A. Cushing. 2013. Using Information on Ecosystem Goods and Services in Corps Planning: An Examination on Authorities, Policies, Guidance, and Practices. 2013-R-07. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources.


Wunder, S. 2013. When Payments for Environmental Services Will Work for Conservation. Conservation Letters 6(4):230-237.


U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management. 2013. Guidance on Estimating Nonmarket Environmental Values. Instruction Memorandum No. 2013-131.



October 21. 3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress. Marseille and Corsica, France.


November 21-22World Forum on Natural Capital. Edinburgh, Scotland. 



Call for Socio-Environmental Synthesis Research on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services. International opportunity from SESYNC, UFZ, and SDiv.


Senior Environmental/Climate Change Economist. ICF International, nationwide.


Postdoctoral Researcher, Economic Valuation. Conservation International, Arlington, VA.


NESP is an initiative of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University.


NESP also maintains a listserv to help foster communication in the ecosystem services community. The address for this list is [email protected]. Please feel free to use this list to discuss ecosystem services issues or to exchange information about new papers, jobs, or grant opportunities.

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