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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - May 10, 2013

Upcoming Events

July 25


Baltimore, Maryland 

Lydia Olander, director of the Ecosystem Services Program at the Nicholas Institute, will speak at the 26th Annual International Congress for Conservation Biology Symposium. The event will focus on effective maintenance and restoration of Earth's biological diversity through integrated approaches to conservation.  

For information on other upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions website


In the News

WUNC, Connecting Hog Farms to Pipelines Could Streamline Methane Gas Energy


The Technician, Panel Confers Fracking Results


ClimateWire, Congressional Report Challenges Viability of FutureGen


News 14, Fracking Chemical Disclosure Rule Under Review


Associated Press, North Carolina Fracking Rule Pulled After Halliburton Objects


National Hog Farmer, North Carolina Swine Waste-to-Energy Projects Wins ACEC National Honors Award for Engineering Excellence


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Featured Media
NACW 2013: Provisioning: Market Pricing and Cost Containment Mechanisms
NACW 2013: Provisioning: Market Pricing and Cost Containment Mechanisms

Generating Electricity from Hog Waste

hog wasteCapturing methane gas from hog farms and piping it into existing natural gas pipelines may be a cost-effective way to meet North Carolina's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS), according to a new Duke University studyThis report by the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and the Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative highlights a comparative modeling analysis considering individual and centralized approaches to increase swine gas energy production.


Reilly Honored with Connie Award

Nicholas Institute Advisory Board Chairman William K. Reilly was recently honored by the National Wildlife Federation with a National Conservation Achievement Award for his lifelong contributions to conservation.


Navigating the American Carbon World

Nicholas Institute researchers were among the experts to speak at the 2013 Navigating the American Carbon World Conference. Sponsored by the Climate Action Reserve, the program was presented in partnership with the Nicholas Institute. View video of Tim Profeta's welcome speech, Brian Murray's participation in the marketing pricing and cost containment mechanism panel as well as event photos.


Director Named to Earth Economics Board

Linwood Pendleton, director of the Nicholas Institute's Ocean and Coastal Policy Program, has been appointed to the Earth Economics Advisory Board. The organization focuses on helping communities shift away from the failed economic policies of the past toward an approach that is both economically viable and environmentally sustainable.   


Journal Showcases State Energy Research

Energy infrastructure across the U.S. is aging and power plant retirements are increasing, due to a combination of newly implemented and impending environmental requirements and inexpensive natural gas. This article in the Columbia Journal of Environmental Law explores the opportunities and challenges to aligning state energy, environmental, and consumer protection goals within the current regulatory system, and proposes a "triple bottom line" approach to state utility regulation to achieve this alignment. 


Nicholas Institute is a Green Workplace

The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions has achieved the Duke Green Workplace Certification, which recognizes work areas that formally assess how they reduce their environmental footprint. 


Agricultural GHG Mitigation in California

The Nicholas Institute is coordinating an effort by agricultural researchers and other experts to provide scientific and technical analyses on opportunities for greenhouse gas management in the agricultural sector of California. The state is exploring emissions reduction approaches as part of state law (AB 32). View presentations from a workshop, surrounding the topic, recently held in Sacramento. 


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.