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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - March 7, 2013

Upcoming Events

March 22-23  

Durham, North Carolina 

Register for a two-part workshop, co-sponsored by the Nicholas Institute, that will bring together experts from a variety of disciplinary perspectives to focus on water and climate change in Africa starting on World Water Day.


April 30 

Sacramento, California

The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions will host a workshop on agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation opportunities in California.

For more information on other upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions website


In the News

National Geographic, How Bold a Path on Climate Change in Obama's State of the Union Address?


The National Journal, Obama Begins New Path on Climate Change


The Washington Post, Cap-and-Trade Is Still Alive in New England. Is It Working?


NPR, Give Me the Money or I'll Shoot the Trees


The Hill, Greenhouse Gas Regulation Favored Over Carbon Taxes


Follow Us

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Featured Media
Richard Newell on the Myth of Energy Independence
Richard Newell on the Myth of Energy Independence



Nicholas Institute Launches New Website

homepageWelcome to the new look for Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. The Nicholas Institute's redesigned website preserves much of the same content that many have come to rely on but with improved organization to make it easier to find information about our work, locations and staff. Key features of the new site include an enhanced education section, featuring courses staff are teaching and student research opportunities. The site also has expanded search capabilities as well as a responsive design that adjusts automatically for viewing on tablets, cell phones and other new technologies. Explore the new site:


Conference Focuses on Coal, Technology 

On March 27, Duke University and Bank of America will host the conference "Technology Innovation and the Coal Value Chain" in Washington, D.C. The conference will explore the role of coal in the United States energy future, technologies on the horizon that may have the potential to address the environmental impacts of coal use and options for public policy to spur deployment of innovative coal technologies. Registration is required as space is limited.


New Doctoral Student Research Program

The Duke Environmental Economics Doctoral Scholars (DEEDS) Program aims to foster a dynamic intellectual exchange between Duke doctoral students, University faculty and staff in the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. The program provides environmental economics students compensation to work with a campus mentor on a research project. Applications for this new program are being accepted through March 15.  


Special Issue Journal Features Ag Work

A new special issue of the journal Environmental Research Letters explores the current state and near-term potential for improved quantification of greenhouse gases. Lydia Olander, director of the Nicholas Institute's Ecosystem Services Progam, is among the authors.


New Faces, Careers at the Institute 

So far this spring semester, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions has welcomed three new faces. They include Emily Schieffer in the Ecosystem Services Program; Larry Shirley, director of operations and planning; and staff specialist David Bjorkback. We are still looking to fill other roles. View existing opportunities on our career page


Lecture to Look at the Value of Nature

Mark Tercek, president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy and member of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions Board of Advisors, will visit campus April 3 to discuss his new book "Nature's Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature." 


Navigating the American Carbon World

Register to attend Navigating the American Carbon World, the largest and most comprehensive gathering for information and discussion around climate change policy and carbon markets. For the second year in a row, the program for the conference is presented in partnership with the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.  


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.