Newsletter # 75     July  2014

In This Issue
June 28 Major Event
Art History Mural Project
Tourism Cares
Marine Stadium In The News
Marine Stadium Inspires
Dade Heritage Trust
Dade Heritage Trust (DHT) is the foremost organization in Miami-Dade County devoted to historic preservation. Formerly, DHT was the parent organization to Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, providing important advocacy and support as an administrative umbrella.
Since 2011, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium became an independent 501(c)(3) not- for-profit organization.For more information on Dade Heritage Trust, click 

Marine Stadium Presentations

The Miami Marine Stadium continues to attract not just local-but national attention. As we progress in fundraising mode, it is important for us to promote awareness.  


We have an upcoming presentation at the Antique Boat Museum (ABM) of Clayton, NY in August. We are working with ABM to create a satellite Maritime Museum at the planned Maritime Center adjacent to the Marine Stadium.

We're always looking to "get the word out". To request a presentation for your group, just reply to this email. 


# of Marine Stadium presentations ....89     

Parasailing at the Marine Stadium  

Since May 2009, we have been collecting memories of the Marine Stadium that we plan to publish in a book entitled,  IF SEATS COULD TALK.

It seems EVERYTHING happens at the Marine Stadium-including an unplanned  dunk in the water by parasailer Mark McCulloh, the man who invented the sport. Read this account by Gary Cook

# of Marine Stadium memories collected..........195      

Join Our Mailing List
  Join Our Email List!
# of people on Friends of Miami Marine Stadium email list.............3065

We respect your time and only end out emails on average about once a month. We do not share our email list with anyone.
  Help Restore the 
   Marine Stadium!

All contributions are extremely important. We urge you to consider making a tax deductible gift to Friends of Miami Marine Stadium. We have worked diligently for over six years. Your dollars exemplify the community/grass roots support we thrive on and will help us reach the tipping point You can use paypal by going to our Marine Stadium website and clicking on the paypal box in the upper left hand corner. You can also send a check to the address below:

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium 
7770 SW 31st Street 
Miami, FL 33155 
    Facebook Page 

Facebook Logo   

Would you like more than a once a month update on the Miami Marine Stadium? Then "like our Facebook page. We post there several times a week-sometimes with special  offers and contests.

To: Miami Marines...LOTS to report!!!    

June 28: A Day of ART and ACTION!
                 Emilio Estefan, Hilario Candela, Gloria Estefan
                                  (c) Carlos Betancourt 
You might have already heard, but we had an amazing event at the Marine Stadium on Saturday, June 28!  Here's what happened:

A press conference focused on recent news and accomplishments in our campaign to save Miami Marine Stadium. Participants included Stephanie Meeks, President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Miami City Commissioner Wilfredo Gort,  and Gloria and Emilio Estefan.

An announcement of a half million dollar gift from the Gloria Estefan and  Gloria Estefan Foundation for the restoration of Miami Marine Stadium. Gloria also debuted a new public service announcement for the stadium, which was produced by our good friends at Zubi Advertising. To view it click The debut of the Art | History Miami Marine Stadium Mural Project: An all-star lineup of street artists - local, national and International - painted nine large-scale murals inspired by the stadium and our campaign to save it.

An exclusive tour of the stadium by 50 of Miami's best Instagramers, resulting in thousands of photos of all the days' activities.

Needless to say, we expect that this day will be enormously important in our effort to restore the Miami Marine Stadium.
To see some great images  of this glorious day,check out the photo essays of  Miami New TImes (images by Ian Willen) and Bill Brothers

We would like to thank Jason Clement, Director of Community Outreach for the National Trust For Historic Preservation
for the enormous amount of work the Trust accomplished to produce and promote this event. As you know, the National Trust is our partner in our plans to save and restore the Marine Stadium. Also, a special shout out to Larry Johnson, Administrator for Friends of Miami Marine Stadium who worked tirelessly on the logistics of this event.

                        Marine Stadium June 28 Press Conference
                                    (c) Carlos Betancourt
ART|History2014 Marine Stadium Mural Project
                                      Artist: Rone
                                photo by Logan Hicks

LAUNCHED June 28, the Art | History Mural Project: Street artists from as far away as Australia (Rone), (Risk)-known as the godfather of modern graffiti, one of the earlier breakdancers part of the rocksteady crew (Doze Green), the first commissioned "legal"mural by Brian Adam Douglas aka (Elbow Toe), local hero (Luis Berros) and others-were invited to paint murals at the Marine Stadium. Photographs of these murals are then turned into limited edition prints. Proceeds from sale of these prints will benefit the restoration of the Miami Marine Stadium.

Why not own a piece of this dynamic initiative by purchasing a print at the
Art | History Mural Project website 
To date, fifteen artists have already painted at the stadium - nine on June 28. The project was created by art collector Craig O'Neil and curated by Logan Hicks, a highly regarded street artist and Co-Curator of the  Mana Museum of Urban Art in Jersey City, New Jersey.

You can also go to the facebook page for more current information.
Special Note: The Art History Mural Project is looking for temporary space during Art Basel in Miami this December, 2014. Please respond to this newsletter with any leads.

                                       Artist: Ian Kuali'i
                                    photo by Logan Hicks 
Tourism Cares Event for the Marine Stadium and  Virginia Key a Resounding Success!
                               photo by Flor Mayoral
On May 30, Tourism Cares, a not-for-profit organization funded by the travel industry, brought 340 tourism professionals from around the United States for a volunteer day cleaning up the Miami Marine Stadium, planting 800 trees at the newly created hammock on Historic Virginia Key Beach and 11,000 sea oats at North Point, near the mountain biking trail.

The intrepid volunteers filled four dumpsters with trash from the Marine Stadium and with the assistance of Landscaping Contractor Onetwotree, helped remove and trim much of the overgrown landscaping surrounding the Stadium. Photographers from Tourism Cares documented the ubiquitous graffiti while others sifted through debris to be incorporated into future artwork.

We applaud the many individuals organizations that worked tirelessly and effectively: Our construction company, Skanska, and Advisory Board member Vinson Richter provided significant assistance in the planning of the Marine Stadium cleanup. The Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau proved instrumental in organizing every aspect of the entire weekend. The planting project showed how Virginia Key can be a catalyst for community involvement. Working closely with Virginia Key Beach Trust, TREEMendous, the Museum of Science, the Biscayne Bay Coalition, the City of Miami Parks Department and DERM from the County, both planting projects (800 trees and 11,000 sea oats involved excellent cooperation between a variety of government and not for profit organizations. This is fundamental as we look forward to working together with all of these groups (and others) to implement the Virginia Key Master Plan.

"We are proud to contribute to the Marine Stadium's future," said Mike Rea, president and CEO of Tourism Cares. "Tourism Cares is a movement, and all of our volunteers and their families feel emotionally affected by this tremendous experience of service and partnership."


Check out the stunning aerial video of the Marine Stadium. You won't believe how CLEAN the Stadium is. Thank you Tourism Cares!


Miami Aerials : Old Miami Marine StadiumAerial Video  
(c) Robert Lyon 
Miami Marine Stadium In The News

                     Gloria Estefan fielding questions
                                (C) Carlos Betancourt                                  We're getting LOTS of press - local, national, and international :

The May 30th Tourism Cares Event generated outstanding press coverage. NBC Channel 6 had a major story on the cleanup, as did  
The Miami Herald video. We'd like to thank Bill Talbert, Executive Director of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, for his stellar video interview!  The   Herald   also ran a detailed story on the extensive plantings on Virginia Key. Tourism Cares also generated national publicity in Media Post Marketing and Travel. 
The Art History Mural Project continues to generate significant press for the Marine Stadium. The Huffington Post interviewed Craig O'Neil, the founder of the program, and check out the article in the very hip blog  Art Nerd New York   

The June 28 "Art and Action" event received an extraordinary amount of press. There was an excellent story in The Miami Herald and coverage on local television networks including NBC Channel Six and WHDH Channel Seven. We also had extensive international coverage and Hispanic media in publications such as  People En Espanol  and Univision. Closer to home, nhe Miami New Times did an excellent video which included interviews with several of the street artists as well as Gloria and Emilo Estefan. Art Nerd NY did a follow up story which included photographs by Logan Hicks, the Curator of the Art |History Mural Project. We know of more major stories in the works.
 A big thank you to Marine Stadium Advisory Board members Penny Lambeth and Michael Valdes Fauli for their assistance with media relations.   
Marine Stadium Inspires: 
Carolyn Cauceglia and  Marc Terwilliger  
              Carolyn Cauceglia (on left in red) with her group

Through the extraordinary efforts of people who are inspired to take action, we progress... saluting the herculean efforts of Carolyn Cauceglia and Marc Terwilliger.


In October 2009, Carolyn, an Executive with Amadeus, read about saving the Miami Marine Stadium and requested a Tourism Cares restoration effort in Miami. Carolyn then worked to convince the Tourism Cares Board of Directors (where she is a member) and helped secure the sponsors from the travel industry: including Royal Carribean, Norwegian Cruise Lines,  the Cruise Line Industry Association(CLIA), Expedia, Amadeus and others. THANK YOU CAROLYN!

One of our priorities was to improve the landscaping around the Marine Stadium so that people could "see" the Stadium. Friends of Miami Marine Stadium Advisory Board member Vinson Richter introduced us to Marc Terwilliger, owner of OneTwoTree, a highly regarded South Florida Landscaping Company. Marc immediately said I WILL DO THIS-and he and his team spent several days trimming the trees directly in front of the Stadium to open up views of the Stadium. For good measure, they also removed the Australian pines directly West of the Marine Stadium; thereby dramatically opening up views of the City. THANK YOU MARC!

             OneTwoTree working at Miami Marine Stadium
                               photo by Vinson Richter 

With all the news large and small, we've got one final request. Choreographer/dancer Hattie Mae Williams and her troop, the  Tattoed Ballerinas, are planning a site specific dance set at the Marine Stadium. They received a Knight Foundation grant and they are now funding the match with a  kickstarter campaign. They are soooo close with two days to go. Make a small donation and put them over the top!

It's Summer and we're White Hot and we are NOT slowing down!

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium 

                       Save Our Sisters Dragon Boat Team
                                    (c) Carlos Betancourt               

From the beginning of our initative to save the Marine Stadium, we've received incredible support from Miami's dragon boat community. The Puff Dragon Team was at our first event in April 2008, giving people tours of the Marine Stadium and the Dragon Slayers have been equally supportive. Pictured here is the great "Save Our Sisters" team, all comprised of Miami breast cancer survivors. All three teams participated in the June 28 event!