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    Friends of Miami Marine Stadium  
 Newsletter #65   August  2013

In This Issue
City Commission Approves Site Plan
Facebook Page
Jimmy Buffett Party
Dade Heritage Trust
Dade Heritage Trust (DHT) is the foremost organization in Miami Dade County devoted to historic preservation Formerly, DHT was the parent organization to Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, providing important advocacy and support and an administrative umbrella. Since 2011, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium became an independent 501(c)(3) not- for-profit organization.For more information on Dade Heritage Trust, click here.

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# of people on Friends of Marine Stadium email list..2610!


We respect your time and only send emails on average once a month. We do not give or sell our email list to anyone.

 If Seats Could Talk:
A Jimmy Buffett story and a "stolen" bicycle 
Since May of 2009, we have been collecting memories of the Marine Stadium for our book "IF SEATS COULD TALK."

This time in honor of the 28th Anniversary of the great Jimmy Buffett concerts of August 17/18 1985, we've got one from Don Bennett, who knew Jimmy in the 1960s and worked on his shows. Jimmy Buffett concerts created lifetime memories for many people. Click here to read it.

# of memories for IF SEATS COULD TALK

Marine Stadium Presentations

National Trust Presentation

The Miami Marine Stadium continues to attract not just local-but national attention. We have recently made a presentation to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in Washington, D.C. and to the drivers of the F! Formula One Prop Tour at the Regates De Valleyfield, one of the largest boat races in North America.

If you know of a group that is interested in a presentation about the Marine Stadium, please reply to this email.

# of Marine Stadium presentations made to date.................76 

To: Miami Marines    


  Miami City Commission Approves Marine Stadium
                                    Site Plan! 

On July 11, the Miami City Commission approved, by a 4-1 vote, the Marine Stadium site plan. This is a major hurdle;  it has been our focus since approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Miami back in March 2012. Armed with this approval, we can begin serious fundraising for the Miami Marine Stadium and the creation of Marine Stadium Park.

First up, we'd like to thank YOU, our supporters. According to one City Commissioner, the Commission was swamped with over 1,000 emails supporting our efforts to restore the Marine Stadium. Commissioners watch their emails closely, and your emails and comments were extremely effective. Thank you!

In the future, we must return to the Miami City Commission to get our lease approved. We will do this only after raising a significant  portion of the funds necessary. In the meantime, we suggest you click here to send an email thanking the Commissioners for their vote.

We may not have achieved this milestone without the help of our "voice," Gloria Estefan. Her comprehensive video testimony was delivered to great effect at the City Commission meeting. When you view it, you'll see why Gloria is so effective: she's passionate, smart and very persuasive!

Gloria Estefan: Save Miami Marine Stadium
Gloria Estefan: Save Miami Marine Stadium

Finally, while so many people and organizations helped, we'd especially like to thank our partner, the National Trust For Historic Preservation, for the scope and scale of their support in helping to create this campaign. Thank you!
Celebration, More Press, Endorsements, and

Hilario and Jorge   Hilario Candela and Jorge Hernandez Celebrate
Photo Courtesy of The Little Gables Group 
After the highly successful City Commission meeting, a celebration was called for! The stars have aligned; the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, which has recently come on board by providing us with a resolution in support of our efforts. The Chamber had planned for a July visit to the Marine Stadium followed by a reception at the Rusty Pelican.  Of course the event turned into a joyous time captured by Chamber's video. Check it out!

Over the last month, we've been fortunate to gather increased press coverage and more endorsements. The Miami Herald published their ninth editorial endorsing our efforts to restore the Marine Stadium exactly on the day of the vote.  The positive vote received plenty of local coverage, such as this story by CBS 4 Local Television, which included an interview Hilario Candela, architect of the Stadium and  Co-Founder of Friends of Miami Marine Stadium. The blog Miamism featured a comprehensive story about the Stadium. WLRN Radio broadcasted an excellent story and radio interview with Hilario Candela. Finally, the Key Biscayne Islander did an excellent story just before the City Commission vote. Since we started in 2008, the Islander has provided accurate coverage of our initiative. This is very important to us because Key Biscayne is a very important neighbor for us. It is our goal to do a project that is sensitive to this community and we work hard to keep Key Biscayners involved and informed.

We have also continued to gather the support of other important organizations: The Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association approved a resolution endorsing our efforts to restore the Stadium. We look forward to a collaboration putting "heads in beds" during Stadium events! We also received the support of the Miami-Dade State Legislative Delegation. Special thanks to Chair Eddy Gonzalez and Vice Chair Jose Felix Diaz, a member of the Friends of Miami Marine Stadium Advisory Board. Jose effectively testified on our behalf at the Commission meeting.  
Friends of Miami Marine Stadium LIKES

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Now on facebook you can see realtime news about our effort to restore the Marine Stadium ( more than our once a month update.) Go to our facebook page and "like" us. Several months ago, the National Trust for Historic Preservation began working on our facebook page and the results have been dramatic.

We usually have several interesting posts per week with lots of comments. Page "likes" have increased from 300 to over 1,600 since May. The goal: to fill all of the 6,500 seats at the Marine Stadium with "likes" on get your entire posse on board!
Celebrate Approval of Miami City Commission Victory With Jimmy Buffett Fans!

On August 17, the Miami Parrot Head Club is sponsoring a showing of Jimmy Buffett's great 1985 Marine Stadium concert, "Live By the Bay". The event will be held at Woody's Tavern in Miami Springs; festivities start at 3:00 PM and the DVD will start at 4:00 PM. The event, which is free, will be also benefit Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, through prizes, and raffles. For more information, click here.

Jimmy Buffett's wild concert in 1985 at the Marine Stadium ignited his career and is considered by many Marine Stadium fans as the greatest concert to take place at the Stadium. This is a terrific opportunity to see it.

We met Brenda Braley, President of the Miami Parrot Head Club, at our first Marine Stadium event in April 2008. Since then, Brenda and the Miami Parrot Head Club have been very important supporters of the Stadium. Many thanks to people like Brenda who have helped us make the progress we have. 

Remember that Jimmy Buffett offered his support to us a few years ago in this video. An added bonus: Gloria Estefan recently received a call from Jimmy Buffett asking how he can get involved! We live in hope!!

With approval of our site plan, we can switch gears into fundraising. We are now starting what is called "the quiet campaign" as we seek out major donors.  At the same time, we are working on the first-ever Marine Stadium exhibition, taking over the entire Coral Gables Museum starting on October 18. The exhibit has been in preparation for almost a year and we are jazzed!
With the positive momentum, we are attracting an increasing number of intriguing inquiries from people and organizations who have been "on the sidelines" waiting to see if we are "for real."

The effort to bring back the Marine Stadium IS real and with the support and involvement of all Miami Marines, we will do it.

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium

Robert Giordano/ 
          Photo by Robert Giordano/

We also continue to attract interest from artists of all types, who find the unique concrete forms, the zen-like ambiance, and ever-changing graffiti of the Miami Marine Stadium extremely inspiring. The Marine Stadium as art is just one of the themes that we are all exploring for our sensational exhibit at the Coral Gables Museum this fall. If you have an idea or memorabilia that you think would be useful in the exhibit, click