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    Friends of Miami Marine Stadium  
    Newsletter  #63     May 8, 2013

In This Issue
City Commission Update
Preservation Magazine
Miami Dade State Legislative Delegation
Marine Stadium Presentations
Miami Today Correction
Dade Heritage Trust
Dade Heritage Trust (DHT) is the foremost organization in Miami Dade County devoted to historic preservation Formerly, DHT was the parent organization to Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, providing important advocacy and support and an administrative umbrella. Since 2011, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium became an independent 501(c)(3) not- for-profit organization.For more information on Dade Heritage Trust, click here
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# of people on Friends of Marine Stadium email list..2577


We respect your time and only send emails on average once a month. We do not give or sell our email list to anyone.

 If Seats Could Talk:
Stories of Miami
Marine Stadium 
 On the main page, you see Jerry Powers' terrific story of his experience as the promoter for the Allen Ginsberg poetry reading that took place in 1972. We began collecting these stories in 2009 and we are still at it. If you've got a great story about the Marine Stadium, if you've got a story to tell, just reply to this email.

# of memories for IF SEATS COULD TALK

Marine Stadium Presentations

Recently, we made a presentation about the Marine Stadium to the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee of the Metropolitan Planning Committee, Miami Dade County. These presentations are beneficial for two reasons: we get to "spread our message" about the Marine Stadium-and we get to learn from the community. This meeting was particularly important, because we want to make Marine Stadium Park "bicycle friendly" to the many cyclers who pass by on Rickenbacker Causeway. A big thank you to Staffer David Henderson and the members of the Committee for their excellent ideas.

We've recently made presentations about the Marine Stadium to the Rotary Club of Coral Gables, the Marine Industry Trade Council, and the Board of Directors of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. If you know of an organization that might be interested in a presentation about the Marine Stadium, please reply to this email.

# of Marine Stadium presentations made to date.................75

To: Miami Marines    

While we continue to work on getting our Site Plan approved by the Miami City Commission, we have several positive developments to report. 

Gloria Estefan Joins Effort To Restore Marine Stadium 

(c) Carlos Betancourt Inc.
                    Gloria Estefan at Miami Marine Stadium
                         Photo: (c) Carlos Betancourt Inc.

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium and the National Trust for Historic Preservation are pleased to announce that Gloria Estefan, a Grammy winning crossover ortist and leading Miami businesswoman, will take a prominent role in the ongoing advocacy campaign to restore the iconic stadium as a centerpiece of cultural life in Miami. Estefan, a Trustee of the National Trust since 2012, will serve as the voice of efforts to preserve Miami Marine Stadium at a time when the Miami City Commission is weighing approval  of a new Site Plan for the stadium.

Estefan will lend her support to the National Trust and Friends of Miami Marine's ongoing efforts by appearing in public service announcements, sharing information about the campaign with her friends and followers on social media, and appearing in print and video materials supporting the Stadium's restoration.
"Miami Marine Stadium is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind place and I am thrilled to join the National Trust and Friends of Miami Marine Stadium to help restore it to its former glory. As someone who once had the honor of performing at the Stadium, I can attest to the fact that it is a completely unique place, and I know thousands of Miami residents  feel the same kind of personal connection to the stadium."

On April 24, Gloria Estefan participated in a photo shoot at the Miami Marine Stadium with renowned Miami artist and photographer, Carlos Betancourt, who is also on the Advisory Board of Friends of Miami Marine Stadium.

Antique Boat Museum ProposesTo Raise $7 million for Satellite Maritime Museum at Marine Stadium Park  

Antique Boat Museum

Antique Boat Museum of Clayton, NY 

The Antique Boat Museum (ABM) of Clayton, NY, the premier freshwater nautical museum in North America, has proposed to raise $7 million for a satellite museum in the proposed Maritime Center that will be developed directly west of the Miami Marine Stadium. The Maritime Center is part of the Virginia Key Master Plan, approved by Miami City Commission in July, 2010.

ABM and Friends of Miami Marine Stadium have been discussing this initiative for over a year. The proposal follows a visit to the Miami Marine Stadium by Fritz Hager, Executive Director of the Antique Boat Museum. According to Hager, ABM envisions a "dynamic, community-focused educational and cultural center at the Stadium complex which celebrates the rich boating history of South Florida. We see a place that connects people to the water, whether in small human-powered watercraft that people can row or paddle at no charge, or in large, off-shore vintage power boats that take people out for a 45 minute thrill ride." To read the entire letter from Fritz Hager, click here

 The Antique Boat Museum is particularly excited about collaborating with neighbors, the Miami Rowing Club and MAST Academy, to offer educational and recreational programs. The involvement of ABM is a key component to meeting our objective:  the creation of a publicly activated waterfront space that will generate activity and life, even when no special events are taking place at the Marine Stadium.  
If Seats Could Talk:
Allen Ginsberg At Miami Marine Stadium
+ An In-Depth Marine Stadium Video by Miami Pop 

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg

For the last four years, we have been compiling memories of the Miami Marine Stadium. We're up to 183 so far.  One of our best came last week - the story of the famed beat poet Allen Ginsberg's performance - promoted by the esteemed
Jerry Powers.

This historical performance at the Marine Stadium had a twist: Jerry Powers, Allen Ginsberg, and others were arrested because Ginsberg was accused of "inciting a riot" through some remarks he made. To read Jerry's first hand account, click here

Jerry Powers is well known to the Miami community as the founder of Ocean Drive Magazine, a local institution which helped fuel the resurgence of Miami as a truly world-class City. Now, he and his daughter, Jacquelynn, have started a new venture, Miami Pop Media, a 360 luxury lifestyle company that captures the essence of the dynamic and vibrant communities comprising South Florida.

Jacquelynn recently produced an in-depth video chronicling  the Miami Marine Stadium with current photos, archival documentary footage,  and interviews with Hilario Candela and Don Worth.  Crisply edited, it is the most comprehensive piece we have seen about the Miami Marine Stadium and our efforts to restore it. Our admiration and thanks to Jaquelynn and her team at Miami Pop Media. 
Miami Marine Stadium In The News

DK Design Group, Copenhagen, Denmark

                          Floating Stage Design Entry
             Pink Cloud Design, Copenhagen, Denmark

Recently, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium and the National Trust for Historic Preservation sponsored a press event for local bloggers and the architectural press. We had an impressive response.

Miami New Times did a terrific story entitled "Miami Marine Stadium: A Rendering of Magic Concrete, and Spray Paint."  The popular real estate blog  CurbedMiami's story highlighted photos narrated by Editor Sean McCaughaun's trademarked wit.  A story in The Architect's Newspaper Blog featured a video of Miami Marine Stadium Co-Founders Don Worth, Hilario Candela and Jorge Hernandez along with more photos.  Abandoned Florida, a terrific website which provides a dato base of historic, lost and abandoned sites in Florida also had a unique take on the Stadium.

We are expecting more press for one simple reason: Anyone who sees the Miami Marine Stadium is captivated by its soul and potential. Many thanks to Jason Clement, Virgil McDill, and Adriana Gallegos from the National Trust for Historic Preservation,  Rosemary Ravinal for her Public Relations expertise and Nina Weber Worth of Friends of Miami Marine Stadium for making the event a press success.

Finally Pink Cloud Design of Copenhagen, Denmark recently posted a very witty  video link to their entry to our Floating Stage Design Contest, co-sponsored by Dawntown, in 2011. Their entry was judged second out of 90 entries by our judging panel. Some of us think they should have won! 

We are progressing on a number of fronts, but we are still working to get our Site Plan approved by the Miami City Commission.

While we don't have a specific date yet to go back to the City Commission, your taking the time to show support for the Marine Stadium can make a palpable difference.  Please email all of the Commissioners below-as well as the Mayor, with your words of support our site plan for the Stadium's restoration. Even if you have done so before, it's equally important to do it again!

It's easy...Just click here to send an email.  Please forward this link to your friends and encourage them to do so as well.
While we have found negotiating with the City Commission and Administration to be both challenging and complicated, we will not be deterred.  We are continuing to make progress  in other areas and we gather more and more support all the time. We will have good news to report in future emails.

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium 
February Shoot

Photo by Nina Weber Worth

  Above you see a TV shoot (national spot) for a new electronic device. The shoot took place at the Marine Stadium, which is increasingly becoming a popular location for commercial shoots of all types. The Stadium was even featured in Michael Bay's new movie, "Pain and Gain".

A big thank you to Vicente Betancourt,  Film Industry Liason for the City of Miami, who has made shooting the spot featured above at the Marine Stadium possible.  Please note that all commercial shoots at the Stadium must go through the City of Miami permit process and have the necessary insurance.