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    Friends of Miami Marine Stadium  
    Newsletter  #62     March 26, 2013

In This Issue
City Commission Update
Preservation Magazine
Miami Dade State Legislative Delegation
Marine Stadium Presentations
Miami Today Correction
Dade Heritage Trust
Dade Heritage Trust (DHT) is the foremost organization in Miami Dade County devoted to historic preservation Formerly, DHT was the parent organization to Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, providing important advocacy and support and an administrative umbrella. Since 2011, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium became an independent 501(c)(3) not- for-profit organization.For more information on Dade Heritage Trust, click here
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# of people on Friends of Marine Stadium email list..2516


We respect your time and only send emails on average once a month. We do not give or sell our email list to anyone.

 If Seats Could Talk: The Creation of the Miami  Marine Stadium
 Ever wonder what kind of political intrigue there was in the formation of the Miami Marine Stadium? Just read this first person account of someone who was there, Lester Johnson. Lester has had a distinguished career of community service in Miami and has seen it all. Given that we are almost 1/2 century away from the creation of the Marine Stadium, his account is fascinating.

We've been collecting stories of the Marine Stadium for our book of Memories, IF SEATS COULD TALK. If you've got a story to tell, just reply to this email.

# of memories for IF SEATS COULD TALK


To: Miami Marines    

Still working our way through Miami City Hall. We need your participation (again)! 

Miami City Commission Holds Hearing on Marine Stadium Site Plan: Decision scheduled for April meeting  
On March 14, the Site Plan recommendations of the Miami Marine Stadium Steering Committee, as appointed by the City Manager, were presented to the Miami City Commission. The Steering Committee had approved our recommended site plan by a unanimous vote on December 18, 2013.
As part of the meeting, we presented an in-depth rationale of the site plan. Our presentation was well received and there was virtually no opposition from the public. Nevertheless, several Commissioners were noncommittal about supporting the plan. Commission Chair Marc Sarnoff asked for the item to be brought back in 30 days for a yes or no vote (current timetable is April 11 meeting). During this interum time, we are striving to work out language acceptable to the City Administration and City Commission.

Though our initiative will be outstanding asset both to community and to the City, It all comes down to counting votes. There are five Commissioners and we need three votes. Chairman Sarnoff and Commissioner Willy Gort are "yes" votes-so we need one more. The other Commissioners, Francis Suarez, Frank Carollo, and Michelle Spence-Jones (Ms. Spence-Jones did not attend our hearing) have not indicated to us how they will vote.

We are asking you to email these three City Commissioners and ask them to support our efforts to restore the Marine Stadium.
it is essential that the Commissioners feel a groundswell of support.  Please take a few minutes to write a brief email to the following City Commissioners. 

Just click on the links below to email these Commissioners.

Commissioner Francis Suarez

If you can't use the links above, just copy and paste the following email addresses.   
Your emails must be sent before April 11. 
Marine Stadium Enters Into The National Spotlight   

We are "ready for our close-up" with our first national cover story  in Preservation Magazine.  This ten page spread features a comprehensive review of our efforts and stunning new photographs of the Marine Stadium. The article firmly places us on the national stage as the most closely-watched historic preservation initiative in the United States. 

This magazine is published by the National Trust For Historic Preservation (NTHP), the most important preservation organization in the United States. NTHP has named the Marine Stadium as National Treasure. This initiative has enabled us to develop an extraordinarily invaluable working relationship with them. You can also witness the behind-the-scenes story of the Marine Stadium photo shoot in the Preservationnation Blog
Miami Dade State Legislative Delegation Wowed By Visit to Miami Marine Stadium 

Miami Dade State Legislative Delegation

From Left to Right: State Representative Jose Javier Rodriguez (Little Havana), Hilario Candela, Architect of Miami Marine Stadium, Eddy Gonzalez, Chairman, Miami Dade State Legislative Delegation (Hialeah), Jose Felix Diaz, Vice Chair, (Miami)

Recently, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium hosted a visit to the Stadium for the Miami Dade State Legislative Delegation. The consensus of the three Florida legislators: restoring the Stadium is good for South Florida in ways that matter to their constituents.

Eduardo, "Eddy" Gonzalez (R-Hialeah), Chair of the Delegation,commented: "As a lifelong resident of Miami Dade County, I believe we have places in our community that have a positive influence on our residents. The Marine Stadium is one of those jewels...the effect that it had in its heydey is a testament to what it can be for the future, once it is up to the standards that it deserves."

Jose Felix Diaz (R-Miami), Vice Chair of the Delegation noted, "It is impossible to visit the Marine Stadium and not imagine the monumental potential that it has as a world class tourist destination."

Jose Javier Rodriguez (D-Little Havana)  was equally enthusiastic: "The Stadium is a treasure turned travesty. Bringing it back in a responsible way isn't just about holding onto great memories or a piece of history, but about meeting our City's needs today for accessible public space with multiple uses. I am grateful that a group of fellow Miamians of good will are working so hard on this project. Their commitment to use very little or no public money speaks volumes. I can't wait to go to the grand opening." 
 Marine Stadium Presentations 

Municipal Art Society

Municipal Art Society Summit Conference, Time Warner Building,
New York City, October  2012

We have made seventy-one community presentations about the Marine Stadium. Upcoming presentations are scheduled for the Marine Industry Trade Council and the Coral Gables Rotary Club. No matter where we go, the response to our initiative is always enthusiastic. 
Awareness of the Stadium has sparked international interest as well. The Marine Stadium was recently featured at Princeton University's Global Forum in Shanghai, China, and a Conference sponsored by the Colombian Association of Concrete Producers in Cartagena, Colombia.

If your group is interested in a presentation about the Marine Stadium, please respond to this email.
Miami Today Correction 

On March 14, you may have seen an article in Miami Today entitled "Raise Marine Stadium 5 Feet During Restoration, City Advised".

We want to make it clear that this headline is incorrect. We NEVER PROPOSED to raise the Marine Stadium five feet. The Marine Stadium Steering Committee, as appointed by the Miami City Manager, had asked us to evaluate elevating the proposed Flex Park, to be located East of the Stadium, by five feet in order to insert a level of parking underneath it. While this alternative would create additional parking and improve site lines, we determined that the additional $7 million cost would make this option prohibitive in the short run.  

We have already written a Letter to the Editor detailing the correction.


Despite the positive National Media attention, we must keep our focus on the City's approval of our site plan.  It is imperative that we create a massive groundswell of support and email the Commissioners listed above-and please forward this email to others who will do the same. City Commission approval is the only thing preventing us from moving forward...and it all comes down to counting votes.

We can make this happen!

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium

                                Up On The Roof

Laser Scan 
Above is Brian Shea, a graduate research assistant from the University of Florida's Historic Preservation Program on the roof of the Miami Marine Stadium. Brian is part of a team from U.F. that conducted three days of Laser Scanning of the entire stadium. Individual scans are then registered to create a 3D model, or point cloud, of the site. From this model, highly accurate built drawings will be created for the future rehabilitation and maintenance of the site. This is an integral part of the process and we thank all the participants.

Funding for this project was generously provided by the Villagers, Inc., from a grant obtained by Dade Heritage Trust. Thank you!