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    Friends of Miami Marine Stadium 
Newsletter  #60       February 25, 2013

In This Issue
Dade Heritage Trust
Dade Heritage Trust (DHT) is the foremost organization in Miami Dade County devoted to historic preservation Formerly, DHT was the parent organization to Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, providing important advocacy and support and an administrative umbrella. Since 2011, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium became an independent 501(c)(3) not- for-profit organization.For more information on Dade Heritage Trust, click here
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# of people on Friends of Marine Stadium email list..2512


We respect your time and only send emails on average once a month. We do not give or sell our email list to anyone.

 Presentations on the Miami Marine Stadium
 We have recently presented to MAST Academy (both the student body and faculty), The Diggers Garden Club of Coral Gables, and Biscayne Bay Yacht Club.  If you know of an organization that would be interested in a presentation, please respond to this email.

Total community presentations made to date............71

To: Miami Marines    

Call for action,,,we really need your help

Marine Stadium Site Plan set to go before Miami City Commission - for the Marine Stadium and surrounding area.We Need Your Support! 
This Thursday, February 28 at time certain 9:30 AM, the Miami City Commission will review the Site Plan for the renovation of Marine Stadium and surrounding area. We have labored for the last six months developing this Site Plan and  conducted six meetings with the Steering Committee as appointed by the City Manager.  In December, 2012, the Site Plan was approved unanimoulsy (12-0 vote) by the Steering Committee. We are pleased that Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, the District Commissioner and Chair of the Steering Committee, voted to approve the plan. This is Item on the agenda as a discussion item only. We do not expect action to be taken.

We are asking you to email the City Commissioners and ask them to support our efforts to restore the Stadium.
it is very important that the Commissioners feel a groundswell of support.  Please take a few minutes to write a brief email to the City Commission. 

Just click on the links below to email the Commissioners.

To send to all five Commissioners at once, click here

If you are having difficulty loading your email page, the email addresses are below and you can copy and paste them:

It is important to send your email to the City Commission before Thurs., February 28.

If you would like to attend the meeting, the address is

Miami City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami (Coconut Grove) 

The time for action is now. We need to show the Miami City Commission the importance of renovating the Marine Stadium! Please email your support-and forward this email to all who care about the Marine Stadium.   

We can make it happen and your collective voices will make a difference !

Friends of Miami Marine Stadium