April Chapter Meeting & Luncheon
Monday, April 11, 2016
11:30am - 1:00pm
The Fort Worth Club
12th Floor
"The Dilemmas of Ethical Fundraising"
Do you ever find yourself feeling a little alone when making decisions?
In addition to your staff position, do you hold volunteer positions in other organizations?
What is your role when organizational changes occur and ethical dilemmas are created?
The April program is designed as an interactive presentation devoted to leadership, decision making, and ethical challenges. As you prepare for the April meeting, Annette asks that you think about the fundraising and organizational hats that you wear in both your staff and volunteer roles.
Presented by:
Annette Blaschke
Annette, a member of AFP for 26 years, has served as president of the Fort Worth Metro Chapter (2006 & 2007), and was also the recipient of the 2002 Ben Franklin Award (professional fundraiser of the year).
She began her career as a professional educator. Annette was a high school teacher and later became a workshop trainer for students and teachers in the areas of human relations, communication, and leadership
During her many years as a professional fundraiser, she has had extensive experience in: annual giving, capital campaigns, planned giving, database design and management, volunteer training, event planning, donor relations, and board development.
|  | Katherine Curtis, CFRE |  |
President's Message
April 2016
This morning I woke up in Boston to snow falling from the sky, freezing temperatures and excitement about day two of the AFP International Conference. While spring has officially begun, the northeast didn't get the memo.
At the Chapter President's Meeting I attended on Sunday as part of the conference, an overwhelming sense of pride fell over me for our chapter. While many chapters, by their own admission, stood up to say their members are comfortable in "the way we've always done things",, I proudly stood up as one of the very few who believe our chapter members are truly changing the way our community thinks about fundraising and philanthropy. We are strategic thinkers, intentional about our career paths, and relationship and community builders throughout north Texas.
Our chapter is one of 34 AFP Chapters who received the 10-star Gold Award. There are chapters across the USA and throughout the world. And because of you, your dedication to our profession, and our amazing team that leads our chapter, we are 1 of 34 who receive the highest honor from AFP. Pat yourselves on the back for this amazing accomplishment made possible by you, our members.
I look forward to seeing you at our April 11 meeting to share more about the international conference and hear from our colleague, Annette Blaschke, as she shares with us dilemmas of ethical fundraising.
Katherine Curtis, CFRE
Girls Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains
Special Recognition
In recognition of valued participation in the AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter, we are grateful to the following for their membership and longstanding commitment to a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life.
Mark Woolverton - 15 Years
Paula K. Parrish, CFRE - 15 Years
Jackie L. Hamm - 5 Years
Don't Miss the 28th Annual Party-FEST!!!
- Date: Wednesday, April, 6th, 2016
- Place: Dallas Market Hall - Main Hall Map to Dallas Market Hall
- Times: 11a-4p Trade Show/Silent Auction/Educational Seminars
- Silent Auction: Benefiting the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Dallas & Ft. Worth Chapters (THAT'S US!!!)
- Attendee Cost: $10.00 on-line $15.00 at the door
- Free Parking free lot shuttles
One of the great benefits of membership in AFP it the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals through the Mentor-Mentee Program.
These personal matches help form relationships that are lasting.
For those interested in being matched with an AFP Mentor, please click on this link and complete the mentoring form, and email it back to AFP Office. Matches will be made as soon as possible depending on need and availability.
If you're an experienced professional and would like to become a mentor, please let Lauren Harris
know and she'll get you matched!
2016 AFP Web/Audio Conferences
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