Association of Fundraising Professionals -
Fort Worth Metro Chapter Newsletter

2015 Fort Worth AFP National Philanthropy Day
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

The Cendera Center | 3600 Benbrook Hwy.
Fort Worth, TX  76116

National Philanthropy Day celebrates philanthropy and highlights the accomplishments, large and small, of all those involved in the in the philanthropic process that contributes so richly to our society and our world.  The purpose of this day is to recognize the great contributions of those active in the philanthropic community.

We all have many great volunteers and donors, but a small budget to truly steward and thank those donors.  National Philanthropy Day is a wonderful way to host those special donors and celebrate all they do with a beautiful lunch and program.

Registration is still open for you to purchase tickets or tables to bring your donors to the 2015 Fort Worth Metro AFP National Philanthropy Day luncheon event at the Cendera Center in Fort Worth.

You'll find more information about National Philanthropy Day on our website, or email with questions.

We look forward to seeing you at National Philanthropy Day 2015!

All the best,
Karen Derrick and Nancy Jeter, MBA
~ 2015 AFP National Philanthropy Day Committee Co-Chairs

Lyn Downing, CFRE
President's Message

November 2015 

"Be quick to learn and wise to know."
-- George Burns
Learning is a constant state for all of us.  We strive to learn more about our donors and make sure we understand why they continue to support our organizations.  Continuing professional development is also critical which is why I make sure to find the time to be active with our AFP chapter.  Whether you're able to join us for the monthly programs and network with other savvy development professionals or need to pull research online for a project, AFP has a wonderful array of resources to check out. So even in the project paralysis times at work, I know I can find what I need.
Next Monthly Meeting
We don't have a program meeting in November since we're celebrating National Philanthropy DayŠ with a luncheon on Tuesday, November 10th, at the Cendera Center.  I hope you have your reservations made because as we go to "press" for the newsletter, we have every reason to believe we will be sold out again this year.  Please mark your calendar for Monday, December 14th for our last meeting this year.


Lyn Downing, CFRE
Alzheimer's Association

Welcome To Our New Members

So glad you have joined us!  Let us know what we can do for you.  That's why we're here!

Mrs. Hannah Guinn -- Fort Worth Opera
Dr. Janine Kraus, PHD -- Texas Christian University
Mrs. Lisa Mann, MED -- Easter Seals North Texas
Savannah Taylor McCully -- Christian Homes & Family Services
Ms. Leslie Hughes, MS -- United Way of Tarrant County
Bassey Obot, MS -- Obudu Association in North America

Special Recognition
In recognition of valued participation in the AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter, we are grateful to the following for their membership and longstanding commitment to a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life.

Mr. Mike C. Hughes - Member for 10 Years


Partnership for Philanthropic Planning
The Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Lone Star Council invites you to attend one or more of the programs in the 2015-16 Speaker Series - All About Relationships. Program and registration information can be found on the attached flyer and at the Council's website

2015 Be The Cause Campaign
On behalf of the AFP Fort Worth Metro Board of Directors, we ask you to join us in contributing to the 2015 Be the Cause Campaign!  All Members of the Board have pledged to give, and we are asking you to do the same.  
This year, we want to make certain that the AFP Fort Worth Metro chapter reaches its 2015 campaign goal! It's not too late - so once you have determined your commitment level, please visit the Be the Cause website at to make your gift or pledge.  The AFP Fort Worth Metro 2015 goal is $1,875, with 25% chapter participation.  Click here for answers to many frequently asked questions about the campaign.
As we say in our day jobs, "A gift of any amount does help." You can give a one-time gift or sign up for monthly giving and be a part of the AFP Alpha Society.  Your support to the Be the Cause Campaign helps our chapter in numerous ways.  Training for our chapter leaders at the Annual Leadership Academy and scholarships to the AFP International Conference are just two of the many benefits we receive. 
Please feel free to contact Lyn Downing if you have any questions regarding the 2015 Be the Cause
Campaign at or 817-343-1816.
We appreciate all you do for the AFP Fort Worth Metro and for our community.
Cathy Neece Brown
Be the Cause Campaign Chair
Join Our Mailing List
Important Dates
11/10/15 - 

12/14/15 -
December Holiday Luncheon

05/06/16 -
2016 DFW/AFP Philanthropy in Action Conference
2015 Chapter Programs
December 14 - Holiday Luncheon 
Friday, May 6, 2016

DFW/AFP Philanthropy In Action Conference

Irving Convention Center

**If you would like to volunteer, please contact Larry Bisno at
"Monday Must-Read"
We are proud to announce a new initiative for our members: the "Monday Must Read."  You can find it every Monday on our Facebook page.  "Monday Must Read" includes books from industry experts, studies, and other articles that you may find essential to your career development.  Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow this initiative along with other discussion posted.

Like us on Facebook

2015 AFP Web/Audio Conferences
Summer is over and it's time to think again about professional education opportunities. A high quality, low cost, convenient option are the
AFP 2015 Webinars offerred in partnership with the Center for Nonprofit Management West.  

Sessions are available at $10 for AFP members, $15 for non-members.  

Dates and subjects appear below.   

Center for Non Profit Management West 2701 W. Berry Street, Fort Worth 

11:30 a.m.-Networking 
12:00 noon -1:30 p.m.-AFP Webinar and Brown Bag Lunch 

No more dates for 2015

Register?  Questions? Contact Monique Waggoner at


One of the great benefits of membership in AFP it the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals through the Mentor-Mentee Program. 


These personal matches help form relationships that are lasting.


If you're an experienced professional and would like to become a mentor, please let Roger Partridge, CFRE know and he'll get you matched!


For those interested in being matched with an AFP Mentor, please register through the link below:


Click on this link and complete the mentoring form, returning it to the AFP office.  Matches will be made as soon as possible depending on need and availability.


Do "a little" no one needs to do a lot later!  The June Philanthropy in Action Conference needs volunteers now! You can make a difference while volunteering a little time each week or month leading up to the conference, while the Philanthropy in Action Conference Committee Members are doing the heavy lifting!  We have tasks and roles to fit your schedule.  Please step up and let us know if you're willing to give "a little" of your time.


Contact the Logistics Chair at

2015 AFP Fort Worth Chapter Scholarships

1. James R. Holcomb Certified Fund Raising Professional (CFRE) Reimbursement ScholarshipCFRE Review Course or CFRE Exam Reimbursement - Four scholarships available.
Deadline: Anytime 
Amount: $250

2. Chamberlain Scholarship- AFP International Conference.

The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is again proud to announce the Chamberlain Scholarship program for the 2016 AFP International Conference. The Foundation will offer AFP chapters in accord for 2015 one Chamberlain Scholarship, which covers the recipient's conference registration fee, minus a $10 processing fee, to the AFP International Conference on Philanthropy to be held March 20-22, 2016 in Boston, MA. The scholarship is available to individuals who have never attended an AFP International Conference, and chapters are encouraged to promote the Chamberlain Scholarship program locally.

Complete information can be found here on the AFP Website.  
Note: You must be logged in to access this page.  If you have trouble logging in, please contact Membership Services at (800)666-3863.
Deadline: October 30, 2015 
Amount: Most Registration and Travel Expenses

3. John A. Davis Scholarship- 
Applies to either DFW Philanthropy Conf., AFP Int'l Conf., Fundamentals of Fundraising, CFRE certification.
Deadline: November 15, 2015
Amount: up to $750

These are highlights of scholarships available to Dallas and Ft. Worth AFP Chapter Members. Some restrictions apply so  please see our web site and then download an application. Thank you.

Questions?  Contact 

Don't miss out because you didn't check it out....see website for these and other scholarship opportunities.Look today! Apply today.

Just in case you might be thinking that "nobody ever wins those scholarships" please congratulate the following AFP Philanthropy in Action 2015 Annual Convention Registration Winners.  These lucky winners received a full registration to the conference, learned from the many track presenters, met our exhibitors and had a great lunch, too.
  • Alisha Hudman
  • Jessica Stokes
  • Misty Bacon
  • Peyton Salavarria
  • Robert Booker
  • Alisha Byerly
Please visit our web site at  to learn about on-going scholarship opportunities.  Don't be shy about applying.  We really do have Winners!

Quick Links

Changed jobs or moved?

Need to renew your membership?   

Can't find your ID#?

  Contact AFP International

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Moving? Changed Jobs? 
Moving? Changed Jobs?  
When your title, employing organization and/or mailing address, email address or any other contact information changes, you must go to and update your personal membership record. Any local updates would be overwritten when we import the latest national spreadsheet into our database.