Association of Fundraising Professionals - Fort Worth Metro Chapter Newsletter
March 2015

March Chapter Meeting & Luncheon
Our Meeting Location Has Changed! Please make note of the new location below!
 Monday, March 9, 2015 
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

 The Fort Worth Club
12th Floor - Trinity Ballroom
306 West Seventh Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Driving Directions 

*Parking Information: While valet parking will no longer be complimentary, we have been given a 50% discount, which means it will only be a small fee of $3.00 per vehicle!
March Program Topic:
Fundraising Jeopardy - The Game Show
 Find out what AFP offers fundraisers to keep them out of jeopardy and at the top of their game.  Speaking of game, Larry Hostetler, CFRE, will present a fun (What? Ethics? Fun? That's what it says) and informative "game show" that covers resources available through AFP to help you avoid ethical problems and navigate through those that can't be avoided. There are even prizes for the contestants!  Christina Adams, Past President of the Northern Arizona Chapter, says of the presentation, "What a great way to make ethics fun."  Few people want to think about ethics until it is on the front page of the paper, at which point we all want to know about it. Why wait?  Members and non-members alike, active and retired fundraisers both will benefit from and enjoy this unique presentation and there will be many opportunities for questions at the end.

Presented By:
Larry Hostetler, CFRE

About the Presenter:
Larry Hostetler, CFRE

Larry Hostetler has been the Chapter Services Director for the Association of Fundraising Professionals since 2011. His territory includes 67 chapters in the western U.S., from Minnesota, south to Louisiana and west to include Alaska and Hawaii.

Prior to joining AFP as a staff member, Larry's career in fundraising had spanned three decades, and communities, from coast to coast. He has served in both fundraising and executive director positions, most recently as the Director of Marketing and Fund Development for Sierra Vista Child & Family Services in Modesto, California.

He is a Certified Fund Raising Executive.  His service to AFP has also been wide-ranging. He has served on Chapter Boards in medium, large, and small chapters (in that order) and was Chapter President of the award-winning Yosemite Chapter in California from 2008-2010. He has also served on AFP International committees, most recently chairing the Chapter Support Subcommittee in the Membership Division. 

Larry enjoys sports (particularly baseball, where he is a fan of his hometown Cincinnati Reds), reading, and travel (which is good for his current position). He is married, has two children and one grandchild, and is one of those rare (some would say odd) people who actually enjoys public speaking.

Lyn Downing, CFRE
  President's Message  

MARCH 2015 




Greetings AFP members. 

This will be short and sweet, hope it fits the front page without getting the old "read more" link...

Our DFW Philanthropy Conference committee is working diligently to bring this area a top-notch day of learning!!!  Check out the website and register today!!!

DFW Philanthropy Conference

Friday, June 12, 2015

Online registration available at 

I look forward to seeing you at our March 9th program meeting. 



Lyn Downing, CFRE

Alzheimer's Association

Special Recognition

In recognition of valued participation in the AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter, we are grateful to the following for their membership and longstanding commitment to a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life.

Annette Blaschke - Member for 25 Years
Kristen Lilley - Member for 5 Years
Welcome To Our New Members

So glad you have joined us!  Let us know what we can do for you.  That's why we're here!
Katie AlexanderLearning Center of North Texas
Miss Paige McNamaraAlliance For Children
Ms. Kathy LanierCommunity Enrichment Center
Jocelyn Nicole Bradley, BATexas Health Resources
Dana CrumblissLena Pope
Anna MoralesACH Child and Family Services
Jasmine S WilliamsClayton YES!

Association of Philanthropic Counsel's Winter Forum

Roger Partridge, Missy Gale & Lyn Downing
AFP Leadership Circle Members enjoy breakfast with members of the Association of Philanthropic Counsel at the Ashton Hotel in Fort Worth during the Counsel's 2015 Winter Forum.

Dr. Russell James was the keynote speaker. 
Missy Gale & Nancy Fisher

Scholarship Opportunities


Money... free money! Get the picture?

You could be an AFP Scholarship recipient if you apply and are selected as a winner.  Please go to our web site ( and click Resources to find Scholarships. That's where you'll find the $buck$.   

First on the list is financial help for the DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference.  If you have been wishing to attend the conference on June 12, we have financial help for you. The deadline is April 27, 2015. You can't win if you don't apply!

Our second, ongoing opportunity is for the James R. Holcomb CFRE Reimbursement Scholarship. This is a fabulous opportunity for those who continue to strive for excellence.  This is $250 reimbursement scholarship for the CFRE review course.  This scholarship is usually paid four times a year-- that means four winners.


Don't miss out because you didn't check it out....see website for these and other scholarship opportunities. Look today! Apply today.

2015 AFP DFW Conference


Mark your calendars, the 2015 AFP DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference will be on Friday, June 12, at the Irving Convention Center.


If you have any questions please contact Larry Bisno, Conference Co-Chair at 972-322-5754 or at



Do "a little" no one needs to do a lot later! 
The June Philanthropy in Action Conference needs volunteers now! You can make a difference while volunteering a little time each week or month leading up to the conference, while the Philanthropy in Action Conference Committee Members are doing the heavy lifting!  We have tasks and roles to fit your schedule.  Please step up and let us know if you're willing to give "a little" of your time. 

Contact the Logistics Chair at 


Register NOW for the 2015 International Fundraising Conference!

Being a fundraiser means more than just raising funds.

It's about being part of one of the rising professions in the world, dedicated to improving the quality of life in our world. 


Fundraising is about you. 


That's why in 2015 AFP's International Fundraising Conference is changing to focus on one thing-you. No fundraiser is alike, just like no cause or fundraising campaign is alike.


Fundraising is about what you want it to be-what you want to focus on and where you want to take your career, your sector and your imagination.


Where will Fundraising take you in 2015? Hopefully to Baltimore, to the world's largest gathering of professionals dedicated to building the charitable sector - 

"The International Fundraising Conference."


Register NOW!

Important Dates

03/09/15: March Members Luncheon

04/13/15: April Members Luncheon

05/11/15: May Members Luncheon

06/12/15: DFW Philanthropy Conference

07/13/15: July Members Luncheon

08/10/15: August Members Luncheon

One of the great benefits of membership in AFP it the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals through the Mentor - Mentee Program. 


These personal matches help form relationships that are lasting.


If you're an experienced professional and would like to become a mentor, please let Roger Partridge, CFRE know and he'll get you matched!


For those interested in being matched with an AFP Mentor, please register through the link below:


Click on this link and complete the mentoring form, returning it to the AFP office.  Matches will be made as soon as possible depending on need and availability.

2015 AFP Web/Audio Conferences
Are you looking for a high quality, low cost, convenient fund raising educational source? 

Once again, your chapter is offering select offerings from the AFP 2015 Webinars in partnership with the Center for Nonprofit Management West.  

Sessions are available at $10 for AFP members, $15 for non-members.  

Dates and subjects appear below.   

Center for Non Profit Management West 2701 W. Berry Street, Fort Worth 

11:30 a.m.-Networking 
12:00 noon -1:30 p.m.-AFP Webinar and Brown Bag Lunch 

Tuesday, April 14th
Fundraising on a Shoestring (Fundraising for Those with No Time to Fundraise) Alice Ferris, ACFRE & James Anderson 

Wednesday, May 20th
Engaging Your Board in Fundraising for the Small Shop Sandy Rees, CFRE 

Wednesday, September 16th 
In It for the Long Haul: How Donor Retention and Major Gifts Can Transform Your Nonprofit James Greenhoe, CFRE   

Register?  Questions? Contact Linda McMillan at 
Join Our Mailing List
Quick Links

Changed jobs or moved?

Need to renew your membership?   

Can't find your ID#?

  Contact AFP International

Like us on Facebook
View our profile on LinkedIn


This scholarship is open to AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter members. The scholarship will reimburse $250 to a member who has paid for either the CFRE review course or the exam.

For more details and application, please visit our website and search the Member Resources tab - .


Fundamentals of Fundraising Scholarship 

 This scholarship application is open to AFP Fort Worth Metro or Dallas Chapter members.  Awarded scholarships provide the registration fee for the annual Fundamentals of Fundraising two-day course,

which offers a complete overview of the development foundation and is sponsored by the Fort Worth Metro and Dallas Chapters. 

Applications are available on our website -




AFP Diverse Communities Scholarship

As a community of inclusion, the Association of Fundraising Professionals seeks, embraces, and engages diverse individuals, groups, and organizations with a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, thoughts and cultures within the fundraising profession. Through this strategic initiative, AFP is committed to activities that increase awareness of diversity issues.


As part of this commitment, AFP has created a diversity scholarship program to provide financial assistance for the professional development of AFP members who are themselves members of a diverse community, or are employed by grassroots organizations that primarily serve diverse populations. 

Additional information is available on our website -




Moving? Changed Jobs? 
Moving? Changed Jobs?  
When your title, employing organization and/or mailing address, email address or any other contact information changes, you must go to and update your personal membership record. Any local updates would be overwritten when we import the latest national spreadsheet into our database.
2015 Chapter Programs
April 13, 2015
Program Topic: Events
Presented by: Lerii Smith

May 11, 2015
Program Topic: TBD
Presented by: Lynne Wester, 

July 13, 2015
Program Topic: Grant Writing
Speaker: Ann Rice

August 10, 2015
Day with Simone Joyeaux
- Morning: "Making the Move to Top Management"
- Luncheon Meeting: "Getting the Board Involved in Fund Development"
- Afternoon: "Asking for the Gift Face-to-Face"

September 14, 2015 
Program Topic: Donor Retention: Current Rates are Plummeting! What Can Every Fundraiser Do to Reverse the Trend?
Presented by: Chris Painchaud, Bloomerang

October 12, 2015
Program Topic: Annual Fund - Beyond Direct Mail and Special Events
Presented by Panel:
- Lisa Fellers, The Warm Place

- Angie Gallaway, Ronald McDonald House
- Natalie Houghton, Cook Childrens
- Janine Kraus, Texas Christian University
- Michelle Crim (moderator), Presbyterian Night Shelter

November 2015 National Philanthropy Day

December 14, 2015
Holiday Luncheon