Association of Fundraising Professionals - Fort Worth Metro Chapter Newsletter
December 2014

You Are Invited to a 
Special December Luncheon Celebration! 

Celebrating Us: Our Causes, Our Profession, Our Relationships


 Monday, December 8, 2014
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Omni Fort Worth Hotel | 1300 Houston Street

Join your colleagues and bring someone new to the profession for a networking lunch-time holiday reception and celebration of our collective work, including buy one-get one event registration, drawings, and a holiday gift exchange.


  • Celebrate our Causes - You can bring an item to benefit the Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains' school-after school Girl Scouts Leadership Experience program (pencils, crayons, markers, wipes, hand sanitizer, scotch tape, post-it notes, zip lock bags).
  • Celebrate Our Profession - AFP members can take advantage of our first-ever BOGO. Register yourself and bring a non-member - someone who is interested in our profession - FREE OF CHARGE!
    • For Non-Members, 3 one-year AFP Professional memberships will be awarded in a drawing for non-members to encourage commitment to our profession. The winner must be present to win.
    • For Members, two drawings will be held. 
      • A gift certificate for a dinner for two at The Cast Iron Restaurant from the Omni Hotel.
      • A gift certificate from Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains for two boxes of your choice of world famous Girl Scout Cookies 
  • Celebrate Our Relationships - Get to know your colleagues, new and old, in our first ever "White Elephant Holiday Cake Walk Gift Exchange." Each AFP member should bring 2 really cheap, silly, fun gifts valued at less than $5 (one for you and one for your guest), tagged with your name. We'll exchange those gifts in a room-encircling version of the proverbial "cake walk." Your challenge is to find and thank your gift giver.

All the best to you, your family, and your organization this Holiday Season! 
Lyn Downing, CFRE
  President's Message  

Happy Holidays Everyone!




It is the season of giving thanks and time to prepare for the many celebrations and events.  As busy fundraisers, this means a time to carefully balance the demands of our work life (must meet end of year goals) as well as devote time to our families and friends.


National Philanthropy DayŽ Celebration

I wanted to give a special thank you to this year's co-chairs, Nancy Jeter and Beth Zimmerman, who along with a wonderful committee of AFP volunteers, produced a super National Philanthropy Day (NPD) event. 


We were thrilled to have a sold-out event again this year.  In fact we had to add another table 10 minutes before the doors opened!!! What a great problem to have. We really enjoyed our always gracious emcee, Deborah Ferguson, who guided the awards program.  She added her own special "flare" to the event and kept everyone thoroughly entertained and engaged. Following rave reviews, the 2015 committee is already hard at work...details to follow.


Looking ahead to 2015

Watch your email inbox...there will be changes to our meeting location.  The Omni is unable to accommodate our meeting schedule in 2015, so we are exploring our options.  Rest assured our goal is to provide a central location, good food, easy parking options and exceptional surroundings for our luncheon meetings.  And we are committed to keeping the price for our members at $20 per meeting.  Stay tuned, we will have this resolved by our December meeting.


Speaking of December, I look forward to seeing everyone at the December 8th program at the Omni. This program is not to be missed. Trisha Dunbar and her team have put together a wonderfully innovative networking program and ---remember --- we are giving back to Girls Scouts at this meeting.  Opportunities for gift giving and gift receiving!!! Aren't you intrigued?  Look for details in the program section of our newsletter.




Lyn Downing, CFRE

Alzheimer's Association

Welcome To Our New Members

So glad you have joined us!  Let us know what we can do for you.  That's why we're here.

Mr. Roy T Rimmer JrI Give Here Foundation
Alma HernandezHoly Family Catholic School
Mrs. Keegan HandLena Pope
Dana HarrisFort Worth ISD Education Foundation
Mrs. Tacia M Torres, BA 
Mrs. Julie Dowell, MBA, JDChild Study Center
Mr. Joseph DozierJTD Strategies LLC

2014 Be The Cause Campaign


YOUR gift can help the AFP Fort Worth Metro chapter meet our goal TODAY!


Be the first one to make a gift and receive a special treat at the December meeting. 


We need YOUR help to reach our goal.  

  • The AFP Fort Worth Metro 2014 goal is $1,800 and we have raised $1,790.  ONLY $10 left to meet our goal.       
  • Great news! AFP International has launched a new donation site and giving is now easier than ever!    
  • Please visit the Be the Cause website at to make your gift or pledge.  

Please feel free to contact Angie Gallaway if you have any questions regarding the 2014 Be the Cause Campaign at or 817-820-8988.


We appreciate all you do for the AFP Fort Worth Metro and for our community!


Register NOW for the 2015 International Fundraising Conference!


Being a fundraiser means more than just raising funds.

It's about being part of one of the rising professions in the world, dedicated to improving the quality of life in our world. 


Fundraising is about you. 


That's why in 2015 AFP's International Fundraising Conference is changing to focus on one thing-you. No fundraiser is alike, just like no cause or fundraising campaign is alike.


Fundraising is about what you want it to be-what you want to focus on and where you want to take your career, your sector and your imagination.


Where will Fundraising take you in 2015? Hopefully to Baltimore, to the world's largest gathering of professionals dedicated to building the charitable sector - 

"The International Fundraising Conference."


Register NOW! 


2015 AFP DFW Conference


Mark your calendars, the 2015 AFP DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference will be on Friday, June 12, at the Irving Convention Center.


The conference planning committee is in need of volunteers from the Fort Worth Chapter.  All committees need help, including Guest Relations.  If you have any interest please contact Larry Bisno, Conference Co-Chair at 972-322-5754 or at


Important Dates

One of the great benefits of membership in AFP it the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals through the Mentor - Mentee Program. 


These personal matches help form relationships that are lasting.


If you're an experienced professional and would like to become a mentor, please let Craig Schaefer know and he'll get you matched!


For those interested in being matched with an AFP Mentor, please register through the link below:


Click on this link and complete the mentoring form, returning it to the AFP office.  Matches will be made as soon as possible depending on need and availability.

2014 AFP Web/Audio Conferences
Once again, your chapter is offering select offerings from the AFP 2014 Audioconference in partnership with the Center for Nonprofit Management West.
Sessions are available at $10 for AFP members, $15 for non-members.
Dates and subjects appear below.



Center for Non Profit Management West
2701 W. Berry Street
Fort Worth


11:30 a.m.-Networking
12:00 noon -1:30 p.m.
AFP Web/Audioconference and Brown Bag Lunch 




Wednesday, December 10

Small Shop Success: Building Something from nothing Starting a Well-Rounded Development Program
Amy Wolfe, MPPA, CFRE

Register? Questions?

Contact Linda McMillan at 

Quick Links

Changed jobs or moved?

Need to renew your membership?   

Can't find your ID#?

  Contact AFP International

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View our profile on LinkedIn
Join Our Mailing List
This scholarship is open to AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter members. The scholarship will reimburse $250 to a member who has paid for either the CFRE review course or the exam.

For more details and application, please visit our website and search the Member Resources tab - .


Fundamentals of Fundraising Scholarship 

 This scholarship application is open to AFP Fort Worth Metro or Dallas Chapter members.  Awarded scholarships provide the registration fee for the annual Fundamentals of Fundraising two-day course,

which offers a complete overview of the development foundation and is sponsored by the Fort Worth Metro and Dallas Chapters. 

Applications are available on our website -




AFP Diverse Communities Scholarship

As a community of inclusion, the Association of Fundraising Professionals seeks, embraces, and engages diverse individuals, groups, and organizations with a broad representation of experiences, perspectives, thoughts and cultures within the fundraising profession. Through this strategic initiative, AFP is committed to activities that increase awareness of diversity issues.


As part of this commitment, AFP has created a diversity scholarship program to provide financial assistance for the professional development of AFP members who are themselves members of a diverse community, or are employed by grassroots organizations that primarily serve diverse populations. 

Additional information is available on our website -




Moving? Changed Jobs? 
Moving? Changed Jobs?  
When your title, employing organization and/or mailing address, email address or any other contact information changes, you must go to and update your personal membership record. Any local updates would be overwritten when we import the latest national spreadsheet into our database.